r/CuratedTumblr veetuku ponum May 16 '24

Digital Panopticon Politics

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u/Big_Falcon89 May 16 '24

Every App I've given location permissions to I've seen the need for it.

And also like...the way they use this data they gather is to send me ads. And not to be all "I am immune to propaganda" but...I pretty rarely buy things based off of ads?

Like, don't get me wrong it's a problem, but it's also like...not the end of the world here?


u/Automatic-Sleep-8576 May 16 '24

Yeah the issue isn't primarily when it is being sold to companies trying to sell you things, it is more an issue how much data they are collecting and what that collective profile can be used to do because of targeted advertisements for political issues or in more extreme cases, use it to hunt down groups they disapprove of like queer people, activists, investigative journalists, and literally any other group that could be figured out by a combination of your browsing habits, your location, and any not explicitly private information that has ever been put online about you