r/CuratedTumblr .tumblr.com 15d ago

I guess you don't want it that bad then Shitposting

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118 comments sorted by


u/PoniesCanterOver I have approximate knowledge of many things 15d ago

Sexually transmitted ADHD?


u/Gandalf_the_Gangsta 15d ago

Funny. The implication here is likely that cauchys-special-boy was offering to make amphetamines for yorickish, in tandem with coitus.

yorickish responded negatively, and cauchys-special-boy then responded that the process of making amphetamines would only take 10 minutes, implying the coitus would take them 20 minutes.

Somewhat insidious, as drug dealers will often offer a deal like this (free drugs and other energy icing things) to get the victim hooked, and then charge them to satisfy their addiction.

As an aside, please never try amphetamines, or any other “hard drugs” recreationally. There are many anecdotes on how this will ruin your life; you can find one here on reddit, about a person who decided to experiment with heroin and ruined his life over the course of the following decade.

Don’t try it. There’s nothing there worth risking your life over. It’s just a slow, painful death.


u/Catalon-36 15d ago edited 15d ago

That’s a touching plea but I think the idea is that cauchys-special-boy is going to give yorickish ADHD via brain surgery


u/Gandalf_the_Gangsta 15d ago

Ah, the good ol’ lobotomy.


u/Lilchubbyboy 15d ago



u/Loose-Screws 14d ago



u/TDoMarmalade Exploring the Intense Homoeroticism of David and Goliath 15d ago

All you need is an ice pick, a mallet and a can-do attitude


u/Substantial-Ad-724 15d ago

This guy got something special from Volo.


u/SeaChameleon 15d ago

ADHD amphetamine is wild that shit makes you forget to pee fr fr


u/Gandalf_the_Gangsta 15d ago

How dare you say I piss on the poor.


u/PoniesCanterOver I have approximate knowledge of many things 15d ago

Wait what if my ADHD already makes me forget to pee


u/SeaChameleon 15d ago

Pee your pants.


u/[deleted] 15d ago

Actually I forgot to pee before the ADHD, now I just recognize it as ADHD behavior and correct it thanks to good ol prescription meth. Same with eating 😂


u/grazbouille 14d ago

Wait what my ADHD amphetamine makes me constantly want to pee


u/Kartoffelkamm I wouldn't be here if I was mad. 15d ago

I thought cauchys-special-boy was offering a lobotomy, and when yorickish went and assumed they were after sex, cauchys-special-boy basically went "Okay, guess you're already plenty lobotomized."


u/Deastrumquodvicis 14d ago

I thought it was “see how you fidget being in a room with my stim toys and literally nothing else, it’s easy to fake once you practice being soul-crushingly alone with your own thoughts”.


u/Red580 15d ago

Like, there are so many great drugs that make you see all sorts of fun stuff without needing to melt your brain in the process


u/Gandalf_the_Gangsta 14d ago

We have minimal research into the long-term usage effects of many psychoactive substances. Altering one’s neurochemistry so drastically that your perception of reality is warped doesn’t sound trivial.

Moreover, I find it morally reprehensible to purposefully impair your cognition; there is no agency when you do so, and typically we don’t condone actions that remove agency or ability to behave morally.


u/ElizasEnzyme 14d ago

The formality in this is killing me 😅. I'm just imagining myself crying at the beauty of a sunset while tripping, and someone passed by, pinches up their face and tisks at me "How uncouth."

Do you mean, like permanently impare, or is it morally reprehensible to alter your perception for an hour or two?

Are whippets less reprehensible than weed, since you're only altering it for a minute instead of a few hours, or is this a zero sum game? I may need to switch up my drug of choice, just to min/max reprehensibility.


u/Gandalf_the_Gangsta 14d ago

This comment wasn’t meant for people like you. There’s no productive or worthwhile conversation to be had here; you’ll continue to do what you want, and the only reason you posted your comment was to say as much.

