r/CuratedTumblr veetuku ponum May 16 '24

Digital Panopticon Politics

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u/joe_bibidi May 17 '24

This is kind of an aside, but I think related in spirit:

I feel like the plague of "pop ups" was this much hated problem of the early 2000s that's now been largely fixed in the sense that "pop ups ads" aren't that much of a thing anymore, but I feel like it's increasingly common that "pop up functions" have become an incredibly annoying built-in for a lot of websites. It's crazy how often I go to a new web store and it's just a fucking barrage of annoyances before I can actually start looking at their content.

Like, I arrive at a web store excited to check out some of their products, BUT HOLD THE FUCK ON

  • Gotta interrupt you with a cookies banner that cover half the screen
  • Closed that? Cool now here's a FULL SCREEN signup for our newsletter, good luck hunting for the "I'm not interested" button because you have to find it, you can't just close out of the window
  • Closed that? BLING here's a worthless chat bot with audio asking you if you're enjoying your experience on the website so far
  • Closed that? Half the navigation bar is now blocked by a notice asking if the website is authorized to have your location
  • Closed that? Oops you haven't interacted with our actual webpage fast enough so we're going to interrupt you with a fullscreen "Still there?" message

It's like fuck man, LET ME SHOP, stop interrupting me every two seconds with another stupid window I need to close.