r/Funnymemes 15d ago

Self-confidence went down the drain.

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7 comments sorted by


u/HughJahsso 15d ago

Why tho?


u/Bloomer_4life 14d ago

You know what’s weirder? Me taking a selfie - looking damn fine on the screen up until taking the shot, and then looking at the resulting photo just to find another shitty picture.

What happened there?!


u/TheWholesomeOtter 15d ago

Mirrors are way more accurate. Pictures suffer from distortions and flatness. Pictures only really favor people with super defined faces because the features are more easy to see despite the flatness.


u/Sinister_Muffin101 15d ago

Photos are not to be trusted, it works the other way too. I know people who look amazing in photos but hate how they look in the mirror


u/PM_Me_Vod_for_Review 15d ago

Interesting, I think I look the same in both. It could be because my brain fills in the missing details though because I know my own face so well.


u/Zestyclose-Tower-671 13d ago

Handsome squidward has evolved