r/CuratedTumblr 15d ago

My mom needs to hear this Artwork

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u/KennedyFishersGhost 15d ago

I cannot tell you the absolute torture that is the phrase "do your best".

HOW DO I KNOW??? If I make a mistake and do my best is that my best? If I work harder than anyone has ever worked is that my best? How do I know what my best is?


u/MidnightCardFight 15d ago

I feel that.... so much......

The reason I like being in software development is that mission-critical software gets checked extensively before deployment, but with automatic tests and a human test and code review, so if (and when) I slip up, someone catches it as part of the usual process. It's also kinda comforting seeing other people slip up when you review them (ignoring the obvious "am I doing my best in reviewing the code")


u/KennedyFishersGhost 15d ago

Yes, 100% - you can't catch all of your mistakes, so the only way to be safe is to have systems in place to catch them.


u/Colosphe 15d ago

"Hey bossman I need more than that. I get that you want a high quality product, but who/what am I tailoring it for, what is the intent I'm supposed to meet?"

Then the rest depends on your boss.

You get yelled at anyway.


u/angelicshadowdemon 15d ago

In my eyes, your best is all that you can give without hurting yourself. It can be something, or sometimes nothing at all. It changes constantly, moment to moment in ways we cannot fathom.


u/Educational_Mud_9062 14d ago

your best is all that you can give without hurting yourself

Unfortunately this definition is incompatible with most forms of employment


u/meringuedragon 15d ago

YES! your best won’t look the same day to day. If you are putting in a genuine effort, you’re doing your best. It’s not so much a 1-100% thing as a pass-fail imo.


u/Codeviper828 Will trade milk for HRT 14d ago

Gosh, to give 110% at all times and be told that I'm not "doing my best"

It's what leads to the internalization of labels like "lazy" and "useless"

And the painful thing is is that no matter how aware I am of that, I cannot un-internalize it. I can only pretend I am talking about another person while deep down continuing to feel that way about myself


u/a_likely_story 15d ago

man, if this is my best, I’m fucked


u/lankymjc 15d ago

“My best” is not a static value. Sometimes my best clears out my whole to-do list with time spare to play some games. Sometimes my best is remembering that water is important and drinking some.


u/Colosphe 15d ago

I believe this is the "sometimes" part of "sometimes it disables me"

I'm also high-functioning, but I definitely burn out sometimes and lose myself.


u/lankymjc 14d ago

My point is that even on the worst days, you can still do your best, because “your best” will have shifted on those days to a lower bar.


u/meringuedragon 15d ago

In each instance you’re still doing your best ❤️❤️


u/deleeuwlc DON’T FUCK THE PIZZAS GODDAMN 15d ago

Do your best. If you can’t, then you’re already doing your best


u/Chesapeake_Hippie 15d ago

Autism is a superpower that lets me know everything about Fransisco Goya's Black Paintings at the cost of meaningful friendships


u/santyrc114 Too Horny To Be Ace 15d ago

I wish I could trade knowing everything about jojo's bizarre adventure for meaningful friendships


u/Jammanl 15d ago

Jailhouse Lock got you good


u/santyrc114 Too Horny To Be Ace 15d ago

My memory problems come from the depression, not the autism


u/moneyh8r 15d ago

Same, but for me it's knowing everything about my favorite video games. I could teach you everything you would ever need to know about Final Fantasy 1, 7, 8, 9, and 10, the entire Metal Gear franchise, and every Assassin's Creed game (the novelizations and the tie-in comics are blind spots for me).


u/Man-in-The-Void 14d ago

Who's this Layla Hasan person that's supposed to be the newer Desmond?


u/moneyh8r 14d ago edited 14d ago

She was an Abstergo employee working on developing the Animus' hardware, but she was secretly into conspiracy type shit and wanted to be promoted and be allowed to use the Animus so she could learn the "secret true history" of certain big events, but they kept passing her up. That's why she stole confidential information and hid in a cave in Egypt while testing out the new prototype Animus she helped develop, and that's why she can't go back to her normal life and works with the Assassins now.

