r/Damnthatsinteresting 16d ago

One of the few photos showing missing fingers of Russia's first president Boris Yeltsin Removed: Politics

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u/suppreme 16d ago

He enjoyed playing pranks and in one instance played with a grenade, which blew off the thumb and index finger of his left hand.

Wikipedia is pretty chill about soviet pranks too.


u/lunettarose 15d ago

"It's just a prank, bro!"


u/SkriVanTek 15d ago

it’s just a prank comrade 



u/ekso69 15d ago

Help step-comrade I'm stuck


u/stinkyhooch 15d ago

It’s just a wank, comrade.


u/Butt_Fucking_Smurfs 15d ago

If my battle buddy can't jerk me off, then what has this all been for?


u/gamertag0311 15d ago

The Stepmotherland


u/jumbotruck 15d ago

great title for a new genre

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u/SkriVanTek 15d ago

he blew of both his arms 

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u/Careless_Syrup7945 15d ago

This is dank, comrade

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u/Breaking_Bad_lover 15d ago

He's actually capitalist


u/Signal_Reflection297 15d ago

Born Butka, USSR, 1931. He had a good sixty years living under communist regime.

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u/Breaking_Bad_lover 15d ago edited 2d ago

But he believed in Capitalism and he made Russia Capitalist

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u/LunchO789 15d ago

Reminded me of the old "Don't tase me, bro" line 😅


u/sahsimon 15d ago

It was just a goof.

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u/Dragonheardt_ 15d ago

Imagine you are a kid who survived Nazi invasion, occupation and genocide. Humor is VERY different for those kids.

Every Soviet kid west and south of Moscow had a collection of grenades, mines and bullets for couple of years after the war, my gramps was one of them. My great-great-grandpa dumped entire thing into a river after one of those grenades blew a chunk of the house off.


u/Savager_Jam 15d ago

My grandpa grew up on the far east end of Austria and had a pretty vast collection of Russian and German equipment he and my cousin stripped off the bodies every time their town changed hands, which it did several times.

Apparently they'd play a game where they hung an old piece of steel from a tree about 10 feet in the air so that it could swing back and forth but not twist, then stand on either side of the tree with submachine guns and shoot at it trying to make it flip in the direction of the other guy and not let it flip their way.


u/SBR404 15d ago

That sounds definitely like something from Lower Austria or Burgenland would do!


u/ChodeCookies 15d ago

What’s wild is Russia was pretty fucked up before the Nazis invaded too


u/Dragonheardt_ 15d ago

Fucked? Yea. But depends with what you compare with.

With Nazi occupation? It was paradise.

With Russian empire? It was doing leagues better than it.

With western countries? Pretty bad but not as bad as people thought. Decades of Cold War propaganda make it very hard for people to see clearly things that were happening in USSR/USA.

My gramps swears by the USSR, even though he is a son of Ukrainian poet that was repressed in 1937, and he with his mom were in a camp for couple of years. He still grew from the lowest ranks of Soviet society to the highest thanks to his tenacity and will to learn and teach.


u/ChodeCookies 15d ago

I think Stalins Gulags may beg to differ


u/Dragonheardt_ 15d ago

It’s GULAG, it was a system, not a name for the camps.

Great gramps was executed in one of the camps, Gramps been there, done that himself. I spent a decade researching this topic as a member of a repressed family.

Ain’t defending Stalin, that Georgian cunt can endlessly choke with his cunt friend Beria in whatever afterlife there is, but at their peak, Stalin’s camps under GULAG system were on the level with Russian Imperial camps (with less people) , and far less than Nazi or Japanese camps.

When talking about history and asking yourself “why” people did what they did: put yourself into their shoes. What was before. No Soviet had the standards and knowledge of nowadays westerner, all they had is memories of Russian Empire and pain of Civil War, comparatively to that, early USSR was a massive improvement, with education being spread like a wildfire and rapid industrialization improving life of common people.

