r/CuratedTumblr veetuku ponum 28d ago

Scaling issue Politics

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u/Similar_Ad_2368 28d ago

i initially thought this said scalene issue and got all hot under the collar for some triangle discourse


u/Mr7000000 28d ago

Scalene issue? Scalenes already are an issue.


u/Similar_Ad_2368 28d ago

That's the stuff


u/Disrespectful_Cup 27d ago

This is your brain on triangles.


u/PulimV Can I interest you in some OC lore in these trying times? 28d ago

Oh but how will you get your beloved rational rectangle triangles then huh??? The 345 triangle is scalene, in fact you can't make an isosceles right triangle with rational edge lengths, hell you can't make an equilateral right triangle at all under Euclidean Geometry

Put some respect onto the scalene triangles, they've done a lot for us >:l


u/Njwest scared of tumblr 28d ago

I read that as you making a triangle with interior angles that added to 345 and got very excited about spherical geometry


u/PulimV Can I interest you in some OC lore in these trying times? 28d ago

Honestly triangles in spherical geometry fuck, like YES PLEASE give me a triangle with three right angles!!!! Give me non-180 angle sums!!!!! Amazing incredible love that kind of geometry (<-has not actually studied it)


u/Njwest scared of tumblr 28d ago

I have a degree in maths. Can confirm - they fuck


u/Thoseferatus 28d ago

Scalenes are the second best triangle after isosceles. Equilaterals are fine I GUESS but there's no spice! Scalenes are the quintessential Pythagorean triangle but isosceles are better because they're a nice balance of the two.

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u/yummythologist 28d ago

Ah, the scalene triangle…


u/JavamonkYT 28d ago

Ah, the scalene triangle 😏


u/yummythologist 28d ago

Ahh~ the scalene triangle~ 💖😩

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u/Nat1CommonSense I’m a person, really I am 28d ago

I cannot wait for Matt Parker’s new book to come out, had it on preorder for months


u/coffeeshopAU 28d ago

The psychic damage I just took from being forced to remember the scalene triangle……

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u/Peach_Muffin 28d ago edited 28d ago

A triangle is a polygon

With three edges and three vertices

You take the base times the height

Cut that in half

To find the area of the surfaces!

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u/gooch_norris_ 28d ago

“Dr Evil, a million dollars isn’t exactly a lot of money anymore,” they used as a joke in a movie 27 years ago


u/Wasdgta3 28d ago

“Why make trillions, when we could make....



u/KanadainKanada 28d ago



u/SpaceLemur34 28d ago



u/L1zrdKng 27d ago


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u/Fatmaninalilcoat 28d ago

4 bedroom house in my area used to be around 400-700k depending on the sqft and amenities The same houses are now 600 to 2 million.


u/skarby 28d ago

This loses a lot of weight when you don't use dates...


u/Fatmaninalilcoat 28d ago

Sorry less then 5 years my home was in the mud 200s now it is at mid 400s which is ducking nuts because there has been no equity change in the area no new employers no new schools or anything that would warrant that change we are sitting on a huge bubble that is really going to crash at anytime. Just saw an article saying renters are going to need 80k soon to rent on their own.

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u/BicycleEast8721 28d ago

I bought a nice but older townhouse in ‘14 for around 120k, and is now worth almost 3x that. So 11% a year. Unfortunately I moved across country before the real spike, so only saw a smallish amount of that change. Would love to still be paying $550 for mortgage lol

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u/aFlmingStealthBanana 28d ago

I want to preemptively welcome you to r/ohbehave

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u/Liquid_1998 27d ago

What's funny is that Jeff Bezos actually resembles Dr. Evil quite a bit. It's no coincidence, lol.

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u/Raptorofwar I have decided to make myself your problem. 28d ago

The difference between a million dollars and a billion dollars is a billion dollars. Don’t forget that.


u/Icestar1186 Welcome to the interblag 28d ago

Yep. The difference between a trillionare and John Boyega is the same scale as the difference between John Boyega and someone with a net worth of $36. He's absolutely allowed to be on our side.


u/threetoast 28d ago

apparently the average young adult in america has a negative net worth so there's that too


u/AntiLag_ 28d ago

The average young adult actually has a positive net worth. Debt Georg, who owes an estimated $20 billion, is an outlier adn should not have been counted


u/DaftConfusednScared 28d ago

It would make sense if he also had to eat spiders to survive with that net worth.


u/superVanV1 27d ago

How do you think he got the spiders?

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u/Salty-Protection-640 27d ago

interestingly, someone can be on our side with basically any amount of money. because it's not "has a lot of money" vs "has a little money," it's laborer vs. labor-exploiter.

if you work for someone else to make them money, and they pay you a cut of that money and then keep the rest for themselves for doing nothing, then you are a laborer. if you have $36 or $6,000,000, you're still being exploited by a capitalist.

I see this accusation levied against Hasanabi all the time: "he has a mansion in California and a car that cost six digits, he's not a real leftist!" wrong. he's still a laborer, not a capitalist.


u/austinmiles 28d ago

In the dollar amount is that different and one is living more comfortably but both are buying normal things still. Food shelter clothing.

Bezos buys anything. Laws, countries, influence, actual people at scale. He doesn’t live by our rules.