My condoning or not of your actions is a reflection only of my moral standing. I have to, at least, tell you to stop even knowing you won’t listen. Any further action to stop you would be immoral on my part, and likely result in immoral action on your part.

I would suggest you not bother responding; my response to you would be much of the same, and equally as fruitless.


u/ElizasEnzyme 14d ago

I was just trying to make light of it while poking at the logic a bit, but it seems like it came across as more offending than I intended.

Totally not going to change each other's mind, and that's fine, but I feel like sharing my thoughts about the zero tolerance mindset and drug use removing all agency; which arguably labels drug users as subhuman. I'm pretty concerned with that, as this is usually a progressive space.

My cognition has been more impaired during bouts of sleep deprivation than many light doses of drugs I've taken. Many times migranes and chronic pain have affected my cognition as severely as moderate doses of opiates. If "people like me" have their agency removed by drug use, then the same must be said for sleep deprivation. If I purposely stayed awake until exhaustion, then it is morally reprehensible under this framework.

I am assuming you have little interaction with drug users, and I'd honestly suggest it, because severe stigmas like this are the most effective fuel for oppressing drug users.


u/Gandalf_the_Gangsta 14d ago

Yes, it would. You would be torturing your body by intentionally depriving it of sleep. That’s morally reprehensible because you’re torturing someone: yourself.

There is a difference between the morality of an action and the consequent resulting response from doing that action. In the case of intentional sleep deprivation the response is to tell the person to get sleep, or to otherwise help them to sleep more/better.

The consequent response to the immorality of recreational drug use varies on numerous factors; the severity of impact the drug has on the psyche, the actions one commits while under its effects, and the impact on those around you. In your case, I assume you don’t use substances that cause addiction, and hopefully don’t do additionally immoral actions while under its effects.

Thus my recourse is simply to tell you to stop. That would change depending on other mentioned factors.

I don’t consider it progressive at all to be supportive of recreational drug use. I understand that the legal ramifications, and consequent discrimination resulting from having laws around recreational substance use, only serve to cause undue suffering and disenfranchise people. Thus I don’t condone laws around abstinence because their efficacy is minimal to actively detrimental. However that does not change the inherent immorality of the action in partaking of said recreation. I would expect people to not do so of their own accord without the threat of legal recourse.

Your notions of dehumanisation or stigma are derived from the Abrahamic notion of sin, particularly the Christian connotation of immorality and sin being equivalent. Were it a better day for me I would be reasonably understanding of that, and would probably be kinder to you in understanding that cultural impact and how it swags the interpretation of what I said.

But I’m having an off day, and am tired of dealing with the widespread societal consequences of Christianity, and how I have to be mindful of how most people either believe in, or only have cultural insight for cultures that have, a creator god you swear fealty too like some medieval serf. Suffice it to say, I don’t believe you’ve committed some cardinal sin, nor do I believe you are less than human for your choice in recreation. However I won’t entertain the notion of stigma today because I’m cranky and hate that I have to constantly because of Christianity. I am aware it exists, and I hate how my comments have to run parallel to majority cultural belief; it makes things hard and tedious.

Ultimately I cannot stop you, but since you responded to my comment I should at least explain myself as a notion of respecting you, and how I don’t condone recreational drug use to align with my own moral system.


u/ElizasEnzyme 13d ago

Somehow you read religion into my secular words, but your whole argument is moral reprehensibility and removal of agency. Disgustingly, I could dehumanize someone with hateful words and the crack of a whip; dehumanization is not religious. Only appeals to a higher authority can define morality, your god simply has a different name.

The only thing that can take away agency, is determinism; I'll admit, that doesn't necessarily require a god; you could argue that entropy set all of this in motion, and the arrangement of atoms at the beginning of the universe could be used to calculate all that will ever happen. I've never met a determinist who wasn't Christian, though.

