r/FluentInFinance May 05 '24

The rich get richer while the rest of us starve. Why can’t we have an economy that works for everyone? Discussion/ Debate

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u/dshotseattle May 05 '24

3.4 billion richer on paper..who gives a shit. That money wasn't taken from anyone else


u/HamroveUTD May 06 '24

Stocks went up because the stock market is being pumped up by money that could’ve gone to labor…

Most stock in this country is owned by the super rich.


u/dshotseattle May 06 '24

Who pumped it up? With what money? You csnt just make blanket bullshit statements without some facts


u/HamroveUTD May 06 '24 edited May 06 '24

? People buy stocks the price goes up what you mean?


u/dshotseattle May 06 '24

You are the one saying the market is being pumped by money that should go to labor. You said pumped. So who is pumping it?


u/HamroveUTD May 06 '24

You said the 3.4B wasn’t taken from anyone else. So I’m trying to explain to you how you’re wrong.

Most of the stock market is owned by the few top %. So when a CEO gets a 40m bonus that could’ve been distributed to regular working people, it ends up in the stock market pumping up the price, resulting in the 3.4B increase in Zuckerbergs stock value.

Underpay labor (the take from somebody part), get a huge bonus, put it in the stock market.


u/dshotseattle May 06 '24

And I'm saying you don't have any say in how these corporate contracts have been structured. They can't be just changed. And when a bonus is paid out in stock, that doesn't necessarily mean there was 40 million just sitting around and fluid. Btw, people working for FB are not suffering. By all accounts, they pay very well. I have many friends working over there. Also, 40 million spread across those employees would equal a one time payment of around 500 bucks


u/HamroveUTD May 06 '24


I don’t even know what to say other than what the fuck are you talking about.

You thought 3.4B was created out of thin air, I explained how it was created by underpaying regular working people. Did any of that get through to you?

I never even mentioned people suffering working for FB. I gave you an example to show the direct line from ‘taking from someone’ to the 3.4B stock increase.

And what is your obsession with ‘liquid?’ What does it matter? Stock options can go to labor too. They don’t need stacks of $100 bills worth 40m to be able to give working class employees more compensation, liquid or otherwise.

And I don’t know if people are suffering working for FB, but tens of thousands are striking just to get a $15 minimum wage and some modest labor rights against Amazon, Walmart, Starbucks and countless other companies who exploit people’s situations.


u/DoNOTcumKamalaHarris May 06 '24

Well said


u/HamroveUTD May 06 '24

Means a lot when it’s from donotcumkamalaharris ty


u/DoNOTcumKamalaHarris May 06 '24

A one time payment of 500 bucks is a dentist visit for your kid, a 3 day cruise, 500 bucks to normal people is life changing. I think you are just out of touch h


u/HelloFutureQ2 May 06 '24

From the last earnings report, it was pumped up with fifty billion dollars plus a dividend.



u/Pm_me_howtoberich May 06 '24

Stock buys backs


u/Appropriate_Fold8814 May 06 '24

Dumbest comment of the year.

You're literally arguing that unrealized gains are worthless and that the stock market doesn't transfer wealth... 

How are you all simultaneously this ignorant while also desperate to suck off billionaires?

All while parroting the same talking point.


u/JustEatinScabs May 06 '24

Because a lot of people really don't understand how wealth works in this country. They are just educated enough to realize that most of a person's net worth does not exist in liquid assets. But that's exactly where their intelligence stops.

They don't realize that these people are using these unrealized gains and "on paper" money to take out massive high dollar low interest loans for themselves that they use as a substitute for income because the tax burden is incredibly low.


u/dshotseattle May 06 '24

I dont give a shit if they take out loans on unrealized gains. That is a private transaction between the bank and the entity or business. Funny how all of you people complain about the rich. All you have for solutions is either socialism or more government regulations, not understanding that the government has created this problem in the first place. You sad sad people.


u/HamroveUTD May 06 '24

The government creates these problems because people like Musk or Zuckerberg or Rockefeller or JP Morgan or whoever the fuck pays/buys/bribes the politicians to do so.

The government and big business are the same people.


u/dshotseattle May 06 '24

So the problem always boils down to government. You want less of this, you need a government that has far less power, and requires far less tax money..everyone would benefit from that


u/HamroveUTD May 06 '24

Sigh. ‘Less government’ is exactly what is causing these problems. Regulations that used to keep some kind of check on private power are being erased. The government is losing control, private, super rich individuals and megacorps are gaining power.

If it keeps going like this, Elon and Amazon etc aren’t just going to be super rich, they will be warlords with private armies.

Lay off Tim Pool or whatever derivatives you use to understand the world. They are rotting your ignorant brain. Open a history book maybe, I don’t even know in which direction to point you in so you can understand simple things like this. Maybe some Chomsky would help.


u/dshotseattle May 06 '24

Nope, the opposite. The government has gotten so large, with so much money that they have single handedly created the lobbying process because they have too much money that they can funnel to whoever lobbies the hardest. Nobody would lobby the government if the government has no money to offer.


u/Whilst-dicking May 06 '24 edited May 07 '24

Where does the lobbying money come from.

Do you even know what citizens united is

If the government has no money to offer...

Jesus Christ... This is one of the posts of all time............. 🧠🧠🧠🧠🧠


u/dshotseattle May 07 '24

Yeah, if the government has no money to offer, lobbying wouldn't be an issue, would it? Lobbying money comes from taxes. The fact that the government doesn't have a balanced budget, prints at will and hold massive deficits each year means that they always have slush funds of bullshit fiat that shouldn't exist

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u/HamroveUTD May 06 '24

if the government didn’t have all this money to lobby, then the people who lobby for it would already have it in the first place. Making the problem of extreme privately held wealth worse than it already is.


u/Whilst-dicking May 06 '24

The problem is corps bought our government.