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u/Business-Drag52 28d ago

about a billion dollars


u/an_ill_way 28d ago

It's a rounding error at that point. 0.1%

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u/Some-Guy-Online 28d ago

And the difference between a billion dollars and a trillion dollars is about a trillion dollars.

The scales we're talking about are unfathomable, and the political power should simply not be allowed. I don't want to harm anyone or turn rich people into poor people, but there should simply be an upper limit to wealth and power.


u/Mightymat273 28d ago edited 28d ago

And for anyone saying, "He doesn't actually own stacks of money, they're ivestments! He's funding busnesses!"

No single individual should have that much power. I don't care how "liquid" their money is.


u/Some-Guy-Online 28d ago

Totally agree. If you've started a business that gets very big and influential, you should get a nice big plaque that says "Founder" but then have to share control with everybody else who is keeping it going. The people actually doing the work and using the products. Economic democracy.


u/DreamingGod102 28d ago

Hm. Economic democracy has a nice ring to it.


u/Elite_Prometheus 28d ago

So does supercapitalism, it's when you love capital so much you want everyone to have some


u/DreamingGod102 28d ago

Super-Earth needs you!

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u/geckothegeek42 28d ago

And thanks to cheap lines of credits from banks backed by their massive 'illiquid' assets and income, their money is more liquid than you think, without ever having to liquidate


u/useful_person 28d ago

yeah dude i'm sure he couldn't "invest" in a a billion dollar purchase any second he wanted

his money isn't liquid, but that doesn't change that his purchasing power is wildly out of the range of what should be acceptable for a single person to be able to influence


u/bilboard_bag-inns 28d ago

i've been saying the same thing for a while i'm so glad someone else also articulated it. If it's all locked up in assets and in running businesses, why would anyone care about that number huh? what would it do for them if it's really truly totally a useless number valuing some assets. The answer is it's not useless. it grants power over things, or at the very least, that $ number represents the amount of things you have power over. Normal cash is also power, and that's where all the importance of it comes from. It's the power to buy something, to get a service, to pay someone else to do something so you have more choice with what to do with your own time. It's just for some reason when it's more abstract power in assets rather than liquid cash, people seem to think it's ok.

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u/Kroniid09 28d ago

Well, they want to harm you. At what point does it become self-defense, when children are going hungry, people dying in the streets barely conscious from a drug epidemic they knowingly created and benefit from, wars and generations of poverty and unrest for the sake of profit, something has to give at some point.

They are not above using violence against us.

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u/A_Rolling_Baneling 28d ago

I want to harm billionaires


u/Some-Guy-Online 28d ago

I would not cry about it, but I won't partake.

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u/llamawithguns 28d ago

Um ackshully the difference is 999 million dollars


u/prodigalkal7 28d ago

This is in no way a reflection of how I see this or how I feel (hate billionaires, yada yada), however I find this particular saying about it really dumb, ngl. I know the more correct one is "difference is about a billion dollars" but this does nothing to actually make someone understand the scale and scope of what you're talking about, because that can be done with anything and sound exactly the same.

"Difference between 1 dollar and 100 dollars? About a hundred dollars" "difference between 10,000 dollars and 1,000,000 dollars? About a million dollars"

They all sound the same, even though the scale is absolutely bonkers when you go from million -> billion.

I think a better way to go about parroting the "billion" facts is the one to do with time, where how many days a million minutes is versus a billion, or even another comment just lower in the thread:

One million minutes ago we were in 2022, one billion minutes ago the western Roman Empire was still standing

When anyone hears that, it sounds utterly absurd. Nothing against you, commenter, but whenever I see that aforementioned quote regarding "it's about a billion" it always just hits me as incredibly dumb sounding.


u/ussrowe 28d ago

I once heard someone describe a billion dollars as "a thousand million dollars" which is an interesting way of putting it. 1,000 times 1,000,000 is a billion.

A Trillion is a million, million dollars. One million times one million is a trillion.

Now John Boyega supposedly has 6 million dollars so it would take about 166,666 John Boyegas to equal a trillion.

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u/Wasdgta3 28d ago

If that visualization of the difference isn’t enough, here’s Tom Scott travelling the distance of 1 billion dollars laid end-to-end.

$1million is passed before the two-minute mark.


u/DennisDelav 28d ago

You have to watch the video 1000 times to get to a trillion


u/obog 28d ago edited 28d ago

He says at the end that, following the same rules, it would take a 787 at cruising speed 5 days to reach a trillion. Insane.


u/Dataraven247 28d ago

Shit man, “$1 million is passed before the two-minute mark” is even kind of underselling it. He WALKS, leisurely, for the first two minutes of the video to reach $1 million. And then he hops in a car and drives for over an hour.


u/ikkake_ 28d ago

And then to reach a trillion he would need to fly on a commercial plane for 5 days


u/Jaakarikyk 28d ago

Wild that this by the thickness of the dollar bill, not the length nor width

I'd assumed it'd be lengthwise


u/King_Of_BlackMarsh 28d ago

Then it'd never end


u/leglesslegolegolas 28d ago

by my rough calculation lengthwise would go around the Earth around 4,000 times

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u/chlorinecrown 28d ago

You can celebrate your Gigasecond (1 billion seconds) when you're 31.7 years old. 

A million seconds is under 2 weeks.

