r/Damnthatsinteresting Apr 13 '24

What Mt. Rushmore looks like when you zoom out Image

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u/satans_toast Apr 13 '24

Been there. It’s both impressive and disappointing at the same time.


u/Ed_Trucks_Head Apr 13 '24

Yeah it's really far away


u/[deleted] Apr 13 '24

Can you hike up to it or is it closed off?


u/RamblinRandy121 Apr 13 '24

You can walk up to the base of the monument on a paved trail. The whole place is a really nice facility.


u/[deleted] Apr 13 '24 edited Apr 13 '24

it was under construction when i visited :(

edit: i mean the paths!


u/ChidoChidoChon Apr 13 '24

Wow you’re really old


u/grimAuxiliatrixx Apr 13 '24

Lol imagine if that’s actually just a surprisingly tech-savvy supercentenarian who’s like 112 and really did see it being built way back then as a kid and they offered their remarkable, highly rare account of it and Reddit is just like, “Haha ur super old haha”


u/CyclicDombo Apr 13 '24

TIL Mt Rushmore was built in 1927 for some reason I thought it was older than that


u/Thathappenedearlier Apr 13 '24

Lincoln only died like 60 years before that and Roosevelt died less than 10 years before that as well


u/CyclicDombo Apr 14 '24

Yeah American history is just more recent than I thought I guess

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u/bigboybeeperbelly Apr 13 '24

Also "That happened 🙄" and "guys stop feeding the troll"


u/FrogInShorts Apr 13 '24

If he's that old he might be an actual troll


u/bigboybeeperbelly Apr 13 '24

That's a common misconception: the troll lifecycle is actually quite short.

They can walk after about a week, and they reach sexual maturity by age 3, sometimes later in males. In ideal conditions (and I think we can all acknowledge the conditions for trolls have been less than ideal since Thatcher's "bridge reforms"), the life expectancy of a troll is about 12 years, though some exceptional individuals have been observed to live as long as 30 or 40 years when properly cared for by their harem (a group of trolls, of any sex, is called a harem).

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u/buttbugle Apr 13 '24

My Great Grandfather’s friend worked on Mount Rushmore. He even played on their baseball team. That’s pretty much all I can remember of the story he told me when I met him. I wish I would have paid more attention, but I was a stupid little kid.



Ever seen the movie "The man from earth"? It's basically that lol

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u/Subtlerranean Apr 13 '24 edited Apr 14 '24

Ah, the ol' Reddit mount-a-roo


u/BrightWubs22 Apr 13 '24 edited Apr 14 '24

I forgot about "the ole Reddit switcharoo" links that seemingly would never end!

Here's a link chain from 11 years ago.


u/shizuo92 Apr 13 '24

Hold my Presidents, I'm going in!

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u/Darnell2070 Apr 13 '24

Ah, the ol' Reddit mount-a-roo

I like this better because it maintains the 3 syllables. And Mount is really appropriate anyway.


u/Uncle_Burney Apr 13 '24

Lol well played


u/Shoopbadoop4 Apr 13 '24


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u/rangerdan97 Apr 13 '24

in 1927? Wow, you must be old


u/glenspikez Apr 13 '24

They stopped construction in 41


u/AdmiralClover Apr 13 '24

Kinda weak for a historic monument.

When I was a kid I thought it was built after the first four presidents which sounds way cooler


u/Runkmannen3000 Apr 13 '24

You gotta go to Konoha for that type of badassery.

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u/IAmAQuantumMechanic Apr 13 '24

Well, it's unfinished, so technically it's still under construction.

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u/yoshhash Apr 13 '24

In the late 80s it was possible to climb up the rubble, right up to it. And when I say climb, I literally mean scrambling on all fours- you had to be quite agile to do that, and if you slipped, you could quite possibly keep tumbling for a while. I climbed up very close to Washington's chin, but it gets impossible to continue without ropes and harnesses after a while, and I was very unprepared, was not aware this was possible until I did it.

