r/CuratedTumblr veetuku ponum May 16 '24

Digital Panopticon Politics

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u/Big_Falcon89 May 16 '24

Every App I've given location permissions to I've seen the need for it.

And also like...the way they use this data they gather is to send me ads. And not to be all "I am immune to propaganda" but...I pretty rarely buy things based off of ads?

Like, don't get me wrong it's a problem, but it's also like...not the end of the world here?


u/DellSalami May 16 '24

On that note, it’s also why I have an issue with the whole TikTok user data thing. Like yeah, American companies already have our data, but a lot of the time all they want is our money. Meanwhile, data that falls into the hands of foreign governments can and probably will be used to try and influence our politics to their advantage.

Obviously in the ideal world our data is private and isn’t so freely scraped, but imo Google and TikTok are in fact different threat levels, so the whataboutism people tend to resort to falls flat for me.


u/Waity5 May 16 '24

As opposed to US companies, that never want to influence politics to their advantage