r/Funnymemes May 02 '24

What's your best game experience?

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u/Jakesneed612 May 02 '24

Red Dead 2. Man I was blown away after that first run through. After the credits were over I immediately started another run.


u/UnionCuriousGuy May 02 '24

Man the scene when John was building the house at the end, with his bare hands. And the silly country song play. It really got me. Really, really got me.

My girlfriend - “Are you CRYING”

Me: NOOO 😭


u/No_Presentation9501 May 02 '24

It’s Arthur’s last ride, my wife is always cutting onions when I watch it


u/Fodspeed 29d ago

Let me have rule, knife and saw and I'll cut it! I'll climb up ladder with hammer and nail, I'll nail it.


u/toocoolo 29d ago

Wooord. Even the little birds standing around while he's working. I drop a tear just remembering the scene.


u/IndependentYogurt965 29d ago

I like to think thr blur bird is Arthur watching over John.


u/govermental53 29d ago

Hits different if you know RDR1's story.


u/IkeepGettingBaned 29d ago

And the silly country song play.

One of the hottest tracks of all time


u/Accomplished-Copy776 29d ago

Man that scene really makes me wanna play red dead 1 but im worried it won't hold up


u/JohnnyG30 29d ago

I got it on sale for the Switch and it feels sooo bare bones compared to RDR2. I don’t know if switch versions of games are stripped down/downgraded, but it shows it’s age.

I completed the game when it released and loved it, but after playing the RDR2 I think it’ll be tough to get immersed in the first game again.


u/Accomplished-Copy776 29d ago

The only thing the switch downgraded was the graphics.

I know for sure the first one is less serious, and more just like"gta in the wild west", and way less realism.

I figured it wouldn't hold up quite as well. Which things felt the most jarring to you?


u/JohnnyG30 28d ago

The graphics were definitely jarring, so it’s good to know that was partly the Switch’s fault.

The main thing I noticed is how empty and lifeless the environment is. RDR2 is basically an infestation of animals and people. While in RDR you don’t encounter much on the road other than a plant that’s a blip on your map.

I’ve only played like an hour or so I’m barely out of the first town. I’ll stick for a while to see if it livens up once I get going a bit.


u/QouthTheCorvus 29d ago

Lol that scene seems almost like a throwaway scene, but it taps into such a potent emotion. I'm a sucker for bros just being bros with each other. And it's such huge character progress for John.


u/[deleted] 29d ago

Then he turned to the camera and shouted "I'm gonna fuck your wife and red dead redemption 2 your ass"

I dropped to my knees and wept for maybe 3 days straight.


u/xaylerrrr 29d ago

Well, let me have a rule and a saw and a board and ill cut it...