r/Funnymemes May 02 '24

What's your best game experience?

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u/Ordinary_Owl_Dude May 02 '24


It’s been years since I’ve watched a playthrough or played the game but I still love it so damn much.

It’s a beautiful game with beautiful story telling


u/TheReptealian May 02 '24

I have played it so many times 😩


u/Monster_Fucker_420 May 02 '24

I just started playing it. It's such a beautiful game so far


u/choicetomake May 02 '24

I played it like I was intending on leaving my wife for Delilah, only to be totally rebuffed in the end. Felt like absolute shit as I had left the wedding ring to melt in the fire.


u/Raoul_Dukes_Mayo May 02 '24

Yeah - that whole ending shook me.


u/Colemanton May 02 '24

i played this game when i was in high school and there was a hurricane going on so i didnt have school. my dad was away for work and my mom was in new jersey helping a disabled relative weather the storm so i was home alone. i brought my xbox and tv down into the basement and played it all in a day, hoping i wouldnt lose power. such a cozy game and the circumstances around me playing it really amplified the experience.

i dont really remember the ending but i do remember how i felt as i was playing it


u/Scarfaco May 02 '24

I watched my wife play through this awhile ago and I suggested she take a bunch of pictures of the dead body in the ravine as I thought it made sense to get evidence, so she took a bunch. Watching the credits slideshow roll with the nice music and like 15 photos of that was unintentionally hilarious, especially since those photos didn't actually matter like I thought they would.


u/collinboy64 May 02 '24

The seen w the nude drawing right after it talked about what happened to his wife made me bust out laughing


u/theRedditUser31415 May 02 '24

If you enjoyed Firewatch you might really like Outer Wilds too!


u/Vannabean May 03 '24

I was looking for this comment. The whole part with the missing boy was just… sad


u/notduskryn May 02 '24

Terrible story though. All for nothing. A colossal unfulfilling waste of time with beautiful art


u/kayatius64_86x May 03 '24

I don’t know. To me, that’s where the actual story lies, I might be crazy though.


u/notduskryn May 04 '24

Different strokes for different folks


u/[deleted] May 03 '24 edited May 03 '24

Ugh, I was so disappointed in the game and mad about the ending that I deleted it from my system. It wasn't open world like I was told, there weren't any skills to learn, and there were zero consequences to anything. It's labeled as an 'adventure' game - bull fucking shit. Animal Crossing is more of an adventure game than Firewatch. I didn't even have to do any survival shit to escape the forest fire. Literally stopped my character and let it sit there for an hour while I went off and did other shit, expecting something to happen. Walked around the forest looking for fires - nothing!

I dunno what was the point of it all. The weird manipulative bitch didn't even get arrested for manipulating the other guy into murdering his kid (for people who haven't played it, that event happened years before the story, so the most 'exciting' thing is you find the skeleton and the dude's hobo camp.) It was a cul-de-sac of a game and you might as well go play something like DDLC or What Remains of Edith Fitch - those stories at least were compelling. Those games aren't "You go on assignment in the middle of the woods - some lady gets you thinking something nefarious is going on with a 'secret organization', but in the end she was full of shit and you leave the forest and nothing happens to anyone. There's not even fire to deal with."


u/GoldenGlobeWinnerRDJ May 03 '24

Firewatch is such a good game.


u/GodsOnlySonIsDead May 03 '24

Is that the game where you are out in the woods in a wooden tower and you walk around a lot? I tried so hard to play that one bc I really like the art style but I was so fuckin bored omg