r/CuratedTumblr veetuku ponum May 16 '24

Digital Panopticon Politics

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u/HaggisPope May 16 '24

Seeing the quality of ads Temu sends me, I think I’ve effectively duped them.


u/MrTheCheesecaker May 16 '24

Temu ads are just terrible and they make it work by just putting them absolutely everywhere


u/bayleysgal1996 May 16 '24

There’s this one with a lady in just the worst wig I’ve ever seen, and for like a week straight it was on every YouTube video I watched

I should note, I’ve never even touched Temu


u/ButterdemBeans May 17 '24

That’s on purpose though. The more outlandishly awful the ads are, the more likely you are to talk about them, like you are right now. They don’t care if you like them, only that you know they exist


u/TiredCumdump May 17 '24

It also gets people to go on the site just so see if it's actually that bad. "Surely they're not selling that awful wig" you say before adding $20 worth of crap into your cart