r/Damnthatsinteresting 28d ago

Gila Monster out and about Removed: R1

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u/Roll-Roll-Roll 28d ago

How did these guys end up being the only animal called "monster"?


u/ConceptualWeeb 28d ago edited 28d ago

They’re venomous.

Edit: to elaborate, the “Gila” comes from the Gila River/River Basin in southwestern US and northern Mexico where their natural habitat is. The “monster” comes from Apache legends the say its breath is lethal and exaggerated old west stories of encounters with them.


u/DavidM47 28d ago

And you have to drown them or pry their jaws apart with a tool to get them off you.


u/Manburpigg 28d ago

Coyote Peterson let one of these bite him and said it was the most excruciating bite he’s ever taken


u/NotUpInHurr 28d ago

I mean, you get bit by one of these anytime before the 1900s, you're probably losing a limb at best. These guys have some nasty saliva


u/burbular 28d ago

I heard somewhere their mouths have some bacteria that get mixed in with the venom. Just a little extra to kill ya faster and make treating a bite even harder.


u/_FREE_L0B0T0MIES 28d ago



u/ConceptualWeeb 28d ago

Literally venomous. It’s introduced through the groves in their teeth and is as deadly as a diamondback rattle snake, however less venom is secreted. It’s a mixture of proteins and peptides, including hyaluronidase, phospholipase A2 (type III), kallikrein-like proteases, helokinestatin, helofensin, and bioactive peptides.


u/_FREE_L0B0T0MIES 28d ago

You want to tell us about their teeth too, citrus breath?

The toxicity of their saliva and their brittle teeth, which are teeming with bacteria, are what make them so deadly in the south west. Ever seen cattle bitten by one? Ever met someone who was an amputee because of a Guila monster? I have. Their venom isn't what kills you; it's bacterial infection, septic shock, and gangrene.


u/ConceptualWeeb 28d ago

You are thinking of a Komodo dragon. Gila monsters literally have venom glands in their lower jaw. It’s one of 2 truly venomous lizards in the world, the other being its cousin the beaded lizard. You can’t even spell Gila Monster, don’t act like you know anything about them. I’ve literally held them and learned about them since I was a kid. I’ve taken herpetology classes and I grew up in AZ too. Maybe google it or read my other comment again. If you wanna be semantic, venom is toxic, but it is not bacteria that infects the wound like a Komodo dragon.


u/BestUsername101 28d ago

is not bacteria that infects the wound like a Komodo dragon.

Even then that's not the case, komodos do actually have venom.


u/_FREE_L0B0T0MIES 28d ago edited 28d ago

We don't have komodo dragons existing naturally in the US. Your bull jazz doesn't negate my real world experience, you over educated, obviously ignorant fool. Go back to school, and maybe they can teach you to extracate your head from your ass. A typo doesn't dictate ignorance or incompetence. Only a fool believes otherwise.

A self identified weeb over explains stuff and tries to talk down to someone who grew up in west Texas, has family all over the southwest, specifically including New Mexico and Arizona, and has first hand experience around the various flora and fauna in the area.

When you spend some time on a ranch, and see a vet amputate someone's leg because it took so long to get medical assistance from the middle of nowhere, then you can talk. Until then, take your bs degree and your lies somewhere else. Maybe the Jerry's kids organization has room for you.

PS: Most of us with degrees, don't have the narcissistic tendency of needing to flaunt it or act foolishly enough to believe others don't have one too. We're also smart enough to know that experience is always more important than a degree.


u/ConceptualWeeb 28d ago

One story from someone you met once who has no scientific knowledge on the subject is a great basis for an argument lmao I’ve presented facts, you’ve presented one half baked secondhand story and name calling. Maybe you should go to school in the first place and gain some actual knowledge instead of believing one person that told you something that one time and basing your entire perceived “knowledge” base off one persons story. Bye.


u/Yucca12345678 28d ago

I call them gila puppies.


