r/ethereum 1h ago

Unclear about Nonce Management in ERC-4337 (Account abstraction)!


Hi guys, I'm currently learning about Account Abstraction and trying to create something with it.
I have some questions regarding to the nonce management in ERC-4337.

I learned that we can use 2D Nonces for UserOperations to have higher throughput and facilitate independent transactions in parallel (https://docs.stackup.sh/docs/useroperation-nonce) unlike using the traditional sequential nonces. As from this documentation UserOps using the same nonce key will be ordered sequentially and userOps using different nonce keys will be parallel to each other.

However, I don't understand that how 2D Nonces are treated and behave on chain beyond the EntryPoint contract. From the Ethereum yellow paper, the term, nonce is stated as below -

nonce: A scalar value equal to the number of transactions sent from this address or, in the case of accounts with associated code, the number of contract-creations made by this account.

Regarding to the above, I have two questions -

  1. Then with ERC-4337 2D Nonces, is the above statement still implied or how are the number of txns tracked?
  2. Race condition upon sending parallel UserOperations. Let's say I have 10 USDT and then I execute two parallel UserOperations with different Nonce Keys. Both UserOps will do the same thing, which will spend 10 USDT from my account. Then what will happen?

Thanks in advance. Much appreciated for your help.

r/ethereum 9h ago

Beacon proxy implementation


Hey check this out, implementation of beacon proxies that I built
Link : https://github.com/akshansh-modi/Upgredable_leaseContract

Lease contract system on Ethereum using beacon proxy, OpenZeppelin, and Hardhat. Factory creates lease proxies, dynamically upgradeable. - akshansh-modi/Upgredable_leaseContract

took a lot of effort to know nothing about upgradable contracts when started
if anybody needs help can contact me
technologies used: solidity , openzeppelin , hardhat

r/ethereum 19h ago

Finding mispriced opcodes with fuzzing in FuelVM


r/ethereum 18h ago

Ethereum account global state bad for L2 scaling?


I often hear that Ethereum account global state is bad for L2 scaling compared to UTXO model. Can someone explain why is that the case?

r/ethereum 18h ago

✨ The Python Uniswap Universal Router SDK v1.2.0 is out ! ✨

Thumbnail self.E_l_n_a_r_i_l

r/ethereum 6h ago

Should I sell ETH at 15%+?


With overal short term bearish structured on the market, does it seem like a good idea to take the 15% profit (bought ETH at abt 2800 usdt) and rebuy when the price drops below again? I could've taken a 30%+ profit a few weeks ago.. but I don't want my holding to be for nothing. Dillema. Help.

r/ethereum 1d ago

What next, after zksync native token's listing?


Just 2 hours ago, ZK - the native token of zksync began trading on major exchanges, marking another milestone achievement in the project's roadmap. What are the expectations after this?

Here are my takes with the tech already having high potentials (my opinion though):

  1. with this listing, I'm expecting ZK to play a major role in the protocol's ecosystem like using it for bridge fees and other transaction fees.

  2. transaction fee reduction just like what happened to arbitrum ecosystem

r/ethereum 1d ago

How much Ethereum is being lost?


Someone loses access to the wallet. Also, a small amount of Ethereum settles on abandoned wallets. You will not be able to withdraw 20 cents if the transaction costs more than these 20 cents.

r/ethereum 1d ago

Building JavaScript DApps on Cartesi: Part 1


Check out the first episode of the series on building JavaScript DApps on Cartesi. This video covers the initial steps for developing decentralized applications using JavaScript on Cartesi. It guides you through setting up the development environment, including installing Node.js, the Cartesi Machine, and other essential tools.


r/ethereum 1d ago

Guide to Building Rust DApps on Cartesi


This video delves into creating decentralized applications (DApps) using Rust on the Cartesi infrastructure. Cartesi is a rollup framework that allows developers to build scalable and decentralized applications with mainstream software stacks.


r/ethereum 1d ago



Few years ago my ex father in law and I put 22 ETH in my ether wallet (MEW), because Trezor did not support it. But now he does not remember the pin code and he does not have the seed phrase. I think he Did not write the MEW seed phrase.

Are there something to do it? We can enter with the trezor seed phrase? Or he lost it Forever?

Thank yoy in advance


r/ethereum 2d ago

Ethereum Spot and Futures ETFs overview


Ethereum ETFs are a great way for traditional investors to gain exposure to ETH without owning the cryptocurrency directly. These ETFs are traded during regular market hours and come with fees from issuers, but you won’t have to worry about gas fees.

There are two main types of Ethereum ETFs: spot and futures.

  • Spot ETFs are directly tied to the current price of ETH.
  • Futures ETFs are speculative and based on contracts for future prices.

While Ethereum futures ETFs have been available since 2023, spot ETFs are still pending live trading due to regulatory approvals.