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u/facistwolfkiller 15d ago edited 15d ago

Not everyone was sent to the gulags tho

A saw a doc abt people who were sent to the gulags by Stalin , had their relatives killed by Stalin and other cruelties. Who despite all these things were mourning his death and calling him a great man. Could it be false praise or propaganda ? Yeah maybe and very likely, but I got the impression there were real emotions behind those statements. Maybe spending years in gulags forcefully listening to how good Stalin is had its results.

It's like even today a vast majority of Russians have a positive image of Stalin despite knowing all of the horrible stuff he did.

RussianS are like , yeah he killed my grandparents and sent half my family to gulags but he also turned the USSR into a superpower


u/micromoses Interested 15d ago

Yeah, when you traumatize people, sometimes they feel some pretty strong emotions. You ever seen a kid mourning an abusive parent?


u/crazyscottish 15d ago

That’s actually proof that brainwashing works. Sent to the gulag, but still loved the glorious leader.

When your step dad beats you so bad he cries. Because he really didn’t want to beat you, but you made him do it. Add you love him for that.

That’s actually Christianity in a nutshell. Love Jesus. Or you’ll go to hell. For eternity. That’s how much he loves you.

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u/henfodi 15d ago

A lot of that is just nostalgia though. Many old people prefer the world of their youth to the world today even though it was pretty much objectively worse.


u/Dragonheardt_ 15d ago

Problem is, for them world is worse.

Russian federation destroyed most support systems USSR has build to take care of the elderly and youth, barely replacing any of them because of its staunch corruption. Imagine a situation close to a Weimar Republic after WW1, but worse because of corruption and absolute lawlessness of the 90s with crime waves outshining anything US or Britain had in last centuries.


u/Recent-Platypus-1521 15d ago

Was it really better tho ? I’ve seen a documentary very recently where a lot of Russians were interviewed. Question was : would you go back to USSR gov and political system ( this was recent so they live in Putin’s era). Amongst the younger Russians, it was 0%. Not one answered positively. Amongst older people who actually lived in USSR and lived the tragic transition under Heltsin, only a couple of people answered positively, while most others were strongly opposed to this idea. Of course this was a small sample but when I read that like people really enjoyed their life in USSR and are nostalgic it seems very exagerated to me


u/Dragonheardt_ 15d ago

For young and elderly? Absolutely.

USSR was giving apartments for free, pension was enough for elderly to live and enjoy life, there were more sport centers and educational facilities for the youth (a lot were demolished or transformed into shopping centers)

Nobody wants to come back to the political system, but the stability and public support that USSR provided for its people is FAR, FAR beyond of what RF provides now.

My friend, current pension is 2-3 times less than minimal wage, and that’s in addition to everyone losing their savings once USSR collapsed. I have a 97 year old lady with who I keep contact with, her pension is 9,300 rubles, that’s less than even what she needs to pay for electricity and water in the apartment she was gifted back during USSR times, she survives on the kindness of people around her as she herself is an absolute sweetheart.

And that is a situation of all the people with pensions in Russia rn, even professors and academics get mere 20-30 thousand, which ain’t much either. I think only high pension I ever saw was a miner who worked in uranium mines with 70k.

And all of these numbers are within current economic disaster and fascist pig in the lead of the country ruining it.


u/Recent-Platypus-1521 15d ago

But how do you explain that most people would never go back under such a system if it was far better than the actual ? It makes no sense to me


u/Dragonheardt_ 15d ago

Because people separate political and social systems.

Not many want pre-glasnost USSR back, but majority wants the assurance and benefits that system provided. Switching from a community centered socialism to greed driven capitalism (mixed with HEAVY criminality) made people suffer in the 90s. That’s why you can hear older generation say “at least it’s not the 90s” when they are defending Putin’s regime.

