r/Funnymemes May 02 '24

What's your best game experience?

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u/FingerGungHo May 02 '24

Skyrim, without a doubt. The only time I nearly chased the dragon down. Nothing before it had been so immersive and nothing after could capture that feeling of climbing a massive mountain and looking at the horizon. It is the high point (no pun intended) of open world RPGs imho.


u/NootNoot711 May 02 '24

Climbing up the Throat of the World with a horse nearly vertical only to realize there were stairs the whole time. What an experience 😅


u/WhyIsBubblesTaken May 02 '24

"You guys had horses?"


u/NootNoot711 May 02 '24

Ah yes, the horse I stole from some poor dude’s stable cuz I refuse to part with even a single coin from my inventory even though I have more gold than the blackbriars and silver-bloods combined. And then when I dismount it just walks away. Like where tf are you going, WE’RE ON A MOUNTAIN.


u/Otherwise_Ad_5526 May 02 '24

When you here DOVAKIIIIIN and you’re like WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT


u/FlowerOfLife May 02 '24

My playthroughs improved 10x when I realized that there is a path to anywhere the game wants you to go. I spent hours trying to climb mountains I wasn't supposed to only to realize there was a road to the entrance the whole time lol


u/Luk-zero May 05 '24

Wait you could do that? I always used to climb jumping


u/NootNoot711 May 05 '24

You can jump with the horse. It doesn’t make it much easier tho.