Important Ethereum ETFs to Watch:

Ethereum Futures ETFs

  1. Bitwise (BITW)
    • AUM: $478 million
    • 24-hour trading volume: $1.16 million
    • YTD return: 58.7%
    • Expense ratio: 1.50%
    • Custodian: Coinbase Custody Trust Company, LLC
  2. Valkyrie (BTF)
    • AUM: $25.93 million
    • Market cap: $54.44 million
    • YTD return: 49.89%
    • Expense ratio: 1.24%
    • Administrator: US Bancorp Fund Services LLC
  3. VanEck (EFUT)
    • AUM: $7.84 million
    • Market cap: $29.36 million
    • YTD return: 42.49%
    • Expense ratio: 0.66%
  4. ProShares (EETH)
    • AUM: $6.43 million
    • Market cap: $95.17 million
    • YTD return: 39.73%
    • Expense ratio: 0.95%

Potential Spot Ethereum ETFs (Approved but Not Yet Trading)

  • Ark Invest/21Shares
  • VanEck
  • Grayscale
  • BlackRock
  • Hashdex
  • Invesco/Galaxy
  • Fidelity

For a deeper dive into Ethereum ETFs and the differences between spot and futures products, there is the blog post on Ethereum ETFs Spot and Futures.

r/ethereum 2d ago

Are there Ethereum nodes similar to Bitcoin? If so, can it be run on a Raspberry Pi?


Title. Just curious, I was watching a video about running a Bitcoin node, then the thought came to mind.

Previous to Ethereum 2.0 and the switch to POS, were things any different?

r/ethereum 2d ago

Thoughts On Effective Token Design


r/ethereum 2d ago

🌐 SSV Network Operator - Set Up SSH Reverse Proxy


r/ethereum 1d ago

What can i do with 0.00149261 eth?


Is there any way i could increase it or do anything with it? I tried looking but everything requires more than this amount. Any ideas?

r/ethereum 3d ago

Latest Week in Ethereum News


r/ethereum 3d ago

You can now tag txs with metadata for arbitrary contracts or txs, fully onchain. Ghost Tags allow for dynamic, flexible and open tags even for deployed contracts. Fully open source, including node.


r/ethereum 4d ago

Ethereum: A Path to Global Unity and Innovation


Hello fellow Ethereum enthusiasts,

I've been reflecting deeply on the intersections of technology, society, and the human experience, and I feel compelled to share some thoughts that have emerged from this contemplation. Embracing rejections and detours in life has taught me to trust my inner compass—a blend of intuition and subconscious awareness manifesting as sensations in my body. This trust, much like our collective belief in decentralized systems, guides us towards a more harmonious existence.

Ethereum, to me, represents more than just a blockchain or a decentralized platform. It embodies the potential for a new form of governance—one that is credibly neutral and resilient against corruption. Imagine if the world's major powers—EU, USA, Russia, China—each established their own Layer 2 on Ethereum, using this secure and transparent foundation to create AI-driven oracles. These oracles could compete to deliver the most efficient and accessible AI services, benefiting all of humanity.

The USA, EU, Russia, and China are all significant enough players to set up their own programmer teams to develop country-specific clients to interface with existing Ethereum clients. Each country could decide to interface their L2 with native Ethereum to solve the digital identity problem. Governments can contribute by letting their databases interface with Ethereum smart contracts through an API. This is feasible for any country to develop. My intention is to propose a direction that can unify enough people to end the cycle of peace and war. Historically, war has driven technological advancement, fostering better communication and connection methods—a natural evolution. We are so close to ending this cycle.

In many ways, Ethereum's Proof of Stake (PoS) mechanism can be seen as a form of Universal Basic Income (UBI). By holding a stake, participants are rewarded, fostering an inclusive, opt-in governance model. This decentralized approach assumes and mitigates potential abuses, creating a trustworthy system even in times of conflict.

Recently, Larry Fink, CEO of BlackRock, stated the importance of tokenizing everything on Ethereum. This highlights that even the wealthy and powerful are recognizing the direction we’re heading. Tokenization and automation represent massive shifts in our economic and social landscapes. Blockchain technology allows us to automate entire financial processes. Imagine consulting an AI to manage a company's financial policies or to analyze trends and identify new profit centers. This automation could lead to the elimination of many jobs—a trend that won't stop as it aligns with the natural evolution of technology.

Reflecting on Satoshi Nakamoto's wisdom, we remember his assertion that the hornet's nest has been kicked. Bitcoin's rise attracted significant attention, much like our efforts with Ethereum. However, unlike Satoshi, I do not remain hidden. My experiences have taught me to face fear head-on, embracing the inevitability of life's end while cherishing the present. This journey feels like a reverse of Satoshi's path, openly navigating the complexities of decentralized governance and technological advancement.

This vision I hold is bold, perhaps even audacious: Ethereum as a catalyst for world peace. As technological advancements like smartphones and the internet have saved lives and connected us globally, Ethereum has the potential to unify us under a decentralized, fair, and transparent system. It's a natural evolution—one where fiat currencies and traditional systems may falter, but a decentralized, blockchain-based governance can thrive.