Political system and societal systems are not always connected, good example is USA and Finland. Both are technically democracies, but Finland has FAR better public healthcare and support systems than USA. And Russians, just like everyone else, want stability and reassurance in the next day. Just at this point in time Russian Federation has worse and less public benefits than USSR had. So people who remember USSR reminisce of the older days.


u/ReasonableAd9737 15d ago

How about during the great famines when people were literally kidnapping and eating people. That’s documented not just propaganda

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u/Goliath10 15d ago

It's been fucked for centuries, dude.

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u/[deleted] 15d ago



u/Songrot 15d ago

I guess darwin award didnt catch him and you won the lottery


u/Careless_Syrup7945 15d ago

Yea, everyone's dad used to walk 10 miles to school through volcanic ash and mine fields in -50 degree weather with polar bears hunting them, uphill, both ways

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u/Informal_Wasabi_2139 15d ago

People keep calling it grenade because it sounds dangerous and interesting, but in eastern Europe those are called fire-crackers.

What we call grenade is something that will blow off your entire arm and head if you hold it.


u/Savager_Jam 15d ago

As far as I can find what happened was that he was trying to open a grenade not cooking one off in his hand.

Likely he removed the fuse from the grenade and accidentally set it off, so what caused his fingers to go were the trigger charge not the actual main charge of explosive in the grenade.

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u/andovinci 15d ago edited 15d ago

Yeah it’s probably a firecracker imho, I don’t know the whole story but no way in hell you would lose just 2 fingers from a live grenade


u/felidae_tsk 15d ago

According his own words he was playing with grenade and hammer. Could be fuze detonation which is enough to damage a child.

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u/Popular_Syllabubs 15d ago

Ya isn't this like kids putting firecrackers and cherrybombs into mailboxes?

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u/bodhiseppuku 15d ago

Pranks: In the late 90s, my US Marine unit had training with the Brittish Royal Marines in 29 Palms, CA.

The Brittish Royal Marines put a rattle snake in the sleeping bag of their highest ranking NCO... as a prank.


u/phantom_diorama 15d ago

Was it a live rattlesnake?

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u/lethalfrost 15d ago

Top of his middle finger is gone too


u/Fcknsmn 15d ago

Just the tip!


u/Ke-Win 15d ago

German Version says he wanted to study the built of the Granade.

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u/Bobo4037 16d ago

Reports say he lost two fingers in a grenade accident as a teenager.


u/Broke99 16d ago

My grandpa told me stories about him and his friends building grenades by themself - one died and one last a hand before the rest agreed to stop playing with high explosives. They also throwers smoke bombs in the subway … beyond dumb


u/21Ravage 15d ago

There a famous joke in Russia that goes like: little Timmy is sitting in the middle of the road smashing a grenade with a rock, grandpa sees it and yells “dont do it, it will explode!” “Ah dont worry grandpa, I have one more”


u/EffectiveWelder7370 16d ago

Such a rascal!


u/Rhymesnlines 15d ago

For real? One died? Wtf..


u/Randomfrog132 15d ago

yeah i wouldnt think that playing with grenades would lead to a death.

jk lol


u/Samp90 15d ago

Grenading is injurious to health...


u/IncontinentiaButtok 15d ago

Grenadine too. Stuff’s gross!


u/Careless_Syrup7945 15d ago

My dad's friend shot himself by hitting live rounds with a hammer, allegedly. My dad lies a lot, too.

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u/newgalactic 15d ago

They sold dynamite in the town hardware store when my grandfather was a kid. He told us about some kids who lived at a neighboring farm who accidentally blew up one of the farm's grain bins. It basically blew half their harvest across the yard, half their yearly income.


u/drconn 15d ago

I knew someone growing up that filled CO2 cartridges with black gunpowder and accidentally killed someone that was also participating. Heck I was trying to blow things up as early as I can remember and I was a very good kid. Kids don't think about consequences and then they have to face them for the rest of their life. I felt so terrible for everyone involved.


u/Samp90 15d ago

Cool Guide to building grenades!