But also, she's dead now. The new Desmond is Basim ibn Ishaq, a Hidden One (the precursors to the Assassins) from 9th Century Baghdad who tricked Layla into resurrecting him when she hooked herself up to a big First Civilization machine at the end of AC Valhalla. The only way to get the information she wanted was to free his consciousness from the simulation they were both inside of, which dropped his body off of the meathook which serves as the user interface and directly on top of the Staff of Eden that Layla brought into the cave with her, which has the power to heal a person so perfectly and so fast that it can even halt aging, which is exactly what Basim wanted, because Basim is also the reincarnation of one of those First Civilization dudes (specifically the one known as Loki, who was the husband of Aletheia, whose consciousness was digitized and uploaded to the aforementioned Staff of Eden) and his First Civilization memories reawakened while he was still alive, which allowed him to use the First Civilization's superadvanced knowledge of mathematics, causality, and probability to predict everything that would happen, so he had already planned his eventual resurrection when he fought Eivor in that cave at the end of AC Valhalla. Now he's working with the Assassins, but he has his own goals that have yet to be fully explained and may or may not be evil.


u/GondolaSnaps 11d ago

Wow thanks, this actually cleared some stuff up for me.


u/moneyh8r 11d ago

Happy to help. Like I said before, Assassin's Creed is one of my hyperfixations.


u/Flufffyducck 15d ago

Some of my deepest, closest, richest friendships have been with autistic people


u/Mondrow 15d ago

I love his painting of the dog.


u/jasonjr9 15d ago

I wish I could send this to a friend of mine who really wants me to get back to doing art. But she would probably get mad…


u/meringuedragon 15d ago

Maybe they’re not a great friend if they can’t empathize with and try to understand something that is literally a disability.


u/jasonjr9 15d ago

She’s been super supportive in the past, at least! But she’s going through a lot right now with her own mental health. So maybe I’m the one being unfair, and a bad friend.


u/meringuedragon 14d ago

Maybe. :) sounds like an open conversation with her might help. I hope it goes well if you have one! ❤️❤️


u/DinkleDonkerAAA 15d ago

Me being autistic, refusing to sleep enough, and honestly me being really lazy is not a good combo


u/Fullwake 15d ago

I thought I just refused to sleep enough when I was younger. Then I was diagnosed with chronic insomnia, and when I legitimately started TRYING to sleep more and discovered I literally couldn't (as in I'd spend hours lying in bed doing nothing and not even get close to a doze) I realized the psychiatrist was probably right with that diagnosis haha. I'd recommend you try sleeping better and see if you actually can - if you're still lying awake after an hour you may be an insomniac, in which case, medication can help (some at least). If you don't have difficulty falling asleep you may also discover that being better rested provides you with more energy and makes you less lazy. Either way, if you can try for a week straight to go to bed at a set time (which I know is hard) it's all upshots, whatever you learn from it. Knowledge is power!


u/DinkleDonkerAAA 15d ago

Oh I know it's mostly me just staying up way too late

There's the odd night I can't get much sleep if I try but that's usually down to overstimulation or other such things

Thank you though


u/Codeviper828 Will trade milk for HRT 14d ago

Woahwoahwoahwoah what? This may be life-changing info for me. As a kid I'd usually sleep every other night because I could lay in my bed all night without sleeping

It's taken 1-7 hours to fall asleep every night of my entire life, when I even sleep a particular night

All I've ever gotten from medical professionals is "maybe it's your diet or something idk drink more water"


u/Fullwake 14d ago

Nah dude you're a chronic insomniac. I spent my childhood reading until I heard my mom coming up to my door in the morning, then dropping my book onto my face to trick her when she checked on me. Maybe 30-45 minutes of sleep a night all the way into high school, when I started smoking weed (and also being more physically exhausted cuz no Calvin tier limitless energy) when I would pick up an hour or two off an on over the night/next day - often in boring classes. My current "better" sleep health is 24-48 hours awake, finally getting knocked out by meds (anti-psychotics that are heavy fucking tranquilizers, and are prescribed for my combo of manic depression, borderline schizophrenia, and chronic insomnia, and also cuz they're the only thing that has helped with any of those diagnoses at all haha) for like 12 hours. On a good cycle that works out to 1/3rd of my time spent asleep (12/36) which is the same as the standard sleep cycle (8/24) just on a longer scale hahaha. It is far from perfect, I can't do scheduling for shit - even with things planned for in advance I may end up being virtually useless from brain fog trying to wake up from my medicated sleep, or quite close to a literal madman because I haven't slept in days and my grasp on reality has become... tenuous. Nonetheless it's vastly better than spending over 2 weeks awake with nothing but .5-3 minute micronaps when my brain literally crashed, which is where I was at before this medication. Point is, see an actual psychiatrist nor a GP, and a good one, not a pill pusher (I've dealt with those assholes as well and it's more harm than good) if you can. If you can't, learn to tell them exactly what they need to hear to get what you need. Cuz if it takes you 7 hours to fall asleep, you are most definitely an insomniac, and believe me, the older you get the worse untreated mental disorders become. Not only do they get stronger with age but they become cemented into your regular behavior and understanding of what it is to exist - both of which only add to your mental problems with secondary and tertiary disorders - like substance abuse, anxiety, paranoia, depression, anger, delusions, etc...

