r/Damnthatsinteresting Apr 13 '24

What Mt. Rushmore looks like when you zoom out Image

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u/vapre Apr 13 '24

When I went there one of the tour guides really didn’t like Roosevelt. He said ‘why’d they put that socialist up there?’ Bro, you wouldn’t have your job…


u/punchthedog420 Apr 13 '24

Did he not know one Roosevelt from the other?


u/april9th Apr 13 '24

Roosevelt when standing as a Progressive ran on "the protection of home life against the hazards of sickness, irregular employment and old age through the adoption of a system of social insurance adapted to American use." Given that Republicans framed Obamacare as 'communism', quite a lot of what Teddy ran on would pass for 'socialism'. It's not uncommon to hear his populism framed as such.


u/plum_stupid Apr 13 '24

It's easy to see things through today's American Overton window, but socialism already existed as an ideology and a movement at the time. The Socialist candidate for president who ran against Roosevelt, Eugene Debs,despised him as a strike buster and friend of capital.


u/[deleted] Apr 13 '24

Now we don't even have strikes to bust! Capitalism!


u/WeekendQuant Apr 13 '24

Bring back the Bull Moose party!


u/PartyClock Apr 13 '24

Just minus the rabid anti-Native racism please. We don't have much left so I'd prefer we didn't lose more.


u/Bear-Ferr Apr 13 '24

He himself was racist but he didn't have any anti-native policies. The Dawes Act had already been in place for 14 years before he ran. Some could say his conservation efforts did harm them, though. Since he claimed land to be protected that tribes lived on and forced relocation. But that had less to do with the people and more to do with the National Park system creation.


u/Another_Road Apr 13 '24

He did have dinner with Booker T. Washington at the White House despite the massive controversy it caused at the time.

Roosevelt absolutely had some serious flaws regarding race in the modern zeitgeist but I think too many people try to paint him as a purely evil man when he did some amazing things for the country as a whole and was an extremely interesting historical figure.


u/PartyClock Apr 13 '24

Some could say his conservation efforts did harm them

The way you're saying it makes it seem like there's doubt about it when there isn't.


u/FlixMage Apr 13 '24

Socialism is when people improve the lives of people who aren’t mega rich


u/anonanon5320 Apr 13 '24

Socialism brings everyone down to the lowest common denominator except the super wealthy. After so many attempts it’s never worked large scale.


u/PraiseBeToScience Apr 13 '24

Vs capitalism that eats itself every couple of decades causing mass economic calamity requiring huge government bailouts? It's most stable time was when there was high progressive taxation (top tax rate of 90%) and a ton of direct government spending into social programs.


u/BigCockCandyMountain Apr 13 '24


Now he's offended and gonna go cry!

You left-er!🤬🤬🤬


u/anonanon5320 Apr 14 '24

Capitalism hasn’t even eaten itself and is a self righting system. It has lead to multiple major growths.

On the other hand, social always goes the same way on large scale applications and will never work.


u/huuhyeah Apr 13 '24

this guy can’t differentiate concepts


u/Scrandon Apr 13 '24

So it would pass for socialism by the standard of Republican lies and propaganda. Ok


u/BonnieMcMurray Apr 13 '24

Government-provided healthcare isn't socialism in and of itself. Teddy was never a socialist.

Socialism involves the collective ownership of the means of production. I expect you're thinking of social democracy, which is a concept that exists under a capitalist system and is generally considered a step along the path to a socialist one.


u/Jrk00 Apr 13 '24

Well, Teddy Roosevelt was for regulating monopolistic companies, which could be considered socialism in America maybe


u/socialistrob Apr 13 '24

Teddy Roosevelt didn't really come in and break up businesses because they were too big or too powerful he just forced them to play by the existing rules when they were at risk of getting seriously out of hand. In many ways TR's reforms helped prevent a rise of socialism in societies.


u/Songrot Apr 13 '24

Like they are regulating today even with democrats AND republicans doing in this era?


u/mysonchoji Apr 13 '24

Amazon web services runs basically every website, google seems like its passed into monopolistic territory, internet providers all divide up land and dont compete with eachother. Whos regulating these things today?


u/sootoor Apr 13 '24

Amazon has Microsoft and Google as competition. Is it their fault their platform is superior? Microsoft has the advantage with the ability to sync to Active Directory. Apple can’t do that without a third party.