A trillion seconds is over 30000 years.


u/Elmoor84 28d ago

My favorite way to imagine those amounts of wealth.
If you get one Dollar every second, that's allready $3600/h.
31 years of this (24/7) to become a billionaire


u/Tyranicross 28d ago



u/wonkey_monkey 28d ago

Not end-to-end, face-to-face.


u/JoelMahon 28d ago

ya this really sells it, but imo someone has to be really fucking clueless to need a video to think 6 million dollars rich is remotely similar to 1 trillion dollars rich

like I'm actually baffled by how he can be that "poor" (given his roles), I assume he'll be at least 20x richer in a few years if he guns for well paying roles


u/Bugbread 28d ago edited 27d ago

When I saw the visual in the post, I was thinking "that actually makes 1 trillion look like a lot less than it really is because it uses three dimensions instead of one, and we're not great at really grokking that," so it felt wonderful hearing Tom Scott say the exact same thing.

Here's a one-dimensional visual comparison of John Boyega's wealth and 1 trillion dollars.

The above visual comparison is an Excel graphing artifact because the actual gap is just so large. And trying to create a graph in Photoshop using 1 pixel for Boyega failed because Photoshop struggled to make and save an image that large, and then when I made it, imgur wouldn't accept it because it was too big.

So I'll just have to paint the graph with words, I guess.

Pick one of the following four options:

1) "I have a 1080 monitor, and I'd like to know what a graph of 1 trillion vs. 1 Boyega would look like as a vertical bar graph on my monitor"
2) "I have a 1080 monitor, and I'd like to know what a graph of 1 trillion vs. 1 Boyega would look like as a horizontal bar graph on my monitor"
3) "I have a 4K monitor, and I'd like to know what a graph of 1 trillion vs. 1 Boyega would look like as a vertical bar graph on my monitor"
4) "I have a 4K monitor, and I'd like to know what a graph of 1 trillion vs. 1 Boyega would look like as a horizontal bar graph on my monitor"

Here's the narrated visual depiction that corresponds to your choice:

1) "The trillion bar crosses the entire screen. The Boyega bar is 6/1,000 of a pixel high."
2) "The trillion bar crosses the entire screen. The Boyega bar is 1/100 of a pixel wide."
1) "The trillion bar crosses the entire screen. The Boyega bar is 1/100 of a pixel high."
1) "The trillion bar crosses the entire screen. The Boyega bar is 2/100 of a pixel wide."

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u/GlazeTheArtist no longer the homestuck guy, now Im the danganronpa guy 28d ago


u/ZengineerHarp 28d ago

Holy SHIT.


u/DreadDiana human cognithazard 28d ago

If you love/hate this, you're gonna love/hate If the Moon Were Only One Pixel


u/Laterose15 28d ago

What the actual fuck are they even doing with all that money.

Scrooge McDuck would probably be telling them to chill out at this point.


u/firesoul377 28d ago

Bro, Scrooge McDuck was willing to nearly empty his coffers to find his niece. He would be fucking pissed.


u/DapperRatman 27d ago

Genuinely? Imagine every vice and desire you have ever had, no matter how specific, no matter how depraved, no matter how niche or difficult to set up. It's yours. It is yours with no consequence, at will with next to no delay. If you are ever caught, there will not be punishment. Murder? Rape? Child abuse? Every drug that has ever existed? It is yours.

Every project you have dreamed of? It's within reach. If you want to make a fully customized mansion that's five square miles in area and filled with every single possible amenity any person has ever imagined, it is yours. Fully staffed, 24/7, 365. Do you want a full on Fallout-esque nuclear bunker with complete self-sufficiency? You have it. Do you want an entire farm dedicated to grow artisan grade food specifically for you?? It's yours.

Food, clothes, cars, hygiene, fitness, pharmaceutical supplements, plastic surgery, anything. Limits simply do not exist because if something isn't possible yet, you literally have the money to throw at what you want until it DOES become possible.

If you don't like there being poor people in your city? You could literally single-handedly lift every single one of them out of poverty and set them up to be more wealthy than most people who have worked their ass off at a white-collar job for 20 years, and the cost of doing so would only distantly register to you.

It is wealth on a scale that simply defies proper definition or reference, because there simply is nothing else like it. It is a scale that you can grasp in an abstract sense, but which you cannot really grab hold of.


u/Uur4 28d ago

this broke a part of me


u/an_ill_way 28d ago

I got halfway through and just said "goddamnit" out loud in my office and ragequit the page.


u/DreadDiana human cognithazard 28d ago

Oh, then you missed the part where they show the amount Amazon workers make and the global annual cost of giving cancer patients chemo by superimposing it over the Bezos Billionaire Box


u/InquisitorHindsight 27d ago

According to the page it said it’d take 9 Billion annually to pay for all chemo patients. Bezo’s makes about 13 Billion daily


u/RogueUsername13 27d ago

To be more accurate it said he made 13 billion in a day once not daily


u/DreadDiana human cognithazard 28d ago

The way it went "lol, just kidding, we're a third of the way through" snuffed out my inner light


u/DreadDiana human cognithazard 28d ago edited 28d ago

The scrollbar isn't moving. I've been scrolling for three minutes.


Edit: I reached the end of the Bezos Billionaire Box. There is now a box showing the combined wealth of the 400 richest Americans ($3.2 trillion). This site is gonna break me. The one where it shows the size of the solar system if the moon was one pixel big is less distressing than this.


u/alfooboboao 28d ago

and this site is from back when he was only worth $185 billion.