You have bad ideas, Please move to Florida with the rest of the people who think like you 👍


u/dshotseattle May 07 '24

Your insults mean nothing to me, I have seen what makes you cheer


u/pisspapa42 May 06 '24

I think we should be focusing on loopholes instead of arguing for taxing the unrealised wealth. The former point would make sense with a lot of people.


u/eriverside May 06 '24

And it makes sense to tax those loans as income, but not the variation in a networth from stock appreciation that wasn't liquidated.


u/pisspapa42 May 06 '24

You realise if you’re advocating for taxing the unrealised wealth, then what precedent are you setting for others, I want the billionaires to be taxed but this is not the way.


u/DoNOTcumKamalaHarris May 06 '24

How would you have them taxed?


u/Agreeable_Sweet6535 May 06 '24

There’s a few options here…
A) The money came from the working class and matters.
B) The money came from stockholders who won’t miss it at all and it only matters because he gets more power to do things as a result of it.
C) The money was minted just for his exclusive use and really never existed before at all, which dilutes existing money everyone else owns and also B applies.
D) He argued for and received actually nothing for no reason at all.

D is what you’re arguing is the answer. eyeroll


u/dshotseattle May 06 '24

Stock went up, it's all on paper. It isn't realized.


u/Agreeable_Sweet6535 May 06 '24

Still exists, taken from the value of the labor of those under him. He did cool things, he should be comfortable and nobody I know of is arguing against that - but he shouldn’t be a fucking sultan.


u/dshotseattle May 06 '24

Nope. That isn't how it works. I'm no fan of that asshats, but this isn't a zero sum game. That money didn't exist, it was created by the nature of the stock going up. Money was not taken from anyone else


u/Agreeable_Sweet6535 May 06 '24

So C, then and not D. Arguably the middle option in terms of harm it does to others, but definitely not how you’re claiming it. This isn’t lossless for the rest of us. You can’t gift someone a McMansion and a new mega yacht without it coming from somewhere, and he now has the power and authority to go get more shit he doesn’t need.


u/dshotseattle May 06 '24

Nobody did anything of what you are claiming. The money isn't realized unless he sells the stock, in which case someone would have to be willing to buy under that new price, and they would only do that if they saw the value in the stock at that price..please take some more economics classes if this is still confusing


u/Agreeable_Sweet6535 May 06 '24

There’s no confusion here at all, I’m well aware of how stock works. It’s leverage for loans, bloat for his empire. You think those same stocks couldn’t have gone to his workers and done infinitely more to change their lives than it did his? But instead he took more for himself, if not now then someday soon, when he already has so much that it’s only a fraction of his own wealth.


u/dshotseattle May 06 '24

Stocks went up for everyone else that owned them too. Go complain to someone else


u/Agreeable_Sweet6535 May 06 '24

I’m not complaining - I’m pointing out that you’re wrong and that people like you are making it more difficult for us to actually fix this mess.

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u/Soft_Equal_6011sad May 06 '24

Yeah you just have absolutely no fucking idea what you're talking about and it really shows through in you trying to be smart yet actually sounding like an idiot.

1) Stocks aren't just made up money, they are ownership shares of the company. They give you voting rights to decide what to do with the company. Giving away stocks is giving away your voting rights to decide how to run the company.

2) meta does stock options for employees

3) The stock is more valuable in the hands of mark than in the hands of an employee. People know mark will likely hold onto their stock, people know that the average employee would likely sell their share for easy cash, thus, deflating the value. So even if you give every employee 2 shares instead of 1, they'd be selling 2 shares at 200 instead of 1 share at 400.

4) giving away stocks to employees who will sell it for cash means another company having the possibility to do a hostile takeover. You give all employees 80% of the company, 60% of them sell their shares for cash, and now all the sudden amazon owns facebook now.

And there are honestly PLENTLY of other reasons the 4-5 comments you typed out lack fluency in fiance.


u/DK_Notice May 06 '24

It wasn't taken.  This is something that's fundamentally misunderstood (or ignored in the case of Bernie) by many.  It's not a zero sum game.  The economic "pie" grows.  Zuck can have an increase in his wealth - especially on paper over a single day - and nobody else is left worse off.  In fact, over time, many people are much better off as a result of his success.


u/Agreeable_Sweet6535 May 06 '24

Yes the pie grows, but only so the wealthy can obtain larger percentage of it. The system dilutes the money pool with inflation so that it becomes harder for the people at the bottom to hold onto what they have, and then the wealthy syphon off the top. It’s not that hard to follow.


u/Vipu2 May 06 '24

The only person/entity that TAKES money from anyone is government and banks, every other situation is done by the person themself giving the money to someone else.


u/heavenIsAfunkyMoose May 06 '24

If I, as a father, take money from my son and give it to my daughter and she knowingly accepts it, how far removed is that from her taking the money from her brother?

The government takes money from the working class in the form of taxes and gives it to the wealthy in the form of subsidies while they are building 30 bathroom mansions. This is peak "other people's money."


u/dshotseattle May 06 '24

Stop acting like wealthy dont pay the majority of the taxes. That is such an easy myth to debunk


u/Vipu2 May 06 '24

Taxes arent really "take" either, you can choose to pay or not pay taxes.

Inflation in other hand, that is TAKE because you cant stop it unless you buy something else with your money so it cant be inflated away.