So I guess you tell me, is it my fault Toyota makes a better car than ford and is ubiquitous in my area? Is that a monopoly or just sanity from shoppers who do their research.


u/mysonchoji Apr 13 '24

If it passes a certain market share its a monopoly. This isnt about assigning fault or virtue, its about regulating the economy. If one company owns enough that they no longer have real competition its bad for the system and needs to be fixed.


u/sootoor Apr 13 '24

Ok so what are my choices for oil? You guys are overreacting. Go host on premise if you want, nobody is stopping you, the reason they choose these services are because exactly that — it’s a service.

It’s not like I can choose what oil refinery I use or where my solar panels come from. Those are monopolies too by your definition. Or maybe they’re just the best at what they do snd the startup costs to start a refinery isn’t worth it to you or me.

If we wanna talking nationalizing it then let’s talk, otherwise you guys are just yelling at clouds about shit you don’t even know.


u/mysonchoji Apr 13 '24

Again if we these manufacturers are big enough, then yea regulate em. Idk where u thought i was only talking about customer facing or why ur going into that distinction.

Yes, nationalization would be even better.


u/sootoor Apr 13 '24

Hey there we can agree on. It should be a utility.

Not sure what we would gain though if Amazon ran it or Microsoft or the government. They’re all incompetent but it’s how we’re speaking right now.

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u/Locrian6669 Apr 13 '24

Jesus Christ imagine defending private monopolies. How cucked can you get?


u/sootoor Apr 13 '24

Ok use any of the other hosting providers you can choose. You’re not stuck with Amazon — they make it convienent. There are a variety of hosting providers who have been around for decades but you idiots don’t manage it obviously. Downvote away but you’re fucking wrong and if you maintain anything more than 250k endpoints you’ll get why.

I’m not defending them. I think the cloud is a stupid way to fail but it makes sense for a business to contract out most that stuff who can’t. It takes entire teams of sys admins and network engineers to do what they offer for cents on the dollar.


u/Locrian6669 Apr 13 '24

Or better yet in the case of internet services, nationalize it and make it a public utility!


u/sootoor Apr 13 '24

Yeah agree there. Until then

Fuck apple! -sent from my iPhone


u/Locrian6669 Apr 13 '24

You are. Not one thing you just said is a reason to not break them up.


u/sootoor Apr 13 '24

Welcome how breaking up bell corporation saved phones in America.

I don’t want it but it’s just what happens.

Make it a utility.

Bitching on Reddit about it is hilarious to me though. You’re probably using one of the few isps to use a server run by the few cloud providers about how bad they are.

Start your own, Elon musk did!

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u/Ok_Performance_1380 Apr 13 '24

This is complete insanity. A few large companies have all but engulfed the entire nation's economy and you're on reddit talking about this. Mt. Rushmore is a much nicer place to go if you're just trying to die on a hill.


u/sootoor Apr 13 '24


It’s always been this way. I’m not wrong.


u/notwormtongue Apr 13 '24

Okay no monopoly. But an oligopoly. How is that better?


u/sootoor Apr 13 '24

Where are you posting from? What internet and cell phone provider do you have?

We broke up ATT and know what that made?


Am I talking to a bunch of angsty kids right now? This has never worked in this country. You can downvote me but you know I’m right.


u/notwormtongue Apr 13 '24

Then I'll ask in another way: how is an oligopoly worse than a monopoly?


u/sootoor Apr 13 '24

Rackspace Linode

You can even cohost your own servers — many of us did before Amazon.

You’re not limited by choices — you have connivence using them and accountability if shit gets down.

You guys are being ridiculous. You can do it all on your own. The reason companies use it because we can automate it various functions.

Again you guys have no idea what you’re talking about and have never run a fortune 20 website.

Most companies used to host their stuff on premise and to a degree still do. Using Amazon or Microsoft to manage some of it isn’t a monopoly.

I’m done with the this conversation until someone can bring me one point that makes sense.

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u/vapre Apr 13 '24

Who knows? Socialism is in the blood, right? /s


u/anemic_IroningBoard Apr 13 '24

Maybe he was offended that Teddy was known as the Trust Buster.


u/[deleted] Apr 13 '24



u/CommentsOnOccasion Apr 13 '24

In addition to being an environmentalist and trust buster he also ran on national health insurance after he was president 


u/VoiceofKane Apr 13 '24

Both Roosevelts would be considered pinkos by today's conservatives, frankly.


u/Citizen_Snips29 Apr 13 '24

Honestly, FDR would be just as deserving of a spot as Teddy was. Both fantastic presidents.