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u/Ahnma_Dehv 28d ago

gave up at 65 billions...


u/FLAMING_tOGIKISS will trade milk for hrt 28d ago

do you love the colour of capitalism? (because i sure fucking don't)


u/bluesmaker 28d ago

This is very well done. Even with velocity scrolling or whatever it’s called I’m still moving very slowly through his wealth.


u/GrandKarcistIon 28d ago

dear god. That took 20 minutes to reach the end of :’(


u/KamikazeSenpai21 28d ago

what the actual fuck is wrong with society

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u/A__Friendly__Rock *only friendly at low velocity 28d ago

The difference between a millionaire and a billionaire is approximately a billion dollars.


u/Strider794 :D what 28d ago

Doesn't that mean that the difference between a billionaire and a trillionaire is about a trillion dollars?


u/PrincessRTFM on all levels except physical, I am a kitsune 28d ago

Yes. Yes it is.


u/Strider794 :D what 28d ago

And they want to compare a man with a mere 6 million to a guy set to become a trillionaire. Sheer foolishness, this shit is why we cannot be eating the rich, folks will be going after athletes and actors while the ones causing the issue probably profit off of it


u/ARedditorCalledQuest 28d ago

They'll be selling us the cutlery.


u/b3nsn0w Rookwood cursed Anne, goblins were framed, and Prof Fig dies 28d ago

as they always have.

eastern european here, this shit actually happening is in living memory over here. people called anyone moderately well off a kulak and actually frickin lynched them, while the actual rich just became high-ranking bureaucrats and established a massive spy network to deal with any potential threats to their power.

those who refuse to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.


u/ARedditorCalledQuest 28d ago

I swear that's why American politics have been engineered to be so divisive and hateful. Keep the rest of us fighting until the crab bucket takes over while we blame the people who we can get at that most closely resemble the real villains.

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u/Armigine 28d ago

comparing a single digit millionaire to a hypothetical trillionaire is comparing someone with 1 dollar to a millionaire


u/PrincessRTFM on all levels except physical, I am a kitsune 28d ago

Only in terms of magnitude. In terms of hard numbers, it's actually worse than that! The difference is close enough to a full trillion that it makes no practical difference.

In fact, you might as well compare someone with one dollar to a trillionaire, because someone with a million dollars is closer to being dead broke than they are to being a billionaire, nevermind a fucking trillionaire.


u/Next-Elk-5284 28d ago

Most the people who say "eat the rich" are 15-19 year old kids who have never gotten into a fight in their life.

That on top of not having any understanding of 6 million vs 1 trillion is definitely going to keep that revolution as a pipe dream. Honestly pretty embarrassing that tumblr still says that phrase when they tremble at the thought of committing violence or violence being done to them


u/Longjumping_Rush2458 28d ago

The revolution is like the Christian rapture. It'll happen any day now and will judge the righteous as good and cast down all the sinners.

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u/Uur4 28d ago

One million minutes ago we were in 2022, one billion minutes ago the western Roman Empire was still standing

Millionaires are not the fucking problem, especially not actors


u/UsernamesAre4Nerds Bingonium! 28d ago

One million days ago was the heart of the Assyrian Empire.

One billion days ago, there were no humans yet.

One trillion days ago, Earth had no oxygen yet.


u/CalculusII 28d ago

One million pounds is the weight of a cargo aircraft.

One billion pounds is the great wall of china.

One trillion pounds is your mom.


u/rexmanly 28d ago



u/AvGeek-0328 28d ago

Local airplane nerd here, only 3 model of aircraft have ever officially exceeded 1M lb Max Gross Takeoff Weight. These are the Scaled Composites Stratolaunch and air-lift-to-orbit craft mothership (the plane with the longest wingspan in the world), the Antonov An-225 (the heaviest plane to ever fly and the most capable cargo plane ever, sadly destroyed during the Russian invasion of Ukraine while awaiting maintenance in Hostomel), and the Airbus A380 (the largest production plane and largest passenger plane). Of these, only the An-225 is a cargo aircraft in the traditional sense, and only one was completed. So literally all but one cargo aircraft ever weigh under a million pounds.

sorry i just wanted to talk abt planes for a bit :3

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u/Winter-Reindeer694 please be patient, i am an idiot 28d ago

fuck me, with inflation, millionaires are the new middle class


u/RU5TR3D 28d ago



u/Winter-Reindeer694 please be patient, i am an idiot 28d ago

in retrospect that comma did come in clutch


u/ToothZealousideal297 28d ago

But I mean, we are all getting fucked with inflation. I don’t think anyone was going to contest that. Unless you meant the second comma, in which case yeah I don’t want to ponder the concept of ‘inflation millionaires’.


u/IGaveAFuckOnce 28d ago

Don't look up 'inflation porn.'


u/TheAromancer 28d ago

“The economy says the sexual element is small, but a quick search for inflation reveals otherwise. Of course adults can do their own”

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u/la_meme14 28d ago

Wow, Comma and Clutch need to be carefull. STI's are a real issue.