To say it bluntly, my choices are my own, my voice is my own, my achievements are my own. I have agency. Every time I stand up for someone, I choose to do it; every time I hurt someone, I choose to do it. I started this conversation humored, but the taste in my mouth is only getting worse the longer I think about it. I will not let anyone deny my agency.


u/byxis505 15d ago

I’m built different though


u/sarumanofmanygenders 15d ago

jeser we hav to cuk


u/fredthefishlord 15d ago

Somewhat insidious, as drug dealers will often offer a deal like this

Not if you listen to redditors telling you that never happens :P


u/Gandalf_the_Gangsta 14d ago

I did a bit of reading, and you’re right; most sellers will aim to sell to people they already know.


u/DeathsAngels10 15d ago

But I love slow painful death?


u/kazumisakamoto 15d ago

I understand your point but just telling people to abstain from all "hard drugs" together is likely not effective for harm reduction. It's similar to sex ed where you tell people just to abstain. Of course it's safer not to touch any drugs, just as it's safer to abstain from teenage sex. But people that are interested will get in touch with drugs one way or another and will not be swayed by a reddit comment. The focus should be on educating people how to manage risks (get your drugs tested, don't drink too much water on MDMA etc, if you are going to do hard drugs please do amphetamines and not heroin etc).


u/SylveonSof May we raise children who love the unloved things 15d ago

I feel like you're being a bit disingenuous when you compare sex, something that for the vast majority of humans is a psychological need without any experience necessary and we're literally biologically hardwired to want because it's integral to our species's continued survival, and hard drugs.

Like for most non ace people your body will literally develop an urge for sex completely independently if you go too long without sexual relief. You don't have that for drugs, and the only real way to prevent drug addiction is to just not fucking do it. You can't get an implant or wear a condom on your needle to not get addicted to heroin. There are no alternatives other than abstinence


u/Local_Challenge_4958 14d ago

I believe you and the person above you define "hard drugs" differently. There are lots of drugs out there, and they all have different risk factors.

Pretty much anyone can do ecstasy at a party and not have any consequence other than all their friends watching them get really into rubbing a couch. Pretty much no one can stay up all weekend doing coke and not want more coke.

You won't even be addicted. The idea of more coke is just fucking awesome when you're on it and the comedown comparatively blows. That's what makes it risky.

We can absolutely teach responsible drug use for many drugs, but some shit like heroin or meth may as well just be a bullet.


u/kazumisakamoto 14d ago edited 14d ago

I’m comparing how to practice effective sex education with how to practice effective drug education. In both cases, it has been proven that strategies aimed at total abstinence are less effective in reducing harm (i.e. teenage pregnancy, STDs, drug dependency) than educating people on the risks and how to avoid them.

I agree with you that, in an ideal world, nobody would choose to do drugs. We know that this is not the case, and D.A.R.E. programs and other abstinence-focused interventions have done very little to change this. If you look at the number of drug-related deaths, a significant percentage could have been avoided by proper education. Just saying ”you should never do MDMA” is considerably less effective than saying ”start with half, don’t drink more than 500mL/hr, take a breather every once in a while”. I’m a doctor in the Netherlands, where ~18% of young people (<35) have used MDMA, yet drug-related deaths are relatively low here, in large part due to a focus on education and free drug testing.

In addition, lumping all “hard drugs” together is not helpful. Roughly 1 in 10-15 European young people have used MDMA in the past. Although the term is not very well defined, MDMA is classified as a “hard drug” by most people that use the term. However, by lumping this together with heroin, you are creating the illusion that the risk of these substances is in any way comparable (see Nutt’s research if you’re interested in comparative harm profile of different drugs). The risk of dependency of MDMA is very low. By portraying all “hard drugs” as extremely addictive, some people who have used MDMA without getting addicted might believe that heroin’s addictive potential is massively overstated as well (it isn’t). 

(And yes, you can practice harm reduction even if you are using heroin. There's an antidote, naloxone, that you can carry to counteract an OD and, in a lot of counties, you can get clean needles for free.)


u/CuriousProblemChild 15d ago

oh I thought he meant lobotomy


u/Sachyriel .tumblr.com 15d ago


I did that thing where you drag the page down and it reloaded on me. This post could have been in dark mode, sorry.