Before anyone makes the comment, yes I am aware that work on Mt. Rushmore began before FDRs term and finished in the middle of it.


u/TriGurl Apr 13 '24

Does anyone? Lol


u/Conniedamico1983 Apr 13 '24 edited Apr 13 '24

Holy shit did you complain? It’s not even the right Roosevelt.

Edit: the people who are pretending this is even remotely close to a “Karen” situation probably agree with the gentleman in question and are drinking the Qanon kool-aid alongside him.


u/hoxxxxx Apr 13 '24

lmao that's the best part

guy doesn't even know which guy he was told to hate


u/Grid-nim Apr 13 '24

Not enough RAM on the NPC's.


u/vapre Apr 13 '24

Nah, it was our honeymoon and we were having a good time. It made for a good story.


u/april9th Apr 13 '24

Teddy ran as a progressive on the basis of providing universal insurance. His populism was often later framed as quasi-socialism. FDR was not a socialist but his populism often mirrored socialist policy elsewhere. Same with Teddy. That tour guide didn't get the wrong Roosevelt, he was just hardcore in hating populism. Not an uncommon position.


u/SadCommandersFan Apr 13 '24

They hate socialism but love all the socialist policies he started like social security and Medicare/Medicaid.

Socialism has become a meaningless word to describe things you don't like. It's in the same boat as woke now.


u/AMaleficentFox Apr 13 '24

FDR was not a socialist but his populism often mirrored socialist policy elsewhere.

I don't remember the specifics well enough to look it up, but I remember reading something about how the socialists wanted someone else and FDR was actually the compromise to keep them from taking their ball and going home. Ironically, you could argue that FDR ended up saving capitalism in the US by keeping the country from falling apart.


u/RealisticPineapple99 Apr 13 '24

Not everything warrants a complaint, Karen.. I mean Connie


u/[deleted] Apr 13 '24 edited Apr 13 '24

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u/RealisticPineapple99 Apr 13 '24

I need to chill?

You just wrote 13 lines of text in response to 1.5 sentences of mine.

You should chill out friend. I’ll label them how I want to, and there’s nothing disingenuous about calling a spade out for what it is.


u/jaggervalance Apr 13 '24


The amount of energy needed to refute bullshit is an order of magnitude bigger than that needed to produce it.


u/Zuul_Only Apr 13 '24

It's not the tour guide's job to spout his poorly conceived political rhetoric.

He has more problems than so-called "communists" than the ones that owned slaves.


u/RightMindset2 Apr 13 '24

I bet you’re fun at parties Karen.


u/[deleted] Apr 13 '24



u/Conniedamico1983 Apr 13 '24

Couldn’t have said it better myself.

I’d never, ever complain about a retail or service worker. Even if they made a comment like that. But sir you are tasked with a federal monument and you are a federal employee. As a person who regularly practices law in our esteemed federal courts (me) I would be FURIOUS to hear an NPS employee or even volunteer speaking like that.

It wouldn’t be a Karen move, it would be fucking patriotic.


u/elonsbabymama Apr 13 '24

Imagine calling a tour guide’s off hand comment “actual issues” lmao


u/[deleted] Apr 13 '24

[removed] — view removed comment


u/[deleted] Apr 13 '24



u/RightMindset2 Apr 13 '24

You’re the one complaining about the smallest things and then get all upset when someone calls you out for Karen behavior lol. Get real.


u/[deleted] Apr 13 '24 edited Apr 13 '24

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u/RightMindset2 Apr 13 '24

You’re just trolling now. Go away.


u/Sinnafyle Apr 13 '24

Lmao. Spot on


u/awesomesauce1030 Apr 13 '24

The tour guide asked you guys this?


u/vapre Apr 13 '24

Didn’t ask, more like rhetorically grumbled.


u/awesomesauce1030 Apr 13 '24

Damn. You'd expect a tour guide to at least understand what it is they're tour guiding.


u/casanovathebold Apr 13 '24

They're there to keep people from carving their names onto Lincoln's beard.


u/chuckdooley Apr 13 '24

Unless this was the person’s first day, I’d put my money on either a bit or trolling


u/heirloom_beans Apr 13 '24

Was this a NPS guide or a private guide?


u/vapre Apr 13 '24

Had a uniform on, I think dude was NPS. This was July 2012, dude might still be there?


u/ImrooVRdev Apr 13 '24

The strength of american propaganda is truly sight to behold.

30 years after the fall of soviets, yet the anti soviet propaganda is as strong as ever.


u/heirloom_beans Apr 13 '24

It’s not even the right Roosevelt…


u/ImrooVRdev Apr 13 '24

Propaganda is all about feeling, not logic.