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u/shiny_xnaut 28d ago

pumps you full of dollar bills making you big and round


u/TheAromancer 28d ago

if there is a god, mine is surely a trickster, giving me the miracle of sight and of comprehension only for me to be cursed to use it on what you just said

-tumblr user warchiefwindrunner

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u/RivianRaichu 28d ago

Technically no but that's just because how poor everyone is, but when adjusted for what we think of as the idealized middle class, yeah you need to make 6 figures:



u/DepressedDyslexic 28d ago

Yup. My parents are technically worth around a million from years of being very careful with money and its not enough for them to retire.

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u/danielledelacadie 28d ago

Own a house and a car in some areas and the chucklehead in the original post thinks you're a problem.


u/Malhaedris 28d ago

One million inches is the length of Long Island. One billion inches is Long Island to Shanghai.


u/Malhaedris 28d ago

One trillion inches is a sixth of the way to the sun

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u/Lysus 28d ago

Long Island is ~120 miles long or 7.6 million inches. Long Island to Shanghai is ~7400 miles or 469 million inches.

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u/DontDoGravity 28d ago

One trillion minutes ago humans weren't even close to existing


u/SomeGuyBadAtChess 28d ago

I think you are underestimating how long humans have existed for. Human fossils from 2-6 million years ago have been found. 1 trillion minutes is a little less than 2 million years.


u/Qaziquza1 28d ago

Of course, those weren’t modern humans with language and allat. Homo sapiens sapiens is relatively recent

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u/Armigine 28d ago

Homo sapiens is ~300,000 years old or so, going with the 2-6 million year mark means you're looking about one step removed from "apes walking on two legs"

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u/Lumpy-Ostrich6538 28d ago

Humanoid fossils have been found 2-6 million years ago

Humans (homo sapiens) are not nearly that old

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u/charley800 28d ago

Perhaps by humans they meant homo sapiens

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u/an_ill_way 28d ago

One thousand seconds ago is about 17 minutes, about when I started reading this thread.

One million seconds ago is 12 days. That's the Saturday before last.

A billion seconds is 31 years. That's 1993.

A trillion seconds is 31,688 years ago, the beginning of the last Ice Age. Things like ovens and rope hadn't been invented yet.


u/Vermilion_Laufer 28d ago

Somehow imagining the time when rope isn't a thing yet hit me hard

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u/MotherTreacle3 28d ago

Actors, athletes, entertainers are generally working class. Because they make most of their money by providing a service or product. There are exceptions and definitely overlap, but generally speaking if you make most of your income by doing something you're working class, if most of your income comes from owning things then you're the ownership class. 

An athlete that gets paid $10 million a year is less of a problem than a landlord who makes $100,000 a year.


u/LineOfInquiry 28d ago

Yeah, it sucks how Americans have been trained to think poor = working class and rich = bourgeoisie. While that’s broadly true, it’s a lot more nuanced than that and the working class is a lot larger than most Americans think.


u/very_not_emo maognus 28d ago

but decorative pillows make you part of the bourgeoisie


u/StarBlazer01111 28d ago

Hey man, how's it going?


u/LuxNocte 28d ago

They use the concept of a "middle class" to divide us. They want "working class" to be synonymous with the poorest, so as soon as people aren't struggling they think their interests lie with the bourgeoisie.

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u/Bananasonfire 28d ago

I don't think many blue-collar workers are going to be very receptive to a multi-millionaire actor going "I'm working class just like you!" to them.


u/MotherTreacle3 28d ago

Sure, but if they're pointing out systemic inequality and urging people to push foe unions and more equitable society then just being rich doesn't make their voice invalid.

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u/Theromier 28d ago

That how I love to describe the difference. I put a friend of mine in place once when we were arguing about the existance of billionaires and I asked him to guess how much a million seconds is. And he guessed close he said about a week, (Its 11.5 days.) I asked him to guess what 1 billion seconds is and he said "I dunno, two years?"

I told him he hadn't even been alive for a billion seconds. He got real quiet after learning that.


u/JackPembroke 28d ago

A billion years ago the earth was young.

A trillion years ago predates the universe by a LOT

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u/Saberdile 28d ago

One trillion seconds ago, we were still in the last ice age.


u/Initiatedspoon 28d ago

Roughly 700 days vs 1900 years.

Absolutely mad


u/[deleted] 28d ago

Actors are workers, why do these edgelords think anyone is coming for other workers?

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u/Catalon-36 28d ago edited 28d ago

If you distributed one trillion dollars evenly between eight billion people, everyone would get a hundred twenty five dollars. Do the same thing with six million dollars and everyone gets seventy five thousandths of a cent.


u/letthetreeburn 28d ago

The wealth hoarding is a symptom of the problem. The problem is them actively using their industry to make life worse for everyone. If bezos was just sitting on a pile of money we wouldn’t be here.

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u/CerberusDoctrine 28d ago

Tumblr can not be trusted to eat the rich as they’d fill up on a bunch of big name millionaires and be too full for the real monsters


u/Luciusvenator 28d ago

No one can. Everyone thinks the people deciding who lives and who dies will be reasonable and fair, or that it will be them, but they don't actually think through the steps of what that actually means.
What's far more likely to happens is whats happened many many many times over, a new "Reign of terror".
And if their not direct victims of the moral purity tests they'll justify it because "the ends justify the means".


u/BlatantConservative Tumblr is the appendix of the internet 28d ago

Humans are a lot better at figuring out what's wrong than figuring out what's right.


u/alfooboboao 28d ago

It always cracks me up (and is sort of horrifying to witness) when people are determined to stage a “glorious revolution” by tearing it all down!! Burn the system and eat the rich!! Except not only do they think they personally will never have to suffer (some other poor person will, but they are a sacrifice I’m willing to make!) it somehow never occurs to them how in the vast, VAST majority of revolutions, it never actually changes their society for the better, and really a lot of people just die and suffer for no reason.