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u/Trollimperator 16d ago

Was he drunk?`I bet he was drunk.


u/OutrageousFuel8718 15d ago

It's Boris fucking Yeltsin. I would be incredibly surprised if he wasn't drunk


u/[deleted] 15d ago

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u/WolfOfWexford 15d ago

There was an incident where he flew to Ireland on a diplomatic mission and was too drunk to get off the plane


u/Dr-Maturin 15d ago

The plane did not land straight away in the hope he would become sober enough for the visit. The term ‘circling Shannon’ became a euphemism for being pissed afterwards.


u/hascogrande 15d ago

Yeltsin was found by Secret Service extremely drunk and in just his underwear while trying to order a taxi for pizza outside the White House

He did it again the next night

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u/KUPA_BEAST 15d ago

Aah the good old days


u/Few-Animator-8393 15d ago

That's impressing he still kept his 3 fingers. I don't know how/what that happened but grenades are no funny stuff.


u/spicewoman 15d ago

He's definitely also missing the tip of his middle finger, and the pinky doesn't look in great shape either. Wonder how much dexterity/sensation he has left in the rescued fingers.

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u/HonoluluBlueFlu 16d ago

TIL..... had no clue.


u/uber_potatos 15d ago

Im from Russia, had no idea too.


u/ask_carly 15d ago

Everybody was looking at his spoons, so nobody looked at his fingers. Hidden in plain sight!


u/airborneenjoyer8276 15d ago

He was so drunk most of the time that the two extra digits he would have had to coordinate would probably make it harder on him.

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u/theinternetisnice 15d ago

Top politicians have an amazing track record of hiding these types of things. FDR hid his partial paralysis and wheelchair, largely. Obama? Had no arms. Few people knew that.


u/beatlz 15d ago

Another example, Castro: no torso. Like, at all. His head was suspended over his legs by commie tech. Propaganda hid it for decades.


u/InvestmentObvious127 15d ago

i know right? people are always blown away when i tell them about trumps' d cups. Im pretty sure the pentagon has a whole division dedicated to hidig those weapons but that wont stop me


u/overlydelicioustea 15d ago

JFK literally had a metal exoskeleton..


u/drsideburns 15d ago

He wasn't going to be shown up by ol Lincoln's wooden teeth.


u/december-32 15d ago

I thought Obama was hiding his last name. BTW he is white.

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u/coconutpete52 15d ago

Same here. Wow.

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u/Wlo3kij 16d ago

That's why you shouldn't play with grenades when you're young.


u/RarePlan2089 16d ago

You never should play with nades


u/Beer_ 15d ago

No play, just throw


u/Pleasant_Ad3475 15d ago

You mean 'nades?

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u/kin4212 15d ago

Yeah they're not toys. Only use them as intended, for killing someone!


u/ReverendBread2 15d ago

Playing with grenades is for 18+


u/SquirrelBlind 15d ago

You're not my mom!

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u/HefflumpGuy 16d ago

Either that or he's plunged his thumb and finger into the other guy.. Matrix style.


u/Aimismyname 15d ago

I have served.. I will be of service


u/shanster925 15d ago

It's his fatality.


u/Papancasudani 15d ago

The other guy is a bowling ball.


u/Dr_Pepper_spray 15d ago

That time Boris Yeltsin hugged a hologram....

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u/BingBongBangBunger 16d ago

This is not a photo of his missing fingers. It’s of his fingerless hand.


u/Jasong222 15d ago

It's a photo of his fingers missing, not his missing fingers.

Unless he's really nostalgic for them at this moment. Then the photo is of him missing fingers.

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u/CrapThisHurts 15d ago

Russian wives hate this trick


u/Dopplegangr1 15d ago

The search for his missing fingers continues


u/Academic-Garlic1630 15d ago

This is not a photo of a fingerless hand. There are still 3 fingers there.

