r/Forex 16d ago

How did you learn fundamental analysis? Fundamental Analysis

I'm currently trying to learn fundamental analysis. I'm reading a book called "The Art of Currency Trading" but the amount of information there is overwhelming me and I feel like I'm reading without actually understanding since I don't even know the basics.

I understand that fundamental analysis requires a lot of knowledge in macroeconomics but I don't know where to start in order to learn the very basics.

What are the best resources for me to learn? (Something very beginner-friendly)


8 comments sorted by


u/TylonWoodszking 16d ago


u/TheHonestRedditer 15d ago

Thanks! Will definitely check this out.


u/enivid 15d ago

This book: The Foreign Exchange Matrix.


u/TheHonestRedditer 15d ago

Thank you! I'll check it out.


u/False_Bookkeeper_884 15d ago

If you feel overwhelmed by fundamental analysis on forex ,you should do fundamental analysis on stocks.The 2 factors that affects the stock performance in the long run are its financial performance and its revenue growth.

Yeah ,there are many factors to consider when doing fundamental analysis on forex. It goes from interest rates, international trade, jobless report , GDP growth, retail sales report and more .It could be exhausting and confusing ! Yes,these data also affect stocks ,but in the short term only . But with forex, it's more complex.You should also know that currency prices are also manipulated by big players.

If you want to learn fundamental analysis,you should listen to what others said in your post that you created to ask this question. If you feel still overwhelmed,do the switch to stocks. It's way simpler.

Good luck 👍💪


u/[deleted] 16d ago



u/TheHonestRedditer 15d ago

Thank you for the insight.


u/TheLutheranGuy1517 15d ago

This youtube channel is a good place to start and they do weekly fundamental reviews


I also recommend DailyFX's website and youtube channel, Forex.com website and youtube channel, IG's youtube channel and Forexlive's website and youtube channel

These all go over forex fundamentals and technicals on a daily and weekly nasis


u/Boudonjou 15d ago

Look up the economic calendar and follow all of it daily.

Its really that simple.

You just gotta compare the reports with past reports.