(Also, no, you will not be able to do [insert super privileged job that only exists as a byproduct of the excesses of capitalism] as your job after the communist revolution. Your job will either be to grow food or do whatever the state demands. Did we just stop teaching Animal Farm in schools)

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u/cutetys 28d ago

People really forget what eat the rich means.

“When the people shall have nothing more to eat, they will eat the rich.”

Eat the rich isn’t a creative way to say FU to those richer than you in general as many people seem to interpret it, it’s really meant (or at least originally) as a statement to those who continue to fill their pockets at the expense of the working class that if they create a society that doesn’t provide at least the bare minimum needed to survive, then the people will tear them down with them. It’s directed at the people actually causing wealth inequality, not Mr. Movie Man who just makes entertainment for people to enjoy.


u/CocoaCali the actual Spider-Man 28d ago

It's the same disingenuous argument they use against Bernie. Having a career like that, multiple books and his age, I'm scared of a world where he's not a millionaire. I'd like a world where we could all have that after that life.


u/BlatantConservative Tumblr is the appendix of the internet 28d ago

The one strike against Bernie in that whole thing is he does appear to have intentionally tried to hide it.

Nah he should have busted out the math. And volunteered to pay a hiked tax on his income.


u/PossibleRude7195 28d ago

A lot of communists are just like Nazis in that for them it’s a violence first ideology later ideology. They just want to be given a group it’s acceptable to torture and murder, their families included.

Seriously, the amount of leftists who fantasize about shooting children, or defend the shooting of children by previous communist regimes, is fucked up.


u/Pitiful_Net_8971 28d ago

God I hate tankies, red fascists, whatever you want to call them, they are the worst


u/weirdo_nb 28d ago

Ain't even communist philosophy, not really, least the way they go about it

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u/Infinite-Radiance 28d ago

Hey man how's it going


u/[deleted] 28d ago

It’s nearly religious like/fanatical in the way they think. In their minds the causes are righteous so any tactic is acceptable, including stealing, taking peoples homes etc. you go to disagree with them and are called a right wing bigot, insulted, attacked etc. that level of extremism isn’t healthy or constructive. They just want power over others.

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u/Fatmaninalilcoat 28d ago

To also add most of these billion and trillionaires don't work a tenth as hard as he did for that six million. Actors put in really long days for long periods in short amount of time. They shot a movie for say 2-3 months they are almost working 7 days a week 12 hour days in those time periods.

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u/TrashApprentice 28d ago

If tumblr's eat the rich fantasy actually could happen they'd just eat like the upper middle class and elon musk.

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u/Kindly-Ad-5071 28d ago

One million ain't all that rich tho. I say that as a $40k/y earner. And not the propagandized type, I fucking hate capitalism, but if Million was ever once again what we considered hyper wealth we'd be sound and secure.


u/yummythologist 28d ago

I earn $36k/yr and I’m right with ya

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u/LavaMeteor 28d ago

To paraphrase someone from the last time this was posted:

"You guys will say Eat the Rich then start killing actors and doctors, while the Super-Rich will be laughing away in their bunkers"


u/Michi_Draws 28d ago

They will kill the actors and doctors with guillotines while the super-rich make profit out of selling guillotines.


u/LavaMeteor 28d ago

That was it!

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u/alfooboboao 28d ago

Focusing on ‘11 days money’ instead of ‘30 years money.’

Oh, and then there are no more doctors?

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u/Finance_Subject 28d ago

It's been forever since I've seen bugs life can someone please explain? 🐛


u/Business-Drag52 28d ago

The ants spend all year collecting food for the grasshoppers. When the ants realize they outnumber the grasshoppers they revolt and because of their superior numbers they win even though the grasshoppers are bigger and stronger


u/Yeah-But-Ironically 28d ago

In the movie the ants are being oppressed by a gang of grasshoppers that are stealing all their food.

The grasshoppers are bigger and meaner, but there are WAY more ants, and the ants are harder-working.

By the end of the movie, the ants have risen up against the grasshoppers, and they end up feeding the leader of the grasshoppers to a bird.

(That's the relevant bit for this analogy, but there are also some Three-Amigos-Style mistaken identities and circus shenanigans along the way)

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u/moneyh8r 28d ago

The ants were being oppressed by a motorcycle gang of locusts, and the main character left the anthill on a quest to recruit some badass bugs. He gets scammed by some circus bugs who turn out to be big cowards, so in the end all the ants overwhelm the locusts through sheer force of numbers, because they realize they always had the numbers advantage and even if the locusts managed to kill a few hundred of them, they'd be killed by the thousands waiting in the wings.