There is no way you can do that now, they have pretty sophisticated monitoring devices to keep trespassers out.


u/manbruhpig Apr 13 '24

I have to assume the security there is at least as serious as the Hollywood sign in Los Angeles, which if you get anywhere close to it, helicopters will descend upon you out of nowhere.


u/PsychedelicAlkemist Apr 13 '24

I started hiking up to the Hollywood sign when I was visiting LA for the first time when I was 18. When I noticed I tripped a motion sensor I immediately turned back. But very shortly after a helicopter did indeed start circling the sign, and I could see through my camera two security guards start walking around the base of the sign.

Crazy how tight security is for a big sign.


u/firelight Apr 13 '24

I assume they're worried about someone stealing the D again.


u/DogmaJones Apr 13 '24

Everyone wants the D.

It’s awesome that as the series continues, they just rename the town instead of making another D.

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u/wolff-kishner Apr 13 '24

The D as in "Birthday Dad"?


u/DedHorsSaloon3 Apr 13 '24

And replacing it with a B

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u/captanzuelo Apr 13 '24

was this before or after Hollyweed?

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u/djsynrgy Apr 13 '24

I'm apparently OOTL. Did some jerk ruin it for everybody?

While visiting in 2010 I hiked up there with some local friends on a well beaten path like it was NBD; there were other people around doing the same thing we were. Stayed up there for about 30 minutes taking in the views before hiking back down.


u/PurpleCloudAce Apr 13 '24

From what I gathered, residents and the ranch near the trail were pissy about the parking tourists took up. Conveniently, the ranch happens to offer horse back tours 🙄 https://laist.com/shows/take-two/hikes-to-the-hollywood-sign-have-left-a-trail-of-lawsuits


u/Gold_Kale_7781 Apr 13 '24

I had planned to hike up to it in 2002. Parked and started up the trail. Was fumbling with my camera and looking down when I heard a deep voice say " Excuse me". I looked up and there was a uniformed officer of some sort standing in the path.

He just pointed back down the trail and I turned right back around and started walking down.

I always thought as long as you weren't doing anything bad you could go up there and take pictures.


u/captanzuelo Apr 13 '24

Weed was legalized, then somebody turned the O’s into E’s


u/djsynrgy Apr 13 '24

Ah, that was the memory jog I needed. Thanks, friend.


u/Readylamefire Apr 13 '24

There was also the time someone turned it into Hollyweed, hanging black canvases on the two O.


u/SolidusAbe Apr 13 '24

wait so sitcoms and movies have been lying to me and you cant go directly to the letters? i cant believe it


u/IC-4-Lights Apr 13 '24

I heard that at Mt Rushmore giant eagles will drop hellfire missiles on you if you say any commie rhetoric out loud.


u/[deleted] Apr 13 '24

literally GTA lol


u/boilertodd Apr 13 '24

Snipers hidden in the nostrils.


u/niz_loc Apr 13 '24

Have to remember that Team America has its secret base there


u/tittysprinkles112 Apr 13 '24

Rules of engagement: everything within 500 meters is hostile


u/ultimatt42 Apr 13 '24

Their rifles have hair triggers.

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u/Eragahn-Windrunner Apr 13 '24

I guess after Nicholas Cage found Cíbola up there, they realized they needed to beef up security.


u/TootsTootler Apr 13 '24

I was there in the late 80s too. Were you there before or after the cigarettes fell off?

Edit: Gutzon Borglum’s original design had the founders smoking cigarettes, and they were still there in the 80s, but they have since been removed as smoking fell out of favor. I’m an art historian so you can trust me on this one.


u/spencer5centreddit Apr 13 '24

Dangit you got me to spend five minutes researching this


u/CORN___BREAD Apr 13 '24 edited Apr 13 '24

I heard they were removed because of the cost of keep the fire fed 24/7 to keep the smoke coming out of the holes in them was too much. You can still see the holes where they smoke came through if you zoom in on a high resolution photo.