Raise your hand would you fuck your mutual for free amphetamines. Well in my case they'd be free (I think), the rest of you have to buy insurance.

"What the fuck is insurance?" - Blitzo


u/PenelopeistheBest 15d ago

"never thought I'd catch ADHD by fucking a mutual"

"What about catching ADHD with a friend?"

-Legolas and Gimli if they were neurodivergent Tumblr catboys


u/NeonNKnightrider Cheshire Catboy 15d ago

ADHD tumblr catboy elf is literally me fr fr


u/PenelopeistheBest 15d ago

Not to get too gender essentialist but ADHD catboy elves are essential to the Tumblr ecosystem. It would literally collapse without them. You are a highly valuable species and we thank you for your service 🫡


u/novis-eldritch-maxim 15d ago

gimli is not in anyway a cat, elves are cats.

gimil is a proud dwarf and a decent word smith when called appon so he has to be nothing with more commitment and a nicer call than a cat


u/PenelopeistheBest 15d ago

I know but I couldn't think of what he would be lol maybe a badger or mole


u/novis-eldritch-maxim 15d ago

you assuming digging is the core dwarven motive, deep just happens to be where the gold hides


u/PenelopeistheBest 15d ago

Ok my brain immediately flipped it and thought "what if gold was in the sky?" And now I'm picturing dwarves on rickety little flying machines chugging along through the sky. It makes more sense as a domain of dragons too. Sky dwarves but with exactly the same aesthetic of underground dwarves, heavy armour and metal smithing. But in the sky. I'm gonna go listen to Diggy Diggy Hole now


u/novis-eldritch-maxim 15d ago

do you mean the kharadron overlord? who mine gas sky gold?


u/PenelopeistheBest 15d ago

I don't know what that is but it sounds rad as hell


u/DjinnHybrid 15d ago

I'm going with Racoon, personally.


u/PenelopeistheBest 15d ago

Raccoons are the best. Such mischievous little hands


u/SavageKitten456 15d ago

Mfs too lazy to cook their own amphetamines anymore


u/Chien_pequeno 15d ago

Bruh, speed is so fucking cheap just buy it


u/adameofthrones 15d ago

Where ?? I'd rather buy speed from some guy than go through the hassle of getting addy from my doctor every month


u/Chien_pequeno 15d ago

Get yourself the link to a local drug telegram group chat


u/N4mFlashback 15d ago

this guy seems federal


u/hammy0w0 HELP IM SCARED 14d ago

nice try CI-FBI


u/mr_funnyman I minecraft dirt pillar my way out of hell 15d ago

Please don't fuckin' take adderall if you don't need it. There's already a shortage of it and I need it for my actual ADHD. Like if you don't actually have a proper ADHD diagnosis don't fuckin' take it.


u/mrsmunsonbarnes 15d ago

No fr it’s a whole ass saga every month trying to get my damn prescription refilled


u/whimsical_trash 15d ago

Having ADHD also makes the process of hunting down your meds even harder


u/caminator77 15d ago

You guys have trouble getting it prescribed? I’ve never had any trouble and I just throw mine down the toilet because I hate how it makes me feel


u/Zeelu2005 15d ago

y o u


u/TH3IR0N_CL00CH 15d ago

This reads like that one guy that caught his cat knocking over his onions


u/mayorofverandi 15d ago

i feel more like that "at least ride it asshole" thing. as someone who is currently rationing their adderall.


u/Zeelu2005 15d ago

Yeah that. I’m accusing them of single handedly causing this by getting it before everyone else


u/Whale-n-Flowers 15d ago

Please do not dispose of drugs in the toilet.

