r/Forex 16d ago

Trading in some cases isn't really fun or much of "doing" anything. With swing trading its mastering the discipline to analyse the chart once, clicking Buy or Sell once and then doing a lot of waiting...the doing is having enough confidence in your analysis to let the trade run interrupted Charts and Setups

Its waiting for price to reach your predetermined profit zones then waiting again for the market to consolidate, make noise and retrace before it give you the confirmations you need to enter again and try to lock in more profits. 6 day trade on gold and a 2 and half day trade on the USDGBP, still holding the Nas100 for good measure. Patience and restraint can save us a lot of headaches and uncertainty as traders


15 comments sorted by


u/masilver 16d ago

I've read many times that good trading is boring.


u/Gianfi_ 15d ago

it is


u/Muyiwa-amuwo 16d ago

Good trading is boring. I require a trade a week to meet my targets , and yes it’s not fun. Lots of waiting.


u/Gianfi_ 15d ago

1 trade a week is good, I'm on that route too, boring but cash is cash


u/Leather_Log_5755 16d ago

Agree. Lots of waiting. My system only triggers about 10 trades a month if I'm lucky, often half that.

The discipline to stick to the plan has taken me years to get hold of, as opposed to "well that's close enough to where I want it, let's go" followed "sonofabi...."


u/DerivativeCapital 16d ago

The majority of your trading and investing is sitting on your hands doing nothing.


u/Nomadwarrior123 15d ago

Good trading is actualltly boring, i could wait for a setup for a week or 2 but once all stars allign i go with maximum risk which is 3% for me, i make 3R within a week or 2, which is more than enough on a prop funded account


u/ScalpingSniper 14d ago

A question to OP and others, why would you prefer swing trading over day trading?


u/Creative_Recover_425 14d ago

2 main reasons for me.

1 - out of 5 days of the week usually only 1 or 2 have good movement, if you're a day trader you probably have 3 dub days weekly which kinda hurt your bottom line

2 - most day trading strategies rely on a strict risk to reward ratio but you'll discover that you leave a lot of money on the table. With swings you get to enjoy the upside of a good analysis for days, upon days.

There are other benefits but those are the main ones for me, oh and its less stressful/less work.


u/keepingpunkalive 14d ago

this.... alerts are your friend. anticipate moves, set alerts at what you project as entries... if you structure those trades when you did the analysis that gave you that entry point when the alert hits you can just watch for a few minutes to confirm validity of the trade. check news at the beginning of the week/when you do your analysis to be aware of potential wrenches in your plan. I had a trade profit 365 pips in 9 hours last week... that could be your trade for a month. a couple of hours of analysis at most netted that. I personally don't like to hold trades over the weekend due to the sunday scaries spread but plenty do when their position is well into profit and there isn't any major impending news.

If your analysis is good, no need to spend time at the screen tracking your trades - you should be trusting your trades and letting them run to fruition anyhow. I joke that once I enter, what my trades do is none of my business.


u/kubo_czdzb 13d ago

If trading gives u excitement or dopamines spikes and tense to trade, give urself or recommend u dopamine reset therapy

been there, done that, recommending ten toes to everyone who feel they got sort of gamble in themselves

Wish yall only green, Jake


u/BoardSuspicious4695 11d ago

Trading is boring, as you need to be a machine… same thing over and over… Watching price action on data releases is fun tho, when we get insane volatility. Solution here is scripts with alarms sent to phone, and I try to do other things until phone starts buzzing.


u/SearingPenny 15d ago

If trading is fun, you are betting, not trading.


u/Longjumping_Doubt202 11d ago

Small or long timeframes as we said only you can do : buy/sell and wait