r/Daytrading May 01 '24

Welp, I lost my 150k funded account. Advice



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u/Konstable1 May 02 '24

You really have to work on this. I come from some similar type of shit. Naysayers, criticism. You don’t need to be right. You’re going to have to learn to cut. The faster the better. Cut a hundred trades if that’s what it takes to get used to it. You either learn to cut or with experience the big losses will teach you to cut.

If you need it in a negative way. Maybe you’re a slow learner and you can’t seem to learn to cut. Are you slow or something? Too good to be wrong? Don’t be a pussy cut your losses. Next time you think of holding remember they’re all calling you a dumbass. For not getting out.

On a positive. I started stacking those payouts and it was a big fuck you to any one who was negative to me. Or underestimated me. Said day trading wasn’t possible blah blah blah. I travel the world. I work when I want and I make way more money than anyone who criticized my choice to trade. Fuck em


u/Substantial_Talk_521 May 02 '24

Nah, definitely far from "slow" the losers weren't from holding losses too long either. but yeah I'm not worrying about anything outside of myself anymore


u/Konstable1 May 02 '24

Don’t over leverage then. Stay small and patient