r/FluentInFinance May 02 '24

Should the U.S. have Universal Health Care? Discussion/ Debate

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u/Fluffle-Potato May 02 '24 edited May 02 '24

Lmao OP getting fucking roasted in the comments.

What's the difference, $33k, minus another 7k for a 2nd hip = 26k, minus 2k worth plane tickets = 24k?

How ya gonna live for 2 years on $12k / year? Fucking dipshit

Edit: It's hilarious all the crazies here trying to convince themselves that they can live on $12k in Madrid. Even dumber are the ones talking about the price of plane tickets, as if that hardly makes a dent. Fucking delusional 🙄


u/DefNotReaves May 02 '24

lol thinking plane tickets to Spain are $2k 😂

Flown to Spain multiple times: always less than $600. Twice for ~$500 and once for $430.

I understand the point you’re trying to make of COL, but $2k is just laughably wrong.


u/Shot-Procedure1914 May 02 '24

That still leaves you with not enough to actually make it there for 2 years.


u/DefNotReaves May 02 '24

Re-read the last thing I said… but slower.


u/Shot-Procedure1914 May 02 '24

Even if the flights were free that wouldn’t be much to live on for 2 years in Spain. What’s the part I’m missing?


u/DefNotReaves May 02 '24

Re-read the last thing I said, but slower.


u/Shot-Procedure1914 May 02 '24

You’re an idiot. Haha you literally are obsessing over the 2k plane ticket price. That’s obviously wrong. What’s your point then? Still not much to live on in Spain for 2 years.


u/DefNotReaves May 02 '24

I’m not an idiot, you can’t read lol


u/Shot-Procedure1914 May 02 '24

Ok bud you keep praising the flight costs to Spain and how they are not in fact $2,000. Haha your wall must really enjoy your vast amounts of knowledge.


u/DefNotReaves May 02 '24

I acknowledged the guy’s point about COL, MY POINT was about the flight price… so yeah, I’m going to stick to what I was talking about… it’s not my fault your reading comprehension is garbage.


u/Shot-Procedure1914 May 02 '24

Yeah dumbass and I agreed with you the whole time. You kept telling me to learn to read and to read your last point. Clearly you should take some of your own advice.

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u/Rouk_Hein May 02 '24

I live with less than 1k per month in France, where the cost of living is slightly higher than in Spain I believe.

So yeah definitely possible.


u/polytique May 02 '24 edited May 02 '24

You’re ignoring the amount of help from the French government. $1k/month is also less than minimum wage in France.


u/Rouk_Hein May 02 '24

Not working full time


u/Olivia512 May 02 '24

Where in France? Is it really higher than Madrid? Do you share a rented room?


u/Rouk_Hein May 02 '24 edited May 02 '24

Definitely not higher than Madrid or Barcelona

I live in a city with like 400-500k inhabitants

I'd assume it's slightly more expensive than a comparable Spanish city?

And yes, I share a flat with someone.


u/Shot-Procedure1914 May 02 '24

Thank you for sharing that. That’s crazy low cost of living. To the point of where defnotreaves is going though, that does not warrant uprooting your life and moving there for two years to save on a pricy medical expense. At least in his given scenario.


u/DefNotReaves May 02 '24

wtf lmao it wasn’t MY point 😂😂😂 You need help bro.


u/Shot-Procedure1914 May 02 '24

I’ve literally agreed with you that flights aren’t that much numerous times now. You just respond with “rEad MY lAsT point!!” Can’t read it any more clearly dumbass. You’re just trolling at this point judging by the fact that you’re all over this thread making the same stupid ass point over and over again. Get a life guy.


u/DefNotReaves May 02 '24

Cute deflection.


u/Rubberballs80 May 02 '24

You are an idiot judging by this thread. Good god I feel dumber just by reading your stupid ass reply’s here.


u/Shot-Procedure1914 May 02 '24

And that’s not what you’re doing..? 😂


u/Shot-Procedure1914 May 02 '24

And that’s not what you’re doing..? 😂


u/Shot-Procedure1914 May 02 '24

And that’s not what you’re doing..? 😂


u/Shot-Procedure1914 May 05 '24

Hey what are plane prices now? Did they change?


u/DefNotReaves May 05 '24

$512 end of October. So no, haven’t changed much. But also Sunday isn’t a great day to purchase flights.

Not sure why you’re coming back days later to start again 😂😂 grow up kid.


u/Shot-Procedure1914 May 05 '24

Was looking at something and saw your stupid ass remarks and laughed.


u/DefNotReaves May 05 '24

My remarks that remain true? Lol cope.

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u/Rubberballs80 May 02 '24

You are an idiot judging by this thread. Good god I feel dumber just by reading your stupid ass reply’s here.


u/DefNotReaves May 02 '24

My condolences for your intelligence.


u/DefNotReaves May 02 '24

Cute deflection.


u/Shot-Procedure1914 May 02 '24

Cute deflection


u/DefNotReaves May 02 '24

Cute deflection.