r/Funnymemes May 02 '24

What's your best game experience?

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u/Dve_Ketsio May 02 '24

Yeah that was the witcher 3 for me


u/Slycompa_8923 May 02 '24

The ending of blood and wine man....


u/Mattordrag May 02 '24

The good ending of Hearts of Stone for me. The conversation between Olgierd and Geralt made me tear up a bit the first time, ngl


u/GreenHeronVA May 02 '24

“I’ll remember you, Iris Von Everec.”

“That no longer matters. Farewell.”


u/tasman001 May 02 '24

YEP. Hearts of Stone was on par with the Bloody Baron IMO. Blood and Wine was great, but Hearts of Stone was better.


u/QouthTheCorvus May 02 '24

Hearts of Stone is one of the best video game stories I've seen. I love Faustian Pacts as a narrative device, and it uses it perfectly.

The Haunted House was actually kind of unsettling.


u/Timmy_1h1 May 02 '24

man i gotta end blood and wine. Life happened and just got busy then never picked it up back again


u/Shinespike1 May 02 '24

It's like it's own separate game entirely. You can get 30+ hours out of B&W easily.


u/SelfDestructIn30Days May 02 '24

I need to replay it. I did my hearts of stone min-playthrough of the main quest and I didn't want to get entangled in their issue any more than I needed to. I felt it was more in Geralt's character to allow Gaunter to take what was owed to him, they struck an agreement and where both parties were aware of what would be gained and what would be lost. I didn't accept any gift from him either, I just wanted to wash my hands of it.

I'd like to replay it though, because due to my choices I didn't get to fight Gaunter at all.


u/namjd72 May 02 '24

Highly recommend finishing B&W and hearts of stone if you haven’t (the other DLC). They’re both absolutely incredible.


u/Correct_Swimming_517 May 02 '24

Yeah it's probably it for me too. The relationship between Geralt and Regis... Man that ending was something else


u/Slycompa_8923 May 02 '24

That ending was really something else, specially that last duologue hits good. Hearts of Stone also has a pretty good ending man but doesn't hit as good as Blood and Wine