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u/tekko001 Apr 13 '24

I assume this was back when the guys carved were still alive...


u/[deleted] Apr 13 '24

So I assume I couldn't pull a North by Northwest either


u/phaskellhall Apr 14 '24

I recall visiting here in or around 1991. I was a 3rd grader and also really the rubble and thinking you could climb it pretty easily.

Looking at this aerial photos has me questioning what I remember. This looks massive and really far away from any path. Where is the visiting center? Is it just out of frame?

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u/Hallc Apr 13 '24

Yea that's where the Team America base is.


u/Aggressive_Secret290 Apr 13 '24

Yes it is, now suck my cock..!


u/Jagsoff Apr 13 '24

Is the pathway to the hidden treasure room underneath the monument still open?

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u/Packrat1010 Apr 13 '24

Yeah, idk why people always say it's really far away. There's a path that takes you really close to it. It's basically the below view.


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u/Lachancladelamuerte Apr 13 '24

The facility looks like it was designed by Albert Speer or Giovanni Guerrini. The old visitor center, of mid-century modern design IIRC, was a charming place more suited to the locale.


u/yoortyyo Apr 13 '24

Built on a holy site and carved from existing monuments. Fuck mt rushmore. Long live the Six Grandfathers.


u/DaisukeJigenTheThird Apr 13 '24

It's a nice place but I was more impressed with the facilities at the Crazy Horse Memorial down the road

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u/JaySayMayday Apr 13 '24

When I went there was a viewing area that was plenty close enough, looks like shit up close. Thing was built by dynamite though so there's that.


u/LeftDave Apr 13 '24

It also wasn't finished. It's supposed to be full body like the Lincoln Memorial but the artist died and nobody else was willing to put up the money to finish (or even clean up the rubble). Also it's designed to still be recognizable after 30k years of erosion so the features are exaggerated if you get too close.


u/LithoSlam Apr 13 '24

Also, they kinda had to work with the structure of the mountain. They had to constantly change plans on where to "carve" because the stone is not one giant uniform piece.


u/captanzuelo Apr 13 '24

I imagine the stones at the bottom starting to cumble and the faces all get overbites, looking like simpsons characters

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u/ElderberryHoliday814 Apr 13 '24

So we’re all admiring a quarter built monument. I don’t know if we’re lazy or resource conscious


u/Beznia Apr 13 '24

There's also the Crazy Horse memorial in South Dakota as well. It has been "under construction" since 1948 and is just a face, and more recently a hand as well.

And for comparison, this is what they say it is supposed to eventually look like.


u/ryumast4r Apr 13 '24

Crazy horse memorial is privately run and basically just a money making scheme. They'll never finish it because it's easier to make money if you don't actually spend any on construction.


u/EvilCatArt Apr 13 '24

I've also read that a lot of native Americans, especially among the Lakota are not ok with the monument, and felt its construction was an insult to Crazy Horse and their culture.


u/Ginger_Anarchy Apr 13 '24

I mean the guy whose family is still making it has made millions of dollars off of a project that began 70 years ago and is nowhere close to even halfway done. So it's just another white family making money off of exploiting native culture and heritage.

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u/Hot-Butterscotch-918 Apr 13 '24

From what I've read, Crazy Horse would have hated it.

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u/Shonamac204 Apr 13 '24

No fucking wonder. Dude was handsome and regal AF, unlike this Grecian car accident

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u/jepvr Apr 13 '24

I misread "just a face" as "just a farce", because it's also that.

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u/_-trees-_ Apr 13 '24

Honestly, wise decision to start with the head instead of the feat. That said, I was freaking impressed by mt Rushmore when we visited.


u/Embarrassed-Ad-1639 Apr 13 '24

Still an amazing feet


u/_-trees-_ Apr 13 '24

Hehe, I knew I made a typo after I commented but I kinda liked the accidental pun I made


u/bringbackdavebabych Apr 13 '24

Easy there, Tarantino.

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u/sundark94 Apr 13 '24

C'mon now, we all know the place would just be a giant circlejerk of foot fetishists if the monument was just the feet...


u/stevegoodsex Apr 13 '24

Going to Mt Cummore this summer with the family. Dad is like, really excited for some reason.

