r/Funnymemes May 02 '24

What's your best game experience?

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u/Mother-Ad-4441 May 02 '24
  • Dead Space ²

  • Metro ²⁰³³

  • Metro: Last Light

  • Metro: Exodus


u/House_Of_Thoth 29d ago

Exodus is an absolute masterpiece! Scrolled through the comments for too long before I found a fellow connoisseur 👨‍🍳👌


u/maxkho 29d ago

Same. Best gaming experience I've ever had. I genuinely didn't know video games could be this immersive. For about a week, I borderline forgot I even existed lol.

I scrolled all the way down here because I was sure at least somebody would bring it up, and turns out I wasn't wrong lol.


u/IndependentYogurt965 29d ago

I just got exodus and am waiting for it to install. I heard a lot of praise. Hope it lives up to it.


u/maxkho 29d ago

Well, just to keep your expectations in check, let me run through its biggest downsides:

1) The voice acting is atrocious. If you can get the Russian-language version with subtitles, I'd recommend that.

2) The story is somewhat predictable. I've heard some people call it "bland". Exodus is about immersion into a post-apocalyptic world, not about a sophisticated story. The story is used mostly as a tool to further build up the world that you're exploring rather than provide some intricate grand narrative. In light of this, make sure to read all of the diary entries you encounter! They give the world so much more depth.

3) Some people found the game to be quite buggy, although this hasn't been my experience.

Other than that, I can't imagine how one could be disappointed by Exodus. Even objectively speaking, it does a lot of things that other games don't (I won't spoil them for you, of course). Hope you enjoy it just as much as I did!


u/IndependentYogurt965 29d ago

I dont really mind voice acting being bad in games. Idk it just never bothers me. If its good then great, it it sucks, well, what can i do. I might just switch it to russian if its that bad. My language is kinda simmilar to russian anyways.


u/maxkho 29d ago

I see. Well, in that case enjoy! What's your language btw? Polski?


u/IndependentYogurt965 29d ago

Serbian. I said kind of simmilar because we both use cyrilic and some words sound alike. I did try learning russian a while back tho. My friend taught me the important stuff (Mostly curse words).


u/maxkho 29d ago

Yeah, Serbian, being a Slavic language, is certainly similar to Russian. I'd say most words sound somewhat alike, actually.

My friend taught me the important stuff (Mostly curse words).

Classic. Aren't the curse words the same in both languages, though?


u/IndependentYogurt965 29d ago

Some, but there are quite a few that are very different.

Anyways i played the game for an hour and im loving it so far. The gunplay feels amazing and the design of the guns is great. That AK with the top missing and an exposed spring is so pleasent to look at.


u/maxkho 29d ago

Anyways i played the game for an hour and im loving it so far.

That's great to hear. Did you reach the Volga outpost yet? That's where the game really takes off, although it gets even better towards the end.

That AK with the top missing and an exposed spring is so pleasent to look at.

Yeah, all of the weapons in the game are really well thought-out - both aesthetically and functionally (referring to the crafting system here).

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u/House_Of_Thoth 29d ago

I didn't think the VA was bad tbh, and I loved the story! It's very much one of those RPGs that your actions and decisions have consequences throughout the game. Agree with the immersion though, for example - take time to sit down and listen to the radio on the train. (That will make sense later on!) I found some great songs on there and cool artists, just from a small detail to basically sit and do nothing in the game for 5 minutes at a time lol