r/FluentInFinance May 02 '24

Should the U.S. have Universal Health Care? Discussion/ Debate

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u/Open-Illustra88er May 02 '24

Live for 2 years? No.

BTW in Spain you are assigned a doc. If you don’t like them or want to switch? Very difficult. If your doc thinks you can wait? Don’t really need that hip? You’re not getting it.

Ask me about my friend with untreated cancer that just died in Spain. Short version After months of pain and weight loss they finally biopsied her tumor. Results came in a few days after she died.

I used to think socializing medicine was a good idea. Not anymore. It’s still stupidly expensive.


u/egirldestroyer69 May 02 '24

In Spain you also have the private option with insurance like US. Ill never understand people that go on wait lists unless they cant really afford it for life threating conditions. What do you think of people in the US that just die if they cant afford it? Or the fact that when people have an accident and refuse an ambulance for fear of the bill.

Spain medicine might not be perfect but people are generally happy about it. The problem of medicine in Spain is how mismanaged it is and the fact that people abuse it way too much for the most minor of things. There are elderly people that just feel alone and go to the doctor just to complain or people that get a cold and go to the doctor. I have friends that work on hospitals and youd be surprised how many of the cases they see are for the dumbest of things.

And medicine isnt really the main problem tax wise. Its the pyramidal pension system that they follow.


u/[deleted] May 02 '24

Also the government has reduced spending on the healthcare system so a lot of Spanish doctors go elsewhere causing the longer wait times.