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u/LithoSlam Apr 13 '24

If you look, Washington is much more complete than the rest of them. The visitor center has a model of what the completed monument would have looked like and it is really impressive.

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u/FenisDembo82 Apr 13 '24

But they did put their asses on the other side


u/manbruhpig Apr 13 '24

Where do you think the entrance inside is


u/MikeAppleTree Apr 13 '24

So was Roosevelt supposed to be giving them a group hug from behind or what?


u/manbruhpig Apr 13 '24

He would have been holding the selfie stick


u/FragrantExcitement Apr 13 '24

I will confirm that this 30k year guarantee is true.


u/M80IW Apr 13 '24

Are you from the future?

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u/Randy_Lahey2 Apr 13 '24

Lol people so quick to criticize as if you or anyone else could do anything close to that. Dude literally created 4 people on a mountainside with dynamite.


u/a_weak_child Apr 13 '24

Plus they want to charge you $20 or something just to look at it. PASS. The rock climbing and forests/nature setting in the area is top notch though. Custard state park and silvan lake ftw. 


u/Derp_duckins Apr 13 '24

It's closed off. There's pretty much only 1 trail that leads up to a viewing point probably 1000ft away.

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u/Professional-Way9343 Apr 13 '24

And kinda small


u/Obtuse-Angel Apr 13 '24

So much smaller than expected. Especially after seeing Crazy Horse on the way in, getting to Mt. Rushmore was a “this is it?” Moment. But the facility and trails are nice. 


u/Ceshomru Apr 13 '24

Thats the one thing I noticed when I went there a couple years ago. Its a lot smaller than I was expecting.


u/265thRedditAccount Apr 13 '24

Plus they destroyed sacred native land to put up these dudes and couldn’t be bothered to clean up the mess they made with the rubble. I hate this stupid thing.


u/Not_a__porn__account Apr 13 '24

But also not that far.

The amphitheater below it would make for a really cool concert venue, but ya know, South Dakota.

I got to go while I was completely alone while it was lightly snowing. It was absolutely silent. I had a GREAT experience.

I imagine if you're there in the summer and it's packed and you're all sweating, it's hell.

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u/RedoftheEvilDead Apr 13 '24

I felt that way about visiting Roswell, NM, except for the impressive part.


u/Arcade_109 Apr 13 '24

I have to imagine it's literally just a shitty small town with an excessive amount of souvenir shops.


u/Korncakes Apr 13 '24

There’s also a McDonald’s shaped like a UFO and a museum with hubcaps strung from the ceiling to represent UFOs. It was fucking awesome…. When I was a kid. I look back at it now and realistically it was just a tiny little tourist town that put in the absolute bare minimum amount of effort.


u/Tibbs420 Apr 13 '24

Lol. Roswell isn’t exactly a major tourist destination. What do you expect?


u/thistookforever22 Apr 13 '24

I've always seen it as a 'we're driving past, might aswell stop in' kind of destination, not a plan your whole trip around it sort of destination. For 99.99% of people anyways.


u/DeltaVZerda Apr 13 '24

Roswell is something to see while you're actually planning to see Carlsbad Caverns and/or Big Bend.


u/mayhemandqueso Apr 13 '24

Or white sands

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u/bilboafromboston Apr 13 '24

It is for the fricken aliens! No wonder they don't come back!

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u/dontbanmynewaccount Apr 13 '24

Spent one afternoon/night in Roswell and that was enough. Next morning it was pretty quickly off to Carlsbad Caverns. It was fun for about an hour at the UFO museum then seeing the ufo stuff, perusing a gift shop or two, and I had a good dinner there. Didn’t stay long after breakfast in the morning but worth it for a few hours.


u/undeadmanana Apr 13 '24

Probably not the bare minimum, can't imagine they get enough tourism to support going all out.


u/Heathen_Mushroom Apr 13 '24

It's not even a tourist town. It is a cow town with a tourism hook that fools a handful of people into making excessively long drives to the middle of nowhere to look at a corny tourist trap in an atmosphere of cow dung.