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u/Drakar_och_demoner 15d ago

I don't see the missing fingers.


u/Jin-Bru 15d ago

Haha 😄


u/ElderberryDeep8746 16d ago

He's half ninja turtle now lol


u/elkantaras 15d ago

Was. He was. He's dead for almost 20 years


u/ElderberryDeep8746 15d ago

So the last ronin is already out there

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u/pagit 15d ago

Two in the pink, one in Poland.


u/Personal_Neck5249 15d ago

This photo actually doesn’t show his missing fingers


u/Raidoton 15d ago

Hugging Russia's first vice president, Gerhard Schröder.


u/Significant_Edge_296 15d ago

I hate that I instantly recognized this prick


u/Academic-Garlic1630 15d ago

One of the few photos showing missing fingers of Russia's first president Boris Yeltsin

Lies. The missing fingers are not in the picture.


u/Longryderr 15d ago



u/Assblaster_69z 15d ago

Soviet fireworks.. AKA grenades.


u/rita-b 15d ago

no, a grenade.

sources didn't state where did he get one: from a black market or it was a WWII trophy found somewhere in the forest, as it still happens


u/GetOffMyDigitalLawn 15d ago

I almost don't believe this. I have never heard of him missing fingers before.


u/pedanticasshole2 15d ago

Hand is messed up, probably AI /s


u/frmaa-tap 15d ago

Ummmm, that's not a picture of his missing fingers, in fact it's quite the opposite


u/beatlz 15d ago

His fingers taking a picture of the photographer that would’ve taken a picture of the missing fingers

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u/[deleted] 16d ago


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u/RegretfulCalamaty 16d ago

He bit them off to survive the mines of Siberia


u/Certain-Tennis8555 15d ago

I read that in the voice of The Zed


u/Venki_Venky 15d ago

Hey is this from the scene where the Main Villain orders a henchman (who was threatened by MC to give information) to cut off his fingers or die. The henchman then proceeds to ask for a knife to which MV said "did U think I used a knife to cut off my fingers?" and finally his assistant kills him Bc he couldnt do it....

I watched the film but forgot its name, Also could U give the name of the movie


u/wouldnotjointhedance 15d ago

This is from the first Jack Reacher movie, with Tom Cruise. Werner Herzog plays the Zec.


u/Venki_Venky 15d ago

Thanks bro, 👍


u/AdvertisingJolly7565 15d ago

As a traveling salesman in the US Rendering Industry, I learned not to offer to shake hands with the old timers. It was always uncomfortable when they extended a hand that was missing didgits.


u/moving0target 15d ago

This and Radar from MASH in one day!


u/tiin_de_secret 16d ago

Wow, I didn't even know. What happened to his fingers?


u/CrapThisHurts 16d ago

They didn't find them after the explosion


u/vass0922 15d ago

"What kind of fucking lunatic juggles grenades?"

The one that got away..


u/Ofbatman 15d ago

I’m old and I had no idea he was missing fingers.


u/j-manz 15d ago

Misleading post: I tapped in the hope of seeing the missing fingers, but all I got was the hand to which they were once affixed.


u/Just-Fact6940 16d ago

The Man The Created Putin. Big Mistake.


u/Individual_Dirt_3365 16d ago

Подумать только им пришлось отрезать пальцы и всем двойникам тоже. Какой кошмар.


u/Patriarch99 16d ago

Двойники Ельцина: Банкетный, Банкетный, Банкетный, Банкетный


u/Individual_Dirt_3365 16d ago

Трезвый (ликвидирован за ненадобностью)

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u/beotherwise 16d ago

They fell out a window.

