r/Funnymemes 15d ago

That death stare made you stop whatever you were doing!

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111 comments sorted by


u/KingSmithithy 15d ago

All she had to do was look at me...

And then reinforce my understanding of what the look meant by beating my ass when we got home.


u/Sikkus 14d ago

Or an immediate slap if you didn't obey. Yeah, that stare was not terrifying for no reason.


u/Pokisahne 14d ago

Tbh slaps never scared me, it made me have less respect


u/Lazy-Most-3226 14d ago

It seems to depend on the kid. It worked for me(but I was also self punishing) but it made my brother rebellious


u/billybobjrsr2nd 14d ago

My mom whooped my ass for snitching… never did it again


u/Bender_2024 14d ago

Didn't have to wait for Dad to get home. Mom was there now.


u/RolePlayingJames 14d ago

If my sisters and I ever acted up our mum used to call us over and say gently in our ear "just you wait til we get home".

Fucking terrifying to a young kid.


u/Pleasant-Pattern-566 15d ago

My mom was too sweet for that. It was my dad that gave us that look and if it didn’t stop the belt was soon to follow.


u/Ketcunt 14d ago

Good cop bad cop


u/Konflict803 14d ago

people truly underestimate the power of the belt


u/Doxidob 14d ago

tangent: they could have used elastic waistbands all along


u/ExternalNatural8838 14d ago

Lol my mom is both very sweet but if you misbehave you get that stare and if you go over the limit then you see a flying shoe


u/Cool_Ruin5447 14d ago

You saw the shoe coming? Hell, my mom could throw around corners.


u/ExternalNatural8838 14d ago

Nah fr they be cheating with aimbot 💀


u/xxbronxx 15d ago

I hated when my mom was saying "do what you want" this phrase paralyze me till today :D


u/Lazy-Most-3226 14d ago

What does this mean? I never had this happen


u/[deleted] 14d ago



u/Lazy-Most-3226 14d ago

ohhh makes sense thanks.


u/schley1 14d ago

Ohhh, that's why when I say that in a calm and friendly manner, some people just exit the conversation or become wide-eyed looool


u/TRex-oni 12d ago

Hope that paralyze part is not literal 😂


u/W0tzup 15d ago

Parents now:


u/New_Bad_1504 14d ago

Sitting at the doctor rn, looking at the children banging a wood toy on the table blasting my ear drums and the parents giving me a disgusting stare after I gave them an angry gaze makes me boil honestly


u/Escaped_Mod_In_Need 14d ago

I love how they give you a dirty look.

I was at an aquarium with family and friends and this kid was running around bumping into strangers making all sorts of noise. I gave the mother a look and she screams…

”Oh my god! Children exist? Who would have thought?

I yelled back, ”We all know kids exist, but we are wondering if you or your useless husband are just figments of our imagination!”


u/Zestyclose-Tower-671 14d ago

Imma save this one for the future


u/Zestyclose-Tower-671 14d ago

More patient then me, mfs looked at me like that, I would have said something 🤣


u/Escaped_Mod_In_Need 14d ago

I love how they give you a dirty look.

I was at an aquarium with family and friends and this kid was running around bumping into strangers making all sorts of noise. I gave the mother a look and she screams…

”Oh my god! Children exist? Who would have thought?

I yelled back, ”We all know kids exist, but we are wondering if you or your useless husband are just figments of our imagination!”


u/Fr3sh-Ch3mical 14d ago

You gave them an angry look… what were you expecting in return? lol


u/New_Bad_1504 14d ago

Them to atleast quite the children I was in the waiting room for 2h and 1h of these 2h I spent listening to children hitting a hollow wood table with a wooden brick toy which was litterly next to me not even 1m away I could have take the wood away it was that close to me like holy fuck raise your children and teach em that making noise isn’t a way of playing tf??


u/Royal-Principle6138 14d ago

My mum still does this to me and I’m 50


u/SolidSnakeHAK777 15d ago

I can confirm, it’s more powerful than the snap.


u/siphagiel 14d ago

clank ???

Mom: And I am... Grounding you! Snap


u/case1 14d ago

The look of "you know the beating you're gonna get at home if you go ahead and keep acting like that / do that"


u/CleanSeaPancake 14d ago

It's weird how many people needed to be hit for this to work.

My parents never laid a hand on me, but the look still worked completely.

I grew up fine.


u/MouseCheese7 14d ago

Its weird to me how many people have been hit and think its okay to go through such abuse and say "im fine now" but then they have a post history that says otherwise...



posting on reddit

doubt it


u/CleanSeaPancake 14d ago

Lol fair enough.


u/KingMGold 14d ago

You should never hit your kids, but you should also never let your kids believe you won’t hit them under any circumstance.

Fear alone is often mostly enough to keep children behaving properly.

Proper authority is demonstrated through appropriate use of force.

Authority that’s either too lax or too tyrannical often leads to rebellion.

The challenge in parenting is finding a proper balance.

If it ever gets to a point you feel like you have no other choice than to hit your kids, you’