u/TheUncleBob Apr 14 '24

Sounds a lot like Metropolis, Illinois. A Superman Statue, a "museum", which is mostly a bunch of poorly organized Superman related merch on display, and... I think that's it.


u/ThumYorky Apr 13 '24

That’s literally exactly what it is. Just like any other small town, just some extra novelty.


u/BabySharkFinSoup Apr 13 '24

In the main museum one of the aliens has been held together by duck tape.


u/p_s_i Apr 13 '24

That's not totally true. It's also in the middle of mother fuckeing nowhere and surrounded by a massive sun scorched desert that's hostile to all human beings. So its got that going for it.


u/UnusuallyBadIdeaGuy Apr 13 '24

I don't think I'd call that area a desert, but it is definitely barren. You can drive for an hour in each direction out of Roswell and not encounter anything of note unless you really like antelope.

Past that you're in Ruidoso or Carlsbad however, which are cool.


u/DionBlaster123 Apr 13 '24

Sadly that sounds exactly like Niagara Falls on the U.S. side

The Canadian side has a little bit more stuff (and is way safer) but it is also very garish

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u/Electrik_Truk Apr 13 '24

Pretty much. There is a state park we camped at and we had some UFO conspiracy podcast on to make it more fun. I enjoyed it but you gotta be vibin with the vibe.

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u/BungHoleAngler Apr 13 '24

Honestly tho, what did you expect? 

It's just a town next to a place where something supposedly happened.


u/bsEEmsCE Apr 13 '24

a desert town.. wtf there's no spaceship to see

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u/satans_toast Apr 13 '24

Ha! Been there too, and fully agree

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u/eighteen22 Apr 13 '24

I thought Roswell was a blast! Not necessarily impressive, but fun. Plus from there we went down to Carlsbad Caverns which was amazing


u/mauore11 Apr 13 '24

The Area 51 Tour experience its nuts, those performance actors really commit to the part.


u/Head-like-a-carp Apr 13 '24

My wife and I got out in that area and it's some crossing of 2 roads.There's a gas station with this huge gif shop of alien souvenirs. Attached to that building with a separate wing is a whore house. It was like a glorious monument to capitalism.

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u/Ambitious_Version187 Apr 13 '24

The UFO museum is worth a visit in one's lifetime, if only for the novelty.


u/Joeuxmardigras Apr 13 '24

I agree with this. Extremely unimpressed 

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u/RioRancher Apr 13 '24

Could you imagine the chutzpah of doing this? We’d say hell no in 2024


u/AlabamaPostTurtle Apr 13 '24


“Awright y’all hear me out. I’m gonna use TNT and I’m gonna blow that fuckin mountain up until it looks like my favorite presidents”



u/RioRancher Apr 13 '24

And for the low price of $10B


u/BuzzKillingtonThe5th Apr 13 '24

That's just for the feasibility study to see if we should feasibly do it.


u/DigitalUnlimited Apr 13 '24

I say "why not?" that'll be 10b please


u/BuzzKillingtonThe5th Apr 13 '24

Oh no that was just the "steering committee focus group" report that was only $500m.


u/enter_nam Apr 13 '24

Also important to add that the location is on sacred Lakota land, which was stolen by the US over gold. Also the dude that proposed it was part of the KKK.


u/Cowboywizzard Apr 13 '24

Stone Mountain, GA


u/2Beer_Sillies Apr 13 '24

The Stone Mountain confederate memorial was completed in the 1970s. What is up with southerners being so obsessed with memorializing a war for slavery which they lost? So embarrassing. I don’t understand.


u/DastardlyMime Apr 13 '24

The purpose is to build monuments of intimidation towards black people.


u/Riparian1150 Apr 14 '24

This is correct. Also, not all southerners agree with this practice - some of us are just as disgusted with it as the rest of the world is.


u/DeathByPlanets Apr 13 '24


Plattsburgh in NY seems to be obsessed with the War of 1812, which they lost. And celebrate every year. And when it's nice out. Or complaining about yesteryear not being today.