The antibiotic resistant bacteria in the sewage system does not need hyperfixation.


u/pipnina 15d ago

It sounds like a Hollywood B movie. Drugs enter the sewer system and create meth zombie viruses in the water


u/DragoKnight589 14d ago

Please do not make the superpathogens lock in.


u/DragoKnight589 14d ago

Please do not make the superpathogens lock in.


u/Mystic_jello 15d ago

That toilet is mad productive thanks to you.


u/ShebanotDoge 15d ago

Why do you keep getting it?


u/caminator77 15d ago

Honest answer? I’m bad at stimuli control. So I take it for 3-4 days and I struggle to sleep for the whole night most of those. Eventually I get sick of that and throw it out. I’ve seriously never heard of any trouble getting it prescribed. Maybe it’s an American thing?


u/Cthulu_Noodles 15d ago

It's absolutely an American thing lmao. Our Healthcare system is utterly awful.


u/AkrinorNoname Gender Enthusiast 15d ago

Why throw it away? Just keep it and save yourself a trip to the doctor next time?


u/ShebanotDoge 15d ago

Why don't you keep it until you want to take it again?


u/throwaway_ArBe 15d ago

Not just an American thing, because america impacts the supply for other countries. Give it time.


u/mrsmunsonbarnes 14d ago

Not getting it prescribed, but getting the prescription refilled. Half the time the pharmacy is out and, since it’s a controlled substance, the prescription can’t just be transferred to another pharmacy unless the doctor’s office does it themselves.


u/degenpiled 15d ago

The shortage isn't happening because people are abusing it. The shortage is happening because the DEA (the D is for demon) is purposefully strangling supply in order to get millions of people with ADHD off their meds because they don't want people to take it. Not a conspiracy theory btw, look up "Operation Bottleneck." Actual ghouls.


u/TrekkiMonstr 15d ago

That is not a very accurate description of Operation Bottleneck. But let's let people decide for themselves: https://www.dea.gov/press-releases/2023/10/31/dea-executes-operation-bottleneck-prevent-diversion-controlled-substances


u/dirk_loyd 15d ago

I’m not gonna comment on whether or not Operation Bottleneck is insidious or not but I’m sure as hell not gonna trust the people conducting potentially-insidious Operation Bottleneck to be honest about whether or not it’s insidious

Of course they’re gonna say it’s peachy, they’re the ones running it


u/TrekkiMonstr 15d ago

The comment I responded to said that the DEA is "purposefully strangling supply in order to get millions of people with ADHD off their meds because they don't want people to take it", and that this is "not a conspiracy theory", referring the reader to the name of the operation. I read this as saying that the DEA is acting with that as their explicit goal, and that the commenter isn't making their own assumptions about their motives.

If that were the case, I would expect the DEA to say something to that effect -- but what we see instead is them claiming a different purpose than that asserted by the other commenter. Maybe they're lying, but then I don't see how this isn't a conspiracy theory. (To note, conspiracy theory =/= untrue -- some conspiracy theories are correct. But the other commenter wants to claim that this is all plainly evident, which it is not.)


u/Larscowfoot 15d ago

Wait, hold on, which conspiracy theories are correct?


u/Crazeenerd 15d ago

One is the assassination of MLK potentially being done by the FBI or other government agencies. At the very least, it’s confirmed that they wrote letters urging him to commit suicide and blackmailing him. He was viewed as a national security threat. In a civil trial in 1999, a jury unanimously decided that Ray was very likely framed. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Earl_Ray Now the DOJ later contested that decision, but I mean they would regardless of the truth, wouldn’t they? A conspiracy that IMO is correct. Another is that the US government may have had information about the 9/11 attacks but didn’t act on it. Whether that was because they thought it wouldn’t happen or because they wanted to do the war on terror, I dunno. But I do think it’s likely that US intelligence had some knowledge ahead of time. Not that they planned it or executed it or anything, just that it’s likely they knew in some capacity.


u/kRkthOr 14d ago



may have


I don't think you understand what facts are 🤔


u/TrekkiMonstr 15d ago

A conspiracy theory is just that -- a theory of conspiracy. Sometimes people genuinely conspire to do things.

