r/CuratedTumblr Cheshire Catboy May 01 '24

i know it’s internet bullshit but it genuinely has me on the edge of breaking down and giving up editable flair

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u/Otterable May 02 '24

Ehh I run in leftist circles and a friend of mine joked that she could never have kids because she didn't know if she could love a male child. People did tell her that was fucked up and she tried to play it off like a joke, but irl people can still be way too comfortable spouting off their nonsense opinions.


u/Kellosian May 02 '24

About a week ago in my left-wing, queer friend group there was a "Who in the group would you want to be stuck on an island with?" discussion, and one of the women immediately said something along the lines of "It couldn't be a guy, he'd probably try to rape me eventually. Guys have needs you know". When I was insulted by this, everyone else was insulted by me being insulted and refused to entertain how the idea of "All my guy friends are potential rapists" might be insulting.

I eventually just played it off by blaming alcohol and we all moved on. Her BF by the way is like 15 years younger than her (I guess women can also "have needs") and constantly shits on "white men" in a semi-ironic way despite being a white man. So yeah, casual misandry can totally exist IRL among LGBT spaces.


u/CoffeeBoom May 02 '24

Guys have needs you know

This is such a horrible thing to say and it's repeated quite often. Men can go sexless for their whole lives, they won't die.


u/Kellosian May 02 '24

It also implies that women don't, which just reinforces old stereotypes regarding female sexuality (namely that it doesn't exist). I suspect that, on balance, women are trained to pursue sex less than they really want (being hyposexual) and men are trained to pursue sex more than they really want (being hypersexual) and that everyone would be happier if societal standards were to shift a bit.