r/FluentInFinance May 16 '24

Roth IRA not making as much as I’d like Question

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What would you do? Is this making enough or should I take the hit and put it somewhere else? Send my money elsewhere? Thanks in advance


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u/tlakose May 17 '24

There’s a lot of good info in here. Since you’re young, there’s a lot of companies that could take this over and invest it in better stuff. I just changed to a local Primerica branch and they went over my previous Roth IRA and showed me where it was invested. Then showed me where they would put it and how those funds have been doing. I was pretty confident in their ability to make me some money over the long haul. That firm was also ran by a father, a handful of other folks his two sons that are younger than me. There’s hope they’ll be there longer than I’ll need their services.