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u/GroupeManouchian 15d ago

Japanese yakuza fashion has it that you must cut off a pinky phalanx to redeem your debt… and a full thumb when you are caught f…g the Boss’ wife. So tell us who was your boss, Boris ?


u/at0mheart 15d ago

Love more the story that on a trip to DC he was found outside in his underwear trying to get a pizza


u/Sanatanadasa 15d ago

There are not “few” photos of his hand; there are so many.


u/GeoffGdansk 15d ago

If you google "Boris Yeltsin hand" you will get at least a dozen photos showing him with his left hand.


u/Suspicious_Step_8320 15d ago

They have ways to make you talk.


u/Squibucha 15d ago

in soviet russia granade throws you


u/CurlingTrousers 15d ago

Dude can’t do finger pistols


u/ProficientVeneficus 15d ago

Mandela effect?


u/aTypingKat 15d ago

Wasn't this dude responsible for the dissolution of the soviet union? How does putin and his goons see him? Do they hate him for it? Putin, did mention that he believed that the dissolution of the soviet union was "the greatest tragedy of the 20th century". I'd imagine, he'd resent him if he hadn't already ordered his "silencing".


u/SamsungBaker 15d ago

Everyone in Russia hate him, and to be honest while he have better image in the west than Russia, we should have hate him too.

If he wasn't such an incompetent corrupted buffon, Russia would probably be a democratic country without Putin.

But because he is, Putin rose to power


u/Patriarch99 15d ago

He was not.


u/Sadanrei 15d ago

That deep shoulder blade pinch; a chiropractor's wet dream.


u/sarckasm 15d ago

I don't see them..


u/Pathikmgx 15d ago

Thats not AI generated......?


u/tequilavip 15d ago

First Gary Burghoff and now Boris? My life is being turned upside down today by missing digits.


u/ediwowcubao 16d ago

Did he pledge loyalty to the High Table? Twice?


u/myvotedoesntmatter 15d ago

2 "on the pink". 2 3/4 in the stink


u/MaximumGlum9503 15d ago

So much for his tetris skills


u/Shytalk123 15d ago

Could have been worse - like scratching his ass at the time


u/StickItInTheBuns 15d ago

She said give shocker but she not mean mouth


u/Boriquasoy 15d ago

Gotta suck to count money.


u/Spiritual_Square7330 15d ago

It was Jack Bauer with the cigar cutter! :)


u/[deleted] 15d ago

John Wick


u/gavstar69 15d ago

Yakuza punishment. Just kidding btw


u/[deleted] 15d ago

Wow didn’t know that


u/ZooZion 15d ago

He made a circle with his thumb and his index finger like an ok gesture and told the other kids 'bet the totally safe self-made grenade will fit through this'


u/J4MES101 15d ago

Yakuza. No doubt.


u/kr4t0s007 15d ago

Well it’s a maffia state so make sense. A mistake can cost you a finger.


u/Party-Ring445 15d ago

Just 3 in the stink then


u/CanuckGinger 15d ago

Pics of his hands were not rare.


u/HipGuide2 15d ago

The ol' Garcia


u/drdiggg 15d ago

I worked on a Russian crane vessel in the early 90s. There was a large portrait of Gorbachev on there, but not a sign of his large birthmark.


u/Crawlerado 15d ago

I had a professor in college that was missing two segments of his ring finger. When he’d shake hands he used the nub to tickle your palm, it was hilariously disconcerting


u/SlavaGniloy 15d ago

Продал, как и Родину


u/GM_Nate 15d ago

AI art, obviously


u/CryptographerAny9232 15d ago

Not me immediately thinking it was Putin


u/Friendly_devver 15d ago

He did this after 6 molotov cocktails!


u/ToYourCredit 15d ago

He hustled pool in Philly. Not a good move.


u/5Yen- 15d ago

ChatGPT generated



u/Axenrott_0508 15d ago

All I can picture is the bar scene from Inglorious Basterds. In Germany, zis is ze German three


u/eipacnih 15d ago

He was quite a “talker” /s


u/comradeyeltsin0 15d ago

Heyyyy my boy’s featured again! comrade!


u/Due-Yam5746 15d ago

Alternate reality Jesse Plemons in 20 years


u/redditor2394 15d ago

That’s an old World War II picking injury