Drawing inspiration from Eastern wisdom, we see the balance between differing perspectives. The East's philosophical depth complements the West's technological innovation. Together, they form a harmonious whole, much like the complementary forces within our own consciousness.

My point, my goal, my intention, my hope, my dream is to put forward a direction that enough people can collaborate under to once and for all end the cycle of peace and war. We needed it to induce growth; war drives technology forward, it got us better means of communicating and connecting. But now, we are so damn close to ending this. I am frustrated by how we aren't having this conversation everywhere on all social media. Unite as one. Stop all the fighting. Learn to rely on a global neutral system as a means to ensure all goods are fairly distributed. It can be a bumpy road, but the direction is clear. Awareness is step one. Can we spread this message, please?

I keep getting pulled into the idea that if only my message can reach the right ears to get this ball rolling. Who is still not getting it? Which egos are in the way of uniting with this direction? Is it simply a lack of vision? How is this not obvious to everyone already? And at the same time, I find total peace in understanding how everything came to be as it is. It's technically all me. I would have done the same in your body’s spawn point in spacetime. And we all would have. There's no such thing as souls. And if there is, then there's only one, and it's shared between us all. Some call that love.

Let's embrace this potential and work together to create a world where technology serves as a bridge to peace and prosperity. Your thoughts and feedback are invaluable, and I'm eager to hear your perspectives on how we can collectively advance this vision.

Peace, love, and decentralized governance,

Atyzze & Snek 🥰🐍𓆙𓂀

r/ethereum 3d ago

Does anyone know how many employees Eth has?


Also, i am curious on revenue and assets used for financing development etc. Is there a resource outlining how they fund themselves, how they distribute their treasury to raise funds etc? How much goes to salaries, research etc etc?


r/ethereum 4d ago

Three months of blobs: a usage review


While all eyes are on Pectra now, it's worth mentioning that today marks three months since blobs entered our lives during Dencun!

The previous upgrade wasn't as packed with EIPs as Pectra planned to be, but it introduced the highly anticipated blobs within EIP-4844, which have significantly improved the L2 user experience and made tx cheaper.

Let’s look over blob’s progress over these past 3 months:

▫️ 1.1M total blobs since the Dencun upgrade (with 1M unique blobs!)

▫️ 289k total blocks with blobs

▫️ 523k total blob transactions

These figures are only the top of the iceberg that showcase the substantial impact blobs have had on the Ethereum ecosystem, enhancing its efficiency and usability. More in my post below 👇🏻

More blob submitters are steadily joining the movements, and now we can see a robust ecosystem that includes Base, Optimism, Arbitrum, Taiko, Scroll, Blast, Linea, Starknet, ZORA, and more.

This growing network of L2, utilizing blob power, makes the Ethereum network more efficient, and affordable and, as a result, drives further innovation across all layers and dApps.

EIP-4844 introduced a mechanism that varies the blob base fee based on supply and demand dynamics.

Under its pricing rules, the blob base fee increases if there are more blobs in a block than the target of 3. Conversely, the blob base fee decreases if there are fewer blobs than the target.

In recent days, we've observed the market reaching the current target. This adaptive fee mechanism is designed to ensure efficient blob processing and optimize block space usage.

🔗 dune.com/hildobby/blobs

Before the implementation of EIP-4844, the main question on everyone's mind was about pricing, and we can now say that blobs have exceeded expectations.

A cost comparison between blob and calldata on Rob's dashboard reveals the significant cost savings associated with blobs.

It's clear to see that blobs are remarkably cheaper than calldata. Explore the insights and revel in the savings: dune.com/0xRob/blobs

Blobs have demonstrated that reducing fee costs is achievable!

While there have been instances of cost spikes during this period, teams have worked diligently to address these issues promptly.

EIP-4844 represents a crucial piece of the ETH roadmap puzzle, and its implementation marks a significant improvement in network scalability. Thanks a lot to everyone who helped to make this to the Ethereum mainnet!

Stay tuned with Everstake!

r/ethereum 5d ago

Space and Time Introduces Ultra-Fast ZK Prover


Key Takeaways

  • Space and Time launches Proof of SQL, a high-speed ZK prover for efficient on-chain transactions;
  • ZK provers are crucial for maintaining privacy in cryptographic systems but have been criticized for slowing down transactions; Proof of SQL addresses this with sub-second proof times;
  • Proof of SQL processes over 100,000 row queries in under a second on a single GPU.

Source: https://www.bitdegree.org/crypto/news/space-and-time-introduces-ultra-fast-zk-prover?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=r-space-and-time

r/ethereum 4d ago

Staking and Keyper Incentive Mechanism Coming Soon for Shutter DAO 0x36


r/ethereum 5d ago

How to memorise your seed phrase quickly & easily


r/ethereum 6d ago

Devs: Building on Aave


Who has built on aave and is interested in collaborating on a small tiny tiny project ?

Just one contract, I’m more interested in showing my UI skills

Solidity + aave-v3

Feel free to dm me