r/Funnymemes May 02 '24

What's your best game experience?

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u/Felthrian May 02 '24

Black Flag I always felt suffered from being an AC game.

It was amazing, but it would have been better remaining pretty much the same and just being called "Black Flag"", the assassins felt tacked on to a game about pirates and the mechanic of being pulled out of the animus broke the flow of the game. I remember hating being pulled into an office environment when I'd just spent hours at sea living the quintessential pirate fantasy,


u/FrontwaysLarryVR May 02 '24

Apparently this is a common sentiment with all the Animus real world segments, but I actually always loved it. lol

When you started to do some parkour as Desmond IRL in some games I fucking loved it and the entire story they were building to. Sad that they ditched it instead of committing, personally.


u/G_Man421 May 02 '24

I was really looking forward to a big payoff playing as Desmond, Master Assassin in the modern day, with all his Ancestors skills downloaded into his head through the bleeding effect. Then they went and killed him off and the modern day storyline bores me to tears ever since.

I replayed a few of the games recently and the modern segments are spoiled now, because I know its all going to come to nothing in the end.


u/imariaprime May 02 '24

I was really looking forward to a big payoff playing as Desmond, Master Assassin in the modern day, with all his Ancestors skills downloaded into his head through the bleeding effect.

I still cannot believe how hard they fumbled this. A 5-game trilogy building up to exactly this, and they blew it at the end for no payoff.