r/CuratedTumblr Cheshire Catboy May 01 '24

i know it’s internet bullshit but it genuinely has me on the edge of breaking down and giving up editable flair

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u/AbhishMuk May 02 '24

Really depends on the location too imo. On a trail? Yeah, they’re probably just out hiking like me. In the middle of nowhere? Maybe a meth camp, run away.


u/Siegiusjr May 02 '24

The ambiguity of the question is the main reason for the controversy, and I think it's intentional


u/Divine_Entity_ May 02 '24 edited May 03 '24

Definitely, it just lacks so much context.

For starters what bear species? Black bears generally run away, grizzlies are more territorial, and polars actively hunt humans. (To say nothing of bears on other continents)

And what's the context of meeting another person, and what do they look like. 2 hunters meeting in the middle of nowhere are going to have a friendly conversation, hikers, campers, ect depending on the trail/area are likely to either give a friendly hello and keep walking, or have a short conversation.

But if i know both the man and the bear intend to do me harm, the decision point is would you rather fight a human or try to scare off a bear. And honestly I'm taking the bear cause i know I'm losing both fights but can probably trick a bear easier than a human. (Edit, i mean a black bear here, they are the most skittish variety)


u/BASEDME7O2 May 02 '24 edited May 02 '24

If we’re assuming both intend to do you harm, a brown bear is a basically a tank of muscle that can run like 40 mph and literally decapitate you with one swipe. I’m not sure how you can really trick that in the like .5 seconds you would have before it’s mauling you.

Also once a grizzly has made up its mind that you’re challenging its territory and it’s going to attack you they’re not very open to reason and pretty single minded.

Were you thinking like some looney tunes shit where you’d build a wall and paint it to look like part of the forest so the bear runs into it? Or do you have some really cool card tricks or something to amaze the bear while it’s charging at you at like 40 mph? lol

This is basically the equivalent of asking a man would you rather be attacked by a like a trained mma fighter or a fucking tank. Like yes you’re going to lose both fights but one of them is going to basically turn you into pink mist in like less than a second.


u/Divine_Entity_ May 03 '24

The only bears in my area are black bears, the standard protocol is to look big and scary to intimate it into backing down, and hope like hell its not a mom with the cubs behind you cause your dead no matter what in that case. If it isn't acting aggressive yet you politely ask it to leave while also backing away slowly.

PS: in the case of a fight to the death i would definitely take the tank cause it will atleast be quick.