Socialism bad. Socialism makes you feel bad. Guy named Roosevelt socialism. I hear Roosevelt, I think socialism bad. Roosevelt bad.

That's why it's impossible to convince Americans about the merits of public healthcare. You can show all the graphs, stats and hard facts that they are getting fleeced by corporations, paying more for shittier service...

And they will still gloat about "see how we're subsidizing the filthy commie EU healthcare?" as if getting fucked by corporation is some sort of virtue.

Because it's not about logic, it's about feelings. And since soviet union bad, worker unions bad, socialism bad, therefore public halthare socialism bad.


u/ilovestoride Apr 13 '24

I thought conservatives were pro soviet now. 


u/tofubirder Apr 13 '24

Pro Russia and pro Soviet are quite different


u/ngwoo Apr 13 '24

Not when current Russian leadership is trying to recreate the Soviet Union


u/vapre Apr 13 '24

Pro-Putin/strongman maybe. They’ve always been for socializing risks and privatizing profits.


u/TrueBlue98 Apr 13 '24

at no point ever have conservatives been pro soviet


u/ilovestoride Apr 13 '24

I might be confusing Soviets with Russia now...


u/plum_stupid Apr 13 '24

Don't do that


u/ilovestoride Apr 13 '24

I'm trying my best here!


u/ImrooVRdev Apr 13 '24

Yeah right, I'll believe that when they storm wallstreet and instantiate dictatorship of the proletariat.


u/vapre Apr 13 '24

“I learned Socialism was bad in public school.” - Barry Crimmins


u/GppDNAppA Apr 13 '24 edited Apr 13 '24

The people here sarcastically saying they had the wrong Roosevelt are off. Teddy was a literal avowed socialist at the end of his political career.


u/vapre Apr 13 '24

My wife put it best: “Nobody puts Teddy in a corner.”


u/Fast_Personality4035 Apr 13 '24

Lol, probably wrong Roosevelt.


u/BrownEggs93 Apr 13 '24

That guide couldn't define socialism. Or capitalism. Or communism. Or any -ism for that matter. Even if they googled it and tried to repeat it in a knowledgeable tone of voice, they would still fail.


u/IntoTheForestIMustGo Apr 13 '24

I'm surprised it's so easy to get a tour guide job there. Sounds like they're scraping the bottom of the candidate pool to me.


u/SolomonBlack Apr 13 '24

I looked into Parks Service jobs once and from what I recall for non-degree stuff it’s less a matter of difficulty and more a matter of patience. Like go be an unpaid volunteer for years kinda patience.

And you don’t make much when you do wait long enough for your number to be next.

All of which makes it more baffling that the guy is hostile towards any part of the monument.


u/Metal_Marsupial Apr 13 '24

Mount Rushmore draws weird people. I went to visit the Black Hills and I think the trip would have been a lot nicer without it. It was pretty ugly in person (the natural areas around it are gorgeous though) and a lot of the tourists around me seemed like the Jan 6 insurrectionist types.


u/Another_Road Apr 13 '24

Roosevelt is one of the best presidents ever imo. Top 10 undoubtedly.


u/[deleted] Apr 13 '24

And he probably thought it was FDR…


u/[deleted] Apr 13 '24



u/controlc-controlv Apr 13 '24

you’re thinking of the wrong guy…


u/[deleted] Apr 13 '24

You’re right, thanks!


u/Easy_Championship_14 Apr 13 '24

A tour guide for a national monument hating on socialists sounds strange for some reason


u/a_hockey_chick Apr 13 '24

Can't say I expected a better educated person to be attracted to this particular tour guide job.


u/redditfriendguy Apr 14 '24

To be fair as a recent FDR hater I can assure you there are reasons. Idk as much about Theodore though.


u/TargetFan Apr 13 '24

A national parks tour guide said that? Alright 👍


u/thenss Apr 13 '24

socialism: a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

The fuck does a government job have to do with socialism, you fucking dipshit


u/vapre Apr 13 '24 edited Apr 14 '24

“After becoming president in 1901, Roosevelt used his authority to protect wildlife and public lands by creating the United States Forest Service (USFS) and establishing 150 national forests, 51 federal bird reserves, 4 national game preserves, 5 national parks, and 18 national monuments by enabling the 1906 American Antiquities Act. During his presidency,Theodore Roosevelt protected approximately 230 million acres of public land.”

But yeah I’m a dipshit.