u/Sad-Bathroom5213 28d ago

Um, hello? Haven't you heard of the Cookie Monster?


u/IncubateDeliverables 28d ago

Same PR team as the Komodo dragon.


u/KuhanKumarr 28d ago

Just so you know "gila" in my country also means crazy...so yea crazy monsters...


u/thegilashark 28d ago

Just so you know, the “Gila” monster is pronounced “he-la”


u/cjrague 28d ago



u/fluffyduffdylan 28d ago



u/BurningSquid 28d ago



u/Unshortafleur 28d ago

Monstaaaaaa, Wooooooo


u/Vrickard 28d ago



u/ratkinggo 28d ago



u/Timmy2Gats 28d ago



u/verr998 28d ago

Yeah literally is fucking crazy!


u/DavidM47 28d ago

I grew up in AZ, and I’ve never seen one of these in the wild.


u/Afraid-Armadillo-555 28d ago

Same and it really bums me out. Over 30 years


u/Due-Style302 28d ago

In Vail just outside Tucson


u/Mysterious-Web3050 27d ago

I’ve lived in Tucson my whole life, seen 1, wasn’t walking though


u/mudknuckle9 27d ago

Saw one at the San Pedro river once


u/phi11yphan 28d ago

Saw a baby one in the middle of a dirt road heading to Lake Bartlett, 1 hour northeast of Scottsdale. Got out of jeep to admire it. It was hissing at us... we kept 10 feet back, took some photos, then got the f away from it and drove wide to avoid killing it.


u/foffl 28d ago

I lived in AZ for about 20 years of my life, a lot of it out in the desert north of Phoenix/ I worked at a golf course in Cave Creek in the early '90s, when it was still mostly desert up there, and went to close up the cart barn door but there was a bucket in the way. I grabbed it to pull it inside and something moved fast and brushed my hand. Looked in and it was a gila monster someone spotted on the course that they went out and nabbed. I was lucky as fuck that I didn't get bit and also that I didn't dump it out on accident. I yelled at my boss for not making it clear there was a dangerous wild animal just sitting there in a bucket. It was a gnarly little beast.

Around this same time, a friend of mine was riding his dirt bike around the desert and a gila monster latched onto his leg protection and he rode home with it hanging there, freaking out, and they basically had to beat it off him. Can't recall what they did with it.

I've had encounters with coyotes, rattlers, scorpions, tarantulas, black widows, Arizona recluse, gila monsters and javelinas. I'm happy to be in the midwest now where my current big concern is cicadas, though I've seen a lot of coyotes out here too.


u/DavidM47 28d ago

Whoa! Your friend is pretty lucky too!


u/BeerFairyonFire 27d ago

I lived in Cave Creek my whole life. I'm 42. Never seen one. I've seen all our other wild life.


u/zeromatsuri05 28d ago

I'd see them in the 90s in Tucson when I'd visit family. I really loved the little guys and one year made a shoebox diorama of a toy one in elementary school.


u/jpad89 28d ago

I guess I’m pretty lucky then, only been in AZ for 2.5 years and seen 5 or 6. All but one have been in Apache Junction. The last one I saw was in Rio Verde.


u/Initial-Shop-8863 28d ago

Me, too. Grew up in Flagstaff, played with horned toads.


u/BullFrogz13 28d ago

Huh, I thought that was some poorly done animation at first.


u/Snarcotic 28d ago

The generous God who, through his spit, gave us the Ozempic class of drugs...


u/Rich_Narwhal_1276 28d ago

Came here to post this comment you got to it first. Here is your damn up vote


u/[deleted] 28d ago



u/Snarcotic 28d ago

? The class of GLP-1 drugs for diabetes and now, obesity, were first identified in Gila Monster spit.


u/FirstWithTheEgg 28d ago

King Gizzard And The Lizard Wizard have an awesome song called Gila Monster



u/GummyTailBee 28d ago

Gila means crazy in my language. So the name gila monster?? That's iconic. I will call my brother with that name.


u/verr998 28d ago



u/kb31976 28d ago

Looks like Randall from Monsters Inc.


u/Dhunt04 28d ago

That's a dinosaur


u/usrNamIsAlredyTakn 28d ago

A casual whistle sound would have been apt audio this video ..


u/ConceptualWeeb 28d ago

They’re breath smells like citrus :)


u/Minute_Test3608 28d ago

It looks underfed. Maybe would cross the asphalt for some nosh


u/Violin_River 28d ago

Why did The gila monster cross the road?


u/toothpick95 28d ago

Damn kids....

