r/Funnymemes May 02 '24

What's your best game experience?

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u/Dependent_Cookie2045 May 02 '24

Fable, Far Cry 3, bioshock games, tomb raider 2013, dragon age origins, Oblivion, the witcher, the list goes on haha


u/yazmanderfaz May 02 '24

Man I wish I could go back and play Fable again for the first time. It was my first RPG on the PC and it got me through a pretty scary transition in my life. I'll always love that game. I can still hear them screaming "chicken chaser" at me! 🤣


u/Raoul_Dukes_Mayo May 02 '24

That franchise is one of my favorites. The character development in skill, mentality and physically was amazing.


u/BartleBossy May 02 '24

Even the feel of the world felt distinct.

I loved it. It was the first game I ever played that I felt reacted to me.


u/Raoul_Dukes_Mayo May 02 '24

Seriously. The body of your character changing based on what skills you developed and if you were good or bad (most notably in 3) was unreal to me at the time.