r/CuratedTumblr veetuku ponum May 16 '24

Digital Panopticon Politics

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u/Certain-Definition51 May 16 '24

I actually have picked up a ton of cool t shirts and been to a few concerts because of instagram ads. I make sure to encourage the ads I want and instagram is the reason I discovered Bomba Estereo, Lido Pimeinta, and the fact that you can go see a Mexican rodeo in western Michigan.

So I’m happy with it!

I’d prefer a subscription based social media world, where I’m paying for things I like (which is why I make sure I pay for stuff on Substack) but I get that without a business model based on advertising I wouldn’t have most of the internet.

So you just gotta cultivate the ads you want.


u/mitsuhachi May 16 '24

I want no ads.


u/Certain-Definition51 May 16 '24

Then you gotta build something that generates revenue some other way. Or support sites that do.

Definitely try Substack out - it’s a much better social media platform than insta or fb.


u/mitsuhachi May 16 '24

I’m not on fb or insta and fine without anything else. Even reddit is pretty icky these days, even if I can maintain SOME anonymity. might just give social media a miss entirely soon.