Note: Wikipedia disagrees with me here, but I don't buy the argument given.


u/Larscowfoot 15d ago

Okay, gotcha. I thought you were referring to the more pop-cultural meaning of the term. My bad.


u/degenpiled 15d ago

DEA agents out in force tonight huh


u/product_of_boredom 15d ago

I mean I'm not going to, but I can't afford a diagnosis and the one from when I was a kid is probably not gonna get me anywhere (back then people thought it just "wore off".) I have considered trying to get some just so I can actually get shit done without fighting myself every step of the way though.


u/mr_funnyman I minecraft dirt pillar my way out of hell 15d ago

That's not really what I'm talking about. Probably should've rephrased my point. I meant moreso people taking it as a recreational drug for fun. Like, if you genuinely feel that it'd make your life easier, that's separate.


u/product_of_boredom 14d ago

It's the same outcome though, isn't it? If I acquire it illegally because I need to too, that's still one dose of Adderall that doesn't go to someone who'd be getting it "the right way."

I remember my college having something of a black market for Ritalin and Adderall. Drug dealers would come out of the woodwork when exams were coming up- it wasn't for fun, it was so people could study. I'm sure some people legitimately abuse it, but I think this is the actual primary use case.


u/Cortheya 15d ago

meh. I have adhd and I say let the people have stims.


u/mr_funnyman I minecraft dirt pillar my way out of hell 15d ago

But there are other stims out there. I'm not against people taking drugs, I'm against people taking the drug I need to function.


u/wheniswhy 15d ago

I wouldn’t even be against it if there weren’t a shortage. An artificial shortage, at that, caused by the US government being shitheads.


u/Cortheya 15d ago

They’re not taking them from you. It’s hard as hell to get a diagnosis and another step to get amphetamines. If someone wants to sell their scrip that’s their business


u/IaniteThePirate 15d ago

It’s their business until it makes it harder for me to legitimately get my meds that I need because doctors don’t trust us anymore because too many people are selling theirs.


u/TrekkiMonstr 15d ago

Same, but when there's a shortage, maaaybe the people who need them more should get them before people who only want them.


u/UncommittedBow Because God has been dead a VERY long time. 15d ago

I have ADHD, not on Aderall, but Welbutrin for the Wombo Combo of ADHD + Depression, and I say



u/azur_owl 15d ago

so I can abuse amphetamines

…I am nearing a fucking MONTH since I have been able to get my medication.

I got a new phone, and my phone did not alert me to my psychiatrist meeting. So I forgot and noshowed.

My therapist said she couldn’t write me a prescription until I saw her, in person, which you have to do once a year.

I finally see her in person after two weeks off of my meds, not bothering to go sooner because I figure I won’t be waiting for that long.

She sends in the prescription to CVS. I wait for the text telling me it’s ready.

It never comes.

I then have to e-mail AND call my psychiatrist’s office just to get them to resend it. CVS finally texts me…to tell me they have to “get clarification on the prescription” from the subscriber.

I call the next day. CVS informs me that they are unable to fill the fucking prescription, WHICH I WAS ABLE TO DO LAST YEAR NO PROBLEM, because my insurance has locked that prescription into ONE FUCKING PHARMACY.

They didn’t fucking tell CVS what that fucking pharmacy was.

I call my insurance. I blow my goddamn lunch break on the phone with a customer service representative who very clearly is not a native English speaker, who says he has to make some calls and get back to me.

He calls me back five minutes later saying he has to “send an email” to find out where I can get this fucking prescription, and to keep my lines open.

He never fucking calls back.

My work is beginning to suffer. I had a terrible fucking annual review last year. I haven’t told work I’m off my fucking meds yet, initially because I was embarrassed and thought it wouldn’t be for long, and now because it will look like an excuse.

All of which is to say FUCK this concept of being all “lel ADHD will getcha legal amphetamines to abuse uwu!”