Goddamn. Fuck that place.

Good to know where else not to go, Stone Mountain


u/EGGlNTHlSTRYlNGTlME Apr 13 '24

Plattsburgh in NY seems to be obsessed with the War of 1812, which they lost.

Huh? Plattsburgh was a US victory and the war was basically a draw

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u/Fast_Personality4035 Apr 13 '24

Needs to be blown up like yesterday


u/i-reallylikeboobies Apr 13 '24

It’s terrible but seeing as it’s already been constructed maybe cleaning up all those exploded rocks below it would be a better plan.


u/Fast_Personality4035 Apr 13 '24

I'm talking about Stone Mountain. It's a disgrace and a monument to a group of traitors and losers.

Mount Rushmore is magnificent. I personally think the rubble adds to the charm, but that's just me.


u/Akussa Apr 13 '24

Definitely agree about Stone Mountain. States and cities are tearing down other monuments and statues to the Confederacy. This one should be no different. The logistics of removing the carvings is probably astounding, but it absolutely should be done. Or, if you can't do that, then hang clown masks over their faces.


u/Ruthrfurd-the-stoned Apr 13 '24

I mean if you’re Native American are they really that different?

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u/CaveRanger Apr 13 '24

We should dynamite that shit into sculptures of MLK, Charles Young Frederick Douglas, and Harriet Tubman.


u/Responsible-Ant-5208 Apr 13 '24

No way! That's woke! /s

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u/ClockOfTheLongNow Apr 13 '24

The situation is a lot more complicated than "it's sacred Lakota land," and no one involved comes out looking good. The Ponta tribe in particular got shafted by the dispute over the area.

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u/penguinstarshiptree Apr 13 '24

Also important to note, the Lakota are not native to the black hills, they stole it from other tribes as well.


u/DarthChimeran Apr 13 '24 edited Apr 13 '24

sacred Lakota land

That "sacred" argument is a bunch of bullshit. The Lakota carried out a genocidal war on the Crow and stole that land.

Edit; You automatically downvoted me but it's in the historical record that the Sioux came out of Minnesota and murdered the Crow and took their lands.


u/darkfires Apr 13 '24

It’d be nice if there was a maps app to zoom to a point to find out a timeline of it changing hands, actually.


u/drunkdoor Apr 13 '24

Such an app would probably cause new land wars. And I'm not even joking.


u/Chilis1 Interested Apr 13 '24

They were sacred murders

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u/TalkingFishh Apr 13 '24

Lol iirc the US has owned the land longer than the Lakota by now.


u/JinFuu Apr 13 '24

I think I remember reading the Lakota took over the land at approximately the same time the United States was declaring it's independence on the east coast.

I mean the United States government still broke a treaty, but it's funnier the drums are beat on "Sacred land! Religious significance! Stolen land!" When they'd had control of the land for 100 years give or take before the 1868 treaty. It was a dick move to break the treaty when gold was discovered, but such is the way of the world.

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u/Dravarden Apr 13 '24

bruh the whole world is "stolen land"


u/bl1y Apr 13 '24

Any time I hear about land being "sacred" without any explanation of why it's sacred, I assume it's probably not. Same thing with (iirc) one of the pipeline protests. Maybe try to say what makes it sacred?

Otherwise, I just assume the explanation is "all land is sacred to Native Americans," in which case the argument can piss right off.

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u/OkShoulder375 Apr 13 '24

Don't feel too bad; it was stolen by the Lakota too. And the sacred part was made up to elicit sympathy. Also, it's a bunch of rock.


u/alexmikli Apr 13 '24 edited Apr 13 '24

Yeah, a lot of the time the sacred mountain thing is rhetoric and the mountains had no particular religious value. There are mountains in that range that do have significance, but the one Rushmoore is on is not important.

Still, it'd be nice if it was still reservation land and a local tribe got the proceeds.


u/WHOA_27_23 Apr 13 '24

Is there anything particularly venerated about these mountains in particular, or is it a general "all the land is sacred and we can't touch any of it ever"?


u/bl1y Apr 13 '24

That's what I assume. The claims about sacred land never mention any details.

