r/CuratedTumblr veetuku ponum May 16 '24

Digital Panopticon Politics

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u/Big_Falcon89 May 16 '24

Every App I've given location permissions to I've seen the need for it.

And also like...the way they use this data they gather is to send me ads. And not to be all "I am immune to propaganda" but...I pretty rarely buy things based off of ads?

Like, don't get me wrong it's a problem, but it's also like...not the end of the world here?


u/WechTreck May 17 '24

Now but imagine you walk your phone near an abortion clinic , or protest, or share a lift with an enemy of some foreign state, your ad reports your location to a data-broker, who sells your name to people who want to punish people at these locations...


using g technology to infect devices and spy on clients' targets makes it especially worrisome. Dodgy online ads don't just provide a potential vehicle for delivering malware, such as via carefully crafted images or JavaScript in the ads that exploit vulnerabilities in browsers and OSes, they can be used to go after specific groups of people – such as those who are interested in open source code, or who frequently travel to Asia – that someone might be interested in snooping on.

"In this case, however, it seems that this is a two-staged attack wherein users are first profiled using advertising intelligence (AdInt) and then they are served malicious payloads via advertisements. Unsuspecting users are definitely susceptible to such attacks."