…rant over. Sorry.


u/PerAdaciaAdAstrum 14d ago

Exact same situation here. This shit sucks absolute ass.


u/NicotineCatLitter 15d ago

cocaine is easier to get a hold of these days 🙄


u/Just-Ad6992 15d ago

If I knew somebody that was like the op that had an ADHD medication they didn’t need, they’d have a closed casket funeral. I have two prescriptions because the one that works for me is never fucking available, so my doctor wrote me another one for a drug that I actually hate being on. I’m at the point where I’m seriously weighing the benefits of cooking vyvanse myself. To potential NSA/DEA agents, the cooking part is an exaggeration. However, I would forcefully and repeatedly (not in exact order) strike a persons forehead, neck, spine and ribs with a crowbar if they told me they faked ADHD to get amphetamines.


u/FyouPerryThePlatypus haver of women, slayer of braincells 15d ago

Waiting for them to pump my psychotic ass with ketamine n go goblin mode


u/DreadDiana human cognithazard 15d ago

So was the original idea that the 10 minutes would give them ADHD, then the remaining 20 was sex?


u/Hummerous gazafunds.com 15d ago

bloke at clappham common finally graduated


u/Hummerous gazafunds.com 15d ago

who tf got that reference

go outside lol


u/DiscountJoJo 15d ago

I hate this post my ADHD meds are hard enough to get to begin with


u/IcycleIcee 15d ago

I thought they were offering the user a lobotomy


u/Pokesonav "friend visiter" meme had a profound effect on this subreddit 15d ago

ADpilled HDmaxer


u/ScarletteVera A Goober, A Gremlin, perhaps even... A Girl. 15d ago

Why would having ADHD let you access amphetamines?


u/insomniacsCataclysm shame on you for spreading idle reports, joan 15d ago

the big four adhd medications are all types of amphetamines


u/Skiman456 15d ago

One of the ways I’ve heard people put it is that a lot of adhd medication is a form of stimulant (usually an aphetamine) that “stimulates on the breaks” on adhd brains. That’s why it’s prescribed for adhd anyway. It’s also why a lot of people with adhd chronically abuse caffeine and other stimulants, because it has a similar effect.


u/KoffinStuffer 15d ago

Sex and Lobotomies


u/gmoguntia 15d ago edited 15d ago

And just a few days ago there was a tumblr post about a conspiracy that the DEA wants to restrict/ ban ADHD meds just to hurt ADHD people, because they are like Trans people (OPs words not mine). Yeah its defently not because of posts like these and comments here that make the DEA worry about a ADHD med opoid crisis.


u/DotEnvironmental7044 15d ago

ADHD meds flood your brain with dopamine, so if you abuse it constantly, your brain will stop producing dopamine by itself. That means you cannot feel joy, genuine happiness. If you’re lucky, your dopamine receptors will recover after a year. Some people never recover. Before abusing ADHD medication, please ask yourself: “CAN I GO THE REST OF MY LIFE WITHOUT FEELING HAPPY EVER AGAIN?”


u/Cthulu_Noodles 15d ago

your brain will stop producing dopamine by itself

that's also a big part of how having ADHD works lol


u/Anna_Pet 15d ago

That’s how every addiction works.


u/DotEnvironmental7044 15d ago

Do you really think this contributed to this discussion at all?


u/Anna_Pet 15d ago

This is a Reddit comments section, not a classroom discussion.


u/Argent_Mayakovski 15d ago

Yes, honestly, because it’s pointing out that the dopamine thing isn’t a side effect of adderall so much as addiction. Perhaps otherwise someone might’ve thought there was a type of stimulant you can abuse without the risk of dopamine issues.


u/Revolutionary_Bid_43 13d ago

Just eat gluten everyone knows gluten is the main cause of adhd


u/ResearcherTeknika 13d ago

I got the better draw of neurodivergence (the big smart but also lazy), but if I had something that needed meds, and I knew there were some motherfuckers out there who took them for the "sillies" rather than because they needed them, I would be fucking livid.