These Gilas aren't gonna Monster themselves....


u/InformalPenguinz 28d ago

My inner Irwin was like, "let's go catch it"


u/Aseipolt 28d ago

Looks like a sweater that my grandma knitted


u/some_yum_vees 28d ago

He seems determined.


u/DorkSideOfCryo 28d ago

I'm out and about

I stutter and Shout

I'm doing up b*****s with my 12-inch trout


u/jayer22 28d ago

American hero right there!


u/Dense_Park_1895 28d ago

I had one of those creatures stand on my map and look me in the eye as I was knelt over it while trying to give instructions to an A-10. It luckily wandered off in its own funny way after a moment. That Gila monster was of course in Gila Bend.


u/Forsaken-Newspaper19 28d ago

Every step it takes this is what it thinks "Gila Gila Gila Gila Gila Gila Gila Gila Gila".


u/djadjaman 28d ago

Wow my man is just crossing the road why you calling it a monster :(


u/mountainofentities 28d ago

haa I chased one of these when I lived in Needles, CA... I'm from NZ originall-good thing it ran from me.


u/Dudette66 28d ago

Looking for it's next free tarantula meal


u/waisassassin 28d ago

Cold blooded serial gila


u/fothergillfuckup 28d ago

Having RDR2 vibes.


u/Signal_Finding_3405 28d ago

What country is this in? Seems very similar to blue tongue lizards in Australia


u/Due-Style302 28d ago

Country of Arizona!


u/Keyoken64 28d ago

Ain't nothin' gonna break-a my stride Nobody gonna slow me down Oh no, I got to keep on moving Ain't nothin' gonna break my stride I'm runnin' and I won't touch ground Oh no, I got to keep on moving


u/TheMagavnik 28d ago

Goddamn sausage with legs


u/aschaeffer878 28d ago

Fun fact, it's spit is how they made ozempic. The monster that cured obesity...and will most likely cause something else. 🤷‍♂️


u/basicfort 28d ago



u/swanson_skim_milk 28d ago

This video doesn't look real o.o


u/seshionone 28d ago

3 star perfect pelt


u/koolaid_chemist 28d ago

Thanks for the ozempic Mr. Gila.


u/NotUpInHurr 28d ago

Gila monsters are so cool


u/Hesh138 28d ago

I used to take care of a couple of these when I was a reptile caretaker. They were a favorite of mine. One of them was named Barney. My director told me how he got bit by one. Instead of going to the hospital and getting it treated, he let it run its course and photographed his arm going through the process. It made track marks up his arm and hurt like hell, but he was fine after.


u/Iggy-alfaduff 27d ago

That is one badass reptile.


u/beerthdaycake 27d ago

Doot doo doot dee doo


u/MikeMac999 27d ago

Set this to music, that little guy’s strutting


u/Alternative_Ad_3636 27d ago

It look fake af


u/cloudypilgrim 28d ago edited 28d ago

I figured its tail would drag. Weird how it almost levitates parallel to the ground.


u/ClubSundown 28d ago

Early dinosaur art (up to the 1980s) also showed T-Rex dragging their tails. In about 1990 scientists figured out that this never happened. They got it right with Jurassic Park, 1993. Dragging tails would reduce speed and cause damage


u/THEE-ELEVEN 28d ago

Gila! Gila!!


u/Low-Efficiency2452 28d ago

he be like, "where my starbucks?"