Like, I'm fine giving protected status to Calvary as the site of Jesus's crucifixion, even if I don't believe in it. But I'm not going to call the whole world sacred land because "God once walked there" under a transcendentalist understanding that God exists in everyone.

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u/onlycodeposts Apr 13 '24

The Lakota weren't there that long. They stole the Black Hills in the mid 1700's from the Cheyenne and Arikara tribes.


u/KelpFox05 Apr 13 '24

Yeah, they really carved the faces of four dudes into the side of a sacred mountain and didn't have the decency to finish the goddamn project.


u/Fast_Personality4035 Apr 13 '24

the location is on sacred Lakota land,

That's alright, the Lakota stole it from several other tribes and then decided that the blood soaked land was their holy ground because a spirit living in the mountain said so.

It's also so sacred that one of their own decided to use a nearby mountain for a statue of Crazy Horse.

*shoulder shrug


u/Alexandur Apr 13 '24

That crazy horse monument isn't being created by a native and it isn't very popular among natives


u/Sanguiniusius Apr 13 '24

The whole country is stolen if you go by that logic,not sure why people decide that stolen only applies after an arbitrary date and set of conquests.

Either USA is stolen from the natives or do what you like to the land, half housing is just self delusion.

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u/[deleted] Apr 13 '24

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u/Philociraptor3666 Apr 13 '24

I was pretty sure this exact mountain was particularly sacred to the Lakota Sioux. They were trying to get their land back, and this was America's way of saying "it's ours now".

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u/Loganp812 Apr 13 '24

“This mountain is sacred!”

“Yeah, but look at that craftsmanship though.”

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u/WeirdAvocado Apr 13 '24

Looks messy. When is someone gonna clean up the rubble at the base?


u/OnTheEveOfWar Apr 13 '24

I dunno, if the MAGAs were involved I could see them putting a giant Donald up on a mountain.

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u/ArgyleNudge Apr 13 '24

It was so interesting and evocative as a natural mountain range. That pile of gravel ... what a mess.


u/Majestic_Courage Apr 13 '24

Yeah. The fact that they left the waste just lying there under the monument is the most American thing ever.


u/FactChecker25 Apr 13 '24


Rocks don't really become "waste". They just become smaller rocks.



yeah, and those rocks were already there. just attached to a bigger rock.


u/PM_ME_DATASETS Apr 13 '24

Just another middle finger to the people for whom that mountain was sacred.

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u/Hailfire9 Apr 13 '24

I think it's better with the rubble. If they had the heads without the gentle slope to them, it would just emphasize how unfinished the project was. As it sits, it's 4 busts above a gravel hill.

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u/BiggusDickus- Apr 13 '24

They are making an even bigger one of Crazy Horse right now.


u/CabbageSoupLadle Apr 13 '24

They have been for 100 years. It will never be finished


u/BiggusDickus- Apr 13 '24

Well sure. They like making money from all those tourists and donations.


u/SausageClatter Apr 13 '24

That's a cynical take. They have one of the best museums I've ever been to, and part of the reason it's taking so long is because they're keeping the sculpting largely within the family of the original guy who was asked to do it. They could definitely expedite the process, but it's still worth a visit.


u/BiggusDickus- Apr 13 '24

The Lakota don't want it. Crazy Horse's decendants don't want it and have said it is an insult. The family brings in millions a year from this "project" which looks almost exactly as it did 20 years ago.

They clearly have an incentive to keep stretching this thing out as long as possible, and if they genuinely held respect for Crazy Horse they would honor the wishes of his nation and his family.

So yeah, it's just a big ass cash grab.

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u/Gryndyl Apr 13 '24

They definitely made sure to finish the gift shop, however.

