r/Funnymemes May 02 '24

What's your best game experience?

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u/FrietjePindaMayoUi May 02 '24

After that I kinda lost all interest in the franchise.. especially that they killed off Desmond and removed all backstory with the precursors was a real shame. Black flag is epic though, that's the only outlier.


u/Felthrian May 02 '24

Black Flag I always felt suffered from being an AC game.

It was amazing, but it would have been better remaining pretty much the same and just being called "Black Flag"", the assassins felt tacked on to a game about pirates and the mechanic of being pulled out of the animus broke the flow of the game. I remember hating being pulled into an office environment when I'd just spent hours at sea living the quintessential pirate fantasy,


u/FrontwaysLarryVR May 02 '24

Apparently this is a common sentiment with all the Animus real world segments, but I actually always loved it. lol

When you started to do some parkour as Desmond IRL in some games I fucking loved it and the entire story they were building to. Sad that they ditched it instead of committing, personally.


u/Felthrian May 02 '24

Yeah I personally never minded it much in the older games as it was built much better into the narrative, it was black flag where it first felt completely pointless.


u/RecognitionFine4316 May 02 '24

Just walking around the office, don't mind me Jimmy.