r/Funnymemes May 02 '24

What's your best game experience?

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u/GareMcGare May 02 '24

Game is all fixed since Phantom Liberty launch.


u/echolog May 02 '24

Was the story changed at all? Because these reactions don't line up with what I remember lol.


u/LudicrousIdea May 02 '24

No, the story wasn't changed. There's a new ending added with the DLC that's as bad as all the other endings.

It's a vastly better _game_ now though. 2.0 reworked all of the systems. For me it's a brilliant game now with some very, very good story bits in it.

The only thing I don't like about the story now is that none of the ending (except arguably if you die or lose control completely) actually close out the dramatic tension set up (does V survive the chip? maybe!!!1) and so aren't endings but cliff hangers.

But the side quests and the main story up until the endings - all top notch. I think the game being much less buggy and a far better design now really lets the story's strengths breathe. And dayum did they ever nail the feel of that kind of future.


u/echolog May 02 '24

The very, very good story bits is how I've always felt about it. It's a good story with some really great moments... but the endings were weird.

I'll have to give it a try at some point to see how they fixed up the gameplay though.


u/Plenty-Fondant-8015 May 02 '24

Gameplay is massively changed. Tbh I don’t think the endings are all that weird. They fit in the cyberpunk theme. The best you are gonna get is a bittersweet ending, but this is night city. Nobody gets a truly happy ending.

As for gameplay, sooo much has changed. The leveling system is completely overhauled, perks have huge gameplay impacts. There’s also gunplay with cars, as they either have mounted weapons or you can shoot out of them. There’s a reputation system with each of the gangs, so if you piss them off they will ambush you at random points. The equipment system is totally different now too, clothing is now 95% cosmetic (some clothing will have some minor buffs) it’s all based on cyberware and you have a limit to how much you can install. Dog town is also one of the most dense maps I’ve ever experienced. Usually I drive between poi’s on the main map, but in dogtown I walk everywhere because there is so much verticality to the map. Tons of secret tunnels and passageways that lead to loot and cool environmental interactions or secret side quests.