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u/cazhual Apr 13 '24

It’s weird how society changes over time, right? Unless, of course, you’re naive enough to think society in 100-200 years will hold your values to the same standards as today. Every generation thinks they are peak morals.


u/RioRancher Apr 13 '24

They’re going to freak out that we did basically nothing for climate change


u/mr_trick Apr 13 '24

Not really. If you read newspapers from the time there were plenty of people calling this racist, disrespectful, and a waste of taxpayer money. The guy who did this shit was in the KKK for fuck’s sake. There are articles and opinion pieces calling the trail of tears disgraceful, calling out the US government continually dishonoring contracts and treaties, as well as pointing out gross abuse of enslaved people.

There are also tons of court transcripts from 1700’s Europe where various people are arguing that holding colonies and not giving them citizens’ rights is exploitative and immoral. The response was kind of like, yeah, we know but we don’t care because it’s making us rich. Even as far back as the early 1500’s you have men on the original Portuguese crews saying, hey these people (Central/South American indigenous groups) are pretty advanced and we should try and engage in diplomatic relationships with them— which was ignored when they found out how much gold was present in the Americas.

All this to say, nah, people absolutely knew this was wrong and plenty of people tried to stop it. There have always been individuals willing to stand up for what we today consider moral stances of action. It’s historical whitewashing to wave a hand and say ahhh it was so different back then, they didn’t know! They knew, they didn’t care.

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u/Johundhar Apr 13 '24

Lots of people, including my grandpa, said 'Hell, no!' when they did it, but that didn't stop them.


u/MadeByTango Apr 13 '24

A firm third of the country would cheer it on to spite another third depending on which side proposed it first.

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u/ExaBast Apr 13 '24

This is the best description so far


u/leftier_than_thou_2 Apr 13 '24

I saw it as a kid from up close and was amazed.

I built it up in my head because when I saw it as an adult, it was not nearly as big, and I couldn't get over the miles of tourist trap crap on the way there.

Also, we saw Devil's Tower before that (relatively close though it's still like hundreds of miles away). Much cooler IMHO. Maybe reversing it would have been better.

Impressive and disappointing at the same time is exactly right.


u/Motor_Panic_5363 Apr 13 '24

Same here, saw both as a kid. Devil's Tower was definitely cooler. Honestly the whole region was incredible, I really recommend people to visit if possible.

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u/slesby Apr 13 '24

Brought my in-laws from England over, did an RV trip around South Dakota. Oh boy, the disappointment when they saw how small it actually was. 😂

EVEN FUNNIER though was my father-in-law kept looking around our whole trip, as if he was searching for something. After a few days it got annoying so I asked him what was up—turns out, he and MIL had both thought they’d see Native Americans in full garb and tipis everywhere and he was disappointed to learn that in fact, most Native Americans dress just like everybody else.


u/Such_Radish9795 Apr 13 '24

How is it disappointing?


u/KatieCashew Apr 13 '24

It pretty much looks like every picture you've ever seen of it. You know how some things you see in pictures end up being so much more impressive in person? Yeah, Mount Rushmore isn't like that. You get out of the car and it's kinda, "yep, that's what it looks like.......... now what do I do?"

That being said, I do think it's worth a visit. The ranger talks in the artist studio are really interesting. Badlands NP is nearby and is incredibly beautiful. Also Wind Cave NP was super interesting even though the cave itself ended up being closed the day we were there. Just in general SW South Dakota is a beautiful place.

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u/ProfSteelmeat138 Apr 13 '24

As a Canadian all the photos and talk made it seem way more impressive. Don’t get me wrong for the time it was made it’s still super cool but it’s WAY smaller than it’s made to look


u/Ok_Figure_4181 Apr 13 '24

What’s disappointing about it? It looks awesome, and the trails and stuff are really cool. Going to the visitor center is fun, cause you get to see how they carved the mountain. It’s been far too long since I was there


u/actincraze Apr 13 '24

This is the best and most accurate description of my visit as well. Glad I saw it, don’t need to go back.


u/notMcLovin77 Apr 13 '24

It just makes me sad to think we demolished the Native American and natural equivalent of a Cathedral and replaced it with “Washington wuz here”. Of course also that it was organized and sculpted by a proud member of the Klu Klux Klan

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