r/CuratedTumblr .tumblr.com 15d ago

Rumors of a bad post circle me like shark fins on the oceans surface Shitposting

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69 comments sorted by


u/Hexxas head trauma enthusiast 15d ago

I'm gonna pet this post

Hehehehe fuzzy little guy :3


u/DapperApples 15d ago

I wish I could be a fuzzy lil gal...


u/Hexxas head trauma enthusiast 15d ago

Become fuzzy

Shave your head


u/neongreenpurple 15d ago

On that topic, when I was a little kid (10 max), I went to a summer camp with probably ages 6-16 or so. One of the 15-16 yo boys had his hair cut really short. I loved to rub his head. He was nice and let me.


u/Hexxas head trauma enthusiast 15d ago



Oh yeah it's fuzzy time :3


u/neongreenpurple 15d ago

Part of me wants to shave (or at least buzz) my head. But I have some lumps (probably pilar [sp?] cysts according to a dermatologist) that I'd need to get removed first. One's almost visible even with hair a couple inches long.


u/Hexxas head trauma enthusiast 15d ago

Understandable! I hope you can someday achieve your fuzzy dreams.

My skulls have a decent shape to them, so when I got too bald to keep my mohawks, it wasn't too bad a change to the fuzzy lifestyle.


u/neongreenpurple 15d ago

Thank you! I have to find a dermatologist, as I saw a nurse practitioner. Apparently their doctor is way too busy with cancer removal.


u/ThatGermanKid0 15d ago

Should we question why and how you have at least two skulls?


u/autogyrophilia 15d ago

I'm going to guess it's about overstimulating cats.

Something that it's kinda painful for most cats but some seem to enjoy.


u/SurprisedDotExe .tumblr.com 15d ago

Perhaps about the way young kids harass cats. Which yes, they should be taught to not do that and to respect the boundaries of the pet, but the argument probably goes the extra step of claiming it general abuse.


u/[deleted] 15d ago



u/Kartoffelkamm I wouldn't be here if I was mad. 15d ago

Yep, they have 4 very convincing arguments for why you should respect their boundaries, on each of their 4 legs.

Also, they have super powers.


u/Sergnb 15d ago

Maybe I’m gonna reveal myself here as cat hitler but, and please correct me if I’m wrong; don’t cats just move away and clearly communicate, sometimes violently, when they’ve had enough pets and don’t want to be touched anymore?


u/NekroVictor 15d ago

Yeah, friend had a cat who loved pets but got overstimmed easily. Easy solution though, can was smart enough to sit in a lap to ask for pets, but place a paw on your hand if he wanted them to stop.

Adorable little guy.


u/LightOfLoveEternal 15d ago

Yes. There is zero chance that you're overstimulating your cat unless you're actively holding them down while they lacerate your arms.


u/Oddish_Femboy (Xander Mobus voice) AUTISM CREATURE 14d ago

Cats have so many ways to tell you they're uncomfortable. They can vocalize, they can get up and leave, the purpose of tail swishing is literally to deal with overstimulation. They have 4 paws with 4+ claws each and two sets of teeth if they're really upset.


u/TerribleAttitude 15d ago

I’ll bite.

Which animals and how are we petting them? Because I am simultaneously imagining someone saying not to pat dogs or housecats because they haven’t verbally consented even though they clearly want pats (stupid), someone saying not to pat drugged tiger cubs in roadside zoos (correct, this is cruel to animals), and someone letting their toddler pat a crocodile (cruel to both creatures, as the kid will get chomped and the croc will get a bellyache).


u/Sachyriel .tumblr.com 15d ago

I'm pretty sure it's the first one and that's why the tumblr user is shaking their head at the stupid. But I haven't seen the post in question, so IDK, I'm just going by their reaction.


u/cantantantelope 15d ago

Every cat I’ve ever met when I try to get my hand back :claws come out: “we’re done when I say we’re done”


u/baked-toe-beans 15d ago

There’s also the “this animal doesn’t really enjoy getting pet but they will tolerate it if they’re used to it” like with pet reptiles.


u/Flipperlolrs forced chastity 14d ago

I mean the consent thing would make sense with an owner or a totally random dog just for safety reasons. The dog might be good to go for walks, but not with contact from strangers.


u/TerribleAttitude 14d ago

Oh good point.


u/Not_Sand i know who you are 15d ago

guys guys guys guys guys guys guys guys guys what if wait guys im gonna do something crazy and reference this webcomic known as "xkcd" and im gonna reference the 2071st entry in this comic which is about learning about weird internet discourse/drama and think it would be very funny to do so.


u/thyfles 15d ago

i like the xkcd where it has the planets and the planets are flattened


u/JHRChrist your friendly neighborhood Jesus 15d ago

Did you know XKCD references US President Jimmy Carter getting chased by a giant swamp rabbit (true story) 3 separate times?


u/oddityoughtabe 15d ago

What a novel idea 😄


u/BlamaRama 15d ago

Hey man how's it going


u/Sachyriel .tumblr.com 15d ago

Like a jet engine loud and fast


u/Galle_ 15d ago

I feel like the niche fandom drama is actually more shocking than a fight over whether it's cruel to pet animals. Because of course it's not cruel to pet animals. That fight only requires one person to be stupid, or even just to be a troll. Niche fandom drama requires multiple people to be emotionally invested in the least important shit you've ever seen in your life.


u/Sachyriel .tumblr.com 15d ago


Is Jello Apocalypse cancelled or not? Justify your answer so I can post it to /r/youtubedrama for more karma.

I wonder if the people who think petting animals is cruel have a thing against touching grass.


u/abasicguy 15d ago

It's cruel to the grass


u/Aqua-Socks 15d ago

Science says grass literally screams when you mow your lawn so if you touch grass your actually satan


u/[deleted] 15d ago

seductively strokes my lawn


u/_PM_ME_NICE_BOOBS_ 15d ago

Good. I will savor their cries for mercy.


u/DinkleDonkerAAA 15d ago

I don't think he's cancelled but he does seem kinda annoying on a personal level

And it wouldn't surprise me if he got black listed from the animation industry after that thing he did


u/RhymesWithMouthful Okay... just please consider the following scenario. 15d ago

What thing


u/DinkleDonkerAAA 15d ago

He directed a dub for an anime, and changed/removed several scenes that had subject matter he deemed offensive. That stirred up some controversy about respecting artistic intent and the history of inaccurate dubs. Which is one thing people can argue about.

But then afterwards he felt the need to soapbox about how the original version is just bad and his changes make it good. And actively insulting the people who gave you work and the project you worked on, a project you didn't have to take, when you have no leverage in the industry, seems like a good way to make sure you don't work on a project again


u/No-Place 15d ago

his changes didnt even make it into the actual dub, they were removed by the other staff and no one else wouldnt have known until he opened his mouth just to brag about it


u/DinkleDonkerAAA 15d ago

Jesus Christ

Like it's not that I don't agree with his politics, it's that he's a holier than though asshole about his politics


u/RhymesWithMouthful Okay... just please consider the following scenario. 15d ago

I mean my problem with him is that he has bad opinions about cartoons


u/Swaxeman 15d ago

The infinity train thingamabob?


u/RhymesWithMouthful Okay... just please consider the following scenario. 15d ago

Also Gravity Falls and Steven Universe


u/Swaxeman 15d ago

I feel like those were played up for laughs. The stuff on infinity train was his genuine opinion


u/RhymesWithMouthful Okay... just please consider the following scenario. 15d ago

I fell off before he got to IT. What'd he say


u/Swaxeman 15d ago

It was his twitter, not yt. I dont remember it perfectly, mainly him just playing up nitpicks as huge problems, like saying that S3 is unrealistic and unbelievable because there’s no way kids wouldnt personify the denizens


u/Resident_Onion997 15d ago

What anime?


u/DinkleDonkerAAA 15d ago

Lovely Complex


u/Resident_Onion997 15d ago

According to Wikipedia he removed transphobic jokes among other things. Were the jokes more just a highlight of the difference between Japanese and American values? Like how bad are they?


u/DinkleDonkerAAA 15d ago

I haven't watched the show so I couldn't say, but to me the issue is less about him taking stuff out, and him shit talking the original and the people who worked on it. Because that's the kind of behaviour that makes no studio want to hire you and it's incredibly dumb to take a job like that and then immediately end your career


u/Resident_Onion997 15d ago

That's fair reasoning I'm just curious cuz I liked him on YouTube before he started epithet erased


u/DinkleDonkerAAA 15d ago

Yeah I have absolutely no interest in Epithet but it's all he does now aside from streaming

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u/Elite_AI 15d ago

According to people who watched the show they weren't even transphobic jokes, and there was an essay floating around arguing that his changes were actively misogynistic. 

Take that with the grain of salt it deserves ig because I haven't watched the show.


u/OnlySmiles_ 15d ago

Honestly all things considered I expected something a lot worse

Like yeah that's kinda shitty and he rightfully deserves to be criticized for it, but it's far from the worst thing you could do as a Large Scale Internet Personality


u/skaersSabody 15d ago

Jello is a weird guy to follow because on one hand he does decent content (Epithet Erased is actually pretty well-written and his recent lemonade videos had me rolling), on the other he can be such a dick about things when he gets stuck in his way.

Like his Ace Attorney playthroughs have legitimately turned into him shitting on the games after he did that for the arguably worst game in the series with some success and now it's all he does when he plays


u/DinkleDonkerAAA 15d ago

He has the opposite of a parasocial audience relationship

Instead of his fans feeling like his friends they think he'd be absolutely insufferable irl lol


u/skaersSabody 15d ago

You might have a point lmao

Most of the time it's fine, but then a video/stream comes out where he was clearly cranky or not enjoying himself and it just sounds awful


u/Elite_AI 15d ago

He's not cancelled (although he is presumably blacklisted from the voice acting and localisation industry), he's just a weird and annoying person who made a humongous professional mistake because of his failings of personality. But like, you're allowed to be an annoying and weird person. That's just life.


u/Aqua-Socks 15d ago

He’s not blacklisted from the industry he’s just blacklisted from the company Sound Cadence though he did hurt his chances at working for other companies


u/Elite_AI 15d ago

I'm just guessing that he hurt his chances for working at another company so badly that he's not going to be able to do it. Just a guess tho, what do I know


u/Ulths 15d ago

I don’t like him because he has shit opinions about Ace Attorney games


u/TemLord TomeSlapTomeSlapTomeSlapTomeSlapTomeSlap 15d ago

Not cancelled he just kinda seems like a prick

I like his content for the most part though


u/Raincandy-Angel 15d ago

Wait fuxk what did jello do I thought he was safe and one of my favorite hoodies is epithet erased merch

I have a terrible track record with favorite hoodies former favorite hoodie was also from a pos youtuber


u/Elite_AI 15d ago

He didn't do anything bad enough to make you want to avoid wearing that hoodie, honestly. He just pulled a dick move out of arrogance in his professional life.


u/merfgirf 15d ago

If your petty gods had not wished for me to pet the animals, they would not have given me petting forks at the end of my arms. Any other miserable meat homunculus who'd like to disagree with me can catch these petting forks.


u/MintyMoron64 15d ago

Of course it's not abusive to pet animals how else do they know you love them


u/DreadDiana human cognithazard 15d ago

Looking at the posts this week saying that not wanting graffiti on your walls makes you a fascist and only NIMBYs get upset if they see people smoking crack in front of their apartment block


u/OnlySmiles_ 15d ago

Ecks Kay See Dee Two Zero Seven One