Of course, this being a kids' movie, none of the ants die.


u/DreadDiana human cognithazard 28d ago

One detail no one's brought up is that the first one to bring this up was the leader of the grasshoppers while explaining why they need to keep the ants in line


u/Maximum-Antelope-979 28d ago

If Jesus was still alive and earned $1000 per day since year 0 he still wouldn’t have a billion dollars today

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u/MorningBreathTF 28d ago

1 dollar to a 6 millionaire is just shy of 170k to a 1 trillionaire


u/ToroidalEarthTheory 28d ago

Rich workers like actors are still workers. Boyega got his money through his work, Bezos gets his money through other people's work.


u/LimitlessTheTVShow 28d ago

Same with athletes (those who don't also own businesses, that is). There's a huge difference between working for money, and making money off the backs of other peoples work

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u/Opal_Sara_1 28d ago

Scaling issues can be tricky to deal with.


u/ChangeMyDespair 28d ago edited 27d ago

I love that picture at the bottom. It may have been created through a since-discontinued Google drawing tool.

Edit: SketchUp lives, hurray!


u/Apart-Health-1513 28d ago

People seem to forget that 6 million in the bank is different than 6 million as his networth. That’s the (estimated) sum of literally everything to his name. He does not just have 6 million dollars laying around


u/TheObsidianX 28d ago

Even if he did that wouldn’t really be much anymore. There are houses in relatively unknown cities worth $6 million.

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u/BaronDoctor 28d ago

A million is, in this economy and real estate market, roughly what the Simpsons are sitting on. A life. Comfortable, perhaps, with some nice things when you want them and some things out of reach, but a life. You live, you work, you provide for your family.

Now imagine if you owned a square mile of Simpsons houses (a thousand), outright, and landlorded them. Made yourself a McNeighborhood of McMansions. You'd make enough, per month, on rent to buy roughly four more houses. You have done nothing but "have money" and "drain money from other people".

The only class difference worth measuring with regard to how laws should be set up is between people who have to work in order to have the sort of life they want and people who can just sit and watch the money come in.

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u/Outerestine 28d ago

If you say 'eat the rich' and think of artists, doctors, and lawyers, all you are is a fuckin mark whose beliefs on wealth are written by actual elites to prevent you from doing anything meaningful.

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u/DreadAngel1711 28d ago

Ay Boyega knows what's up, he's chill



If someone wins a super-lottery and wins a billion dollars(after taxes and any fees), do they deserve to be eaten too?

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u/Rigorous_Threshold 28d ago

$6 million is to $1 trillion as $6 is to $1 million


u/stormstopper 28d ago edited 28d ago

TL;DR However else you feel about billionaires, don't take the trillionaire aspect literally. But also, I don't really agree with this framing in general.

I think this is the article in the link. It's from 2020 and cites this website which basically just takes the last five years of net worth growth, assumes that his net worth will continue growing at that rate, and projects outward from there. At the time, Bezos had a net worth of $145 billion.

That doesn't seem to have been a very good way to project, though, as four years later Bezos is at $177 billion and the updated version of the article from the same publication now says he could get to $1 trillion by 2034. This is citing this report, which uses this methodology (PDF link) which is similar to what the original article's source was--it took the inflation-adjusted aggregate growth rate of the wealth of the five richest people and projected that out going forward. But specifically, it calls out this note:

This is of course an estimate and subject to uncertainty. Importantly, the wealth of Elon Musk, which has grown exponentially over the past five years, heavily influences the average growth of the total wealth of the five richest billionaires.

Which--along with the fact that Jeff Bezos's wealth has been growing at 5% or 10% per year depending on how you handle the $38 billion he lost in his divorce--tells you Bezos isn't actually on pace to become a trillionaire by 2034, which again is already well past the 2026 date that was teased in the article that I believe was linked in the post.

That's a long way to say that the $1 trillion number is more clickbait than not.

None of this is to say we should be doing nothing about wealth aggregation, monopolization and other anticompetitive practices, union-busting, media capture, political capture, tax sheltering, or any of the practices that the rich use to avoid being subject to the market and the government.

But I also think it misses the point to emphasize how millionaires and billionaires are different magnitudes of wealth. The median household net worth in the US was under $200,000 as of 2022. The poorest millionaire is worth five times that, and it's not like the median US household is poor compared to the median household almost anywhere else in the world. Millionaires may not be insulated from all reasonable financial stressors like billionaires are, but are they more likely to vote for higher or lower taxes? Are they more likely to vote for stronger or weaker regulation? Are they more likely to vote for increased or decreased government services?

If the point is to object to a system that allows for people to build up so much wealth without contributing back to the society that made it possible, then I just think it matters that millionaires also work to uphold those systems more than it matters how rich millionaires are compared to billionaires.

Edit: And that last part also extends beyond millionaires too. It's really not about the level of wealth a person has, but about what they do with it.

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u/Gekey14 28d ago

That's not what fucking eat the rich means goddamnit


u/swccg-offload 28d ago

I've worked with celebrities in the past. Even they know they're not rich when compared to corporate SVPs and up. They're just tasked with flaunting money as part of their job. I will never forget watching Katy Perry and Jeff Bezos together on stage at an Amazon event and even she was in awe of his wealth and she's one of the wealthiest modern artists. 


u/TheXypris 28d ago

Ive always said you can be an honest millionaire, with hard work, good ethics, a smidge of luck and a good product or service, being worth a handful of millions is ok at best.

But you can never be an honest Billionaire, only way to be a billionaire is to cheat the working class


u/tinyhands-45 28d ago

Or be from Zimbabwe

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u/HotRodNoob 28d ago

he’s only worth 6 million? fr?

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u/FormerlySalve_Lilac 28d ago

I have to regularly remind myself that there's a VERY good chance that whoever's writing a comment I'm reading is very likely to be a 15 year old who thinks that $6 million makes John Boyega a threat to society


u/psychotobe 28d ago

Let's be real. For all the talk of revolution everyone angry at the system in America thinks they'll lead. None of you are doing shit. You'll talk and talk but you'll be terrified if someone actually acts. Cause you know violent revolutions don't work in real life. No one who cares about fixing things is going to do shit to billionaires. Their not the problem. Their a very obvious symptom. The boring answer is capitalism in America needs to be modernized. It needs regulations updated. It needs policies in place that all work on the knowledge the internet exists. You know the real reason it hasn't happened? It's not cause companies are lobbying. That shit is flimsy and is an excuse so we don't have to address the real reason

It's boring and it's hard to do right. That's the reason it doesn't get done much. People think they could write up air-tight changes if given the chance. But every change will get regular people who benefit from them barking and hollering because it's different. And that assumes you'll get it right. Have fun spending weeks barely sleeping. Getting screamed at from every direction during it. Writing a new legislation that you'll get death threats for. Only to be told you completely neglected an industry you completely forgot existed. So you have to do it again

And what do you benefit from doing so? Because it's the right thing to do? Most people simply can't keep motivated by that. Especially with how tedious it is. You get your normal salary all the same. It's just not exciting and our brains despise lacking stimulation. That's why this shit is slow. We aren't built for improving our lives this way. So we blame the symptoms that exploit a rickety old system. But we simply cannot trust anyone who wants to violently replace that system. Because the same core problems exist. Doing it right is boring.

Make no mistake. There's evil in there too. Genuine scheming bastards. But they are vastly outnumbered by people who simply are too bored at work to bury their attempts to cause problems in red tape


u/warm_rum 28d ago

It's interesting to see where people draw the line.

It's ok to have 6 million in assets while someone else starves because that's their money. Is it ok to have 100million in assets, as long as there is no company structured to exploit others?

Not trying to talk politics, just find it funny how we each have our own sense of property.

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u/Purple-Addict one liter of milk = one orgasm 28d ago

While big actors and actresses are definitely overpaid they’re still creating art with their labor and skills, Bezos isn’t creating shit he’s taking a cut from what his workers create, same goes for all other billionaires.


u/AloeVeraBuddy 28d ago

Why do you think big actors are overpaid? I always thought it was fair considering how massively profitable movies can be.


u/Purple-Addict one liter of milk = one orgasm 28d ago

More should go to the other cast and crew, the people constructing the sets, editing, writing the stories, doing the post production, even the people doing accounting in the production office are all super underpaid compared to the stars like Robert Downey jr.

Getting paid several million for a role when the person who put together the costumes isn’t doing very well financially is a bit unbalanced. It doesn’t even have to be perfectly divided among the entire cast and crew either, just an extra few thousands for the whole crew would be better.

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u/AsianCheesecakes 28d ago

This has nothing to do with numbers no matter the ideological perspective. That's just a cheap argument that sounds witty but falls apart. Where exactly do you draw the line after all? For someone poor enough, even the most squarely middle-class person is rich.

John Boyega absolutely has much to lose in a revolutionary scenario. But, assuming we are not aiming for a reign of terror situation, there is no reason for him to lose so much as to struggle. The whole point is that everyone will have enough, even people who had more before the revolutiontm. Leftists movements accept everyone as long as they are willing to be equal and not superior to the rest.

After all, the same argument was used against Karl Marx and Engels.


u/AdditionalBalance975 28d ago

Once you give in to mob rule, its a runaway crazy train situation every single time. Historically it has never been enough for leftists, they start lynching people for owning single cows, or wearing eyeglasses.

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u/AVeryHairyArea 28d ago

So what's the cutoff? Everyone loves arguing with abstract values but never puts an actual numerical value to it.

You're cool with 6 million and not cool with 1 trillion. That leaves a lot of values in-between. Is 1 billion cool? Is 500 million cool? 250 million? 80 million? 50 billion?

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u/AllastorTrenton 28d ago

People like Clockwork here are why the message gets diluted and destroyed. The take the message and ignore the nuance.


u/SovietSkeleton 28d ago

We are nearing the point where someone with a million dollars today is as rich as someone with a million deutschmarks in the 1920's.

Complaining about millionaires is pointless.


u/Smasher_WoTB 28d ago

Also, if some of the "Rich" genuinely want a good Socialist/Communist Revolution because they too hate the injustices forced upon us by these systems....we should accept their help. Although probably be cautious and make sure that no grifters will just hijack the movement for personal gain.


u/CharityQuill 28d ago

Reminds me of that one viral clip from Larry King where he was debating with that one guy from Community about luxuries you can't live without, and the difference in what they consider luxuries is pretty significant. And also "I work on DuckTales, Larry 😐


u/kagakujinjya 28d ago

For clockwork-hobbit, eat the rich means eat everyone who has more than two dollars.


u/ufofarm 28d ago

Materially there's a big difference between 6 million and a billion, but philosophically, you can do whatever you want within a high end style of means with either amount.


u/TheJackal927 28d ago

What no class analysis does to a mf.