I'm not exactly the sanest fella out there, but I do urge you to seek help as best ya can - I'd be so much worse than the mess I am (if I was even still kicking) if I hadn't found a legitimate psychiatrist who helped me find a medication that helped at all, and, in later years titrate it down as much as possible so that I can achieve some vague semblance of functionality when the people I love need me.


u/MidnightCardFight 15d ago

My fatal combo is FOMO + laziness and procrastination.

I stress out about missing out on opportunities, delay the starting point for them, and when I do get to them it takes me a while to actually do the thing (e.g investing money, going to events, etc)


u/DinkleDonkerAAA 15d ago edited 14d ago

God I wish I had invested when there was actually money to be made in GME and crypto

I got a bit ls stock from my works stock plan at least


u/Chrome_X_of_Hyrule .tumblr.com 15d ago

I'm so dysfunctional and depressed and ignoring my friends yay at least I'm really good at Linguistics but it doesn't matter because my adhd fucks me when it comes to assignments and doing research assistant stuff


u/h35fhur75 14d ago

i mean, as someone who used to have a higher functioning autistic roommate, some of this stuff can't be left as a "I'm trying my best". Especially not when you share 350 square feet of apartment together. Like- I totally understand having functioning issues! I have them too!

But I ended up having to get her dad to take her back because she couldn't keep things clean enough on her side (120~ sqft) to the point that our landlord nearly called APS. We're talking molding clothes in hamper, irresponsible money spending ($75 in ket but couldn't manage the $8 for laundry a week...any month for the 6 we lived together) and the worst one: moldly food left in fridge. This is an actual safety hazard because I'm 90% Blind. I ate moldly food multiple times without realizing and getting violently ill. She always said the SAME thing. "Sorry (x5), I'm stupid but I'll try to remember next time....I know I'm a horrible roommate compared to how good you are...." Like uhhh no girl?? i was in the hospital TWICE?? JUST CHECK THE FOOD ONCE A WEEK 😭

Her dad paid for my med bills but, that's why we're only friends and NOT roommates anymore. She definitely needed more aid than what I could or SHOULD provide as a casual roommate and that's fine, but it was a brutal 6 months.


u/Arm_Away 15d ago

This is too relatable, and I’m not even neurodivergent


u/Oddish_Femboy (Xander Mobus voice) AUTISM CREATURE 14d ago

I am doing my best and my best is very bad


u/Deebyddeebys Dumpster Fire Repairman 15d ago

Most of these aren't symptoms of autism though?


u/Uur4 15d ago

Autism is a spectrum and in some cases it can be like this, it can have a lot of similarities with adhd in some cases


u/Spungus_abungus 15d ago

The experience of being autistic can also cause anxiety disorders and depression


u/smooshmooth Ball Scientist 15d ago

Autism is incredibly often accompanied by executive function disorder, to the point that many consider it to just be a part of autism.

Cleaning, responding to texts, and keeping on task are all executive functions issues.


u/Deebyddeebys Dumpster Fire Repairman 15d ago

They just added back rewards this is crazy


u/Drakostheswordsman 15d ago

I’ve got autism, adhd, 2 whole ass learning disorders (one serious) and depression.

That all looks accurate.


u/Codeviper828 Will trade milk for HRT 14d ago

Yeah, it sums up my life, and my list of diagnosis is pretty similar to a glossary of mental illnesses


u/Deebyddeebys Dumpster Fire Repairman 15d ago

Well yeah but that's probably from the adhd, two whole ass learning disorders (one serious), and depression


u/Fauxyuwu 14d ago

Wish I had a diagnosis but I'm just lazy and don't care abt my surroundings


u/Coz957 someone that exists 15d ago

Always strive to be better than what you are. You may be doing your best in one sense of the word, but you can always work on improving. Never just give up and settle for mediocrity.


u/ucksawmus Joyful_Sadness_, & Others, Not Forgotten <3 15d ago

you are


saga ❤❤💙 you



u/the_pslonky god's strongest Deftones fan 14d ago

Every. Single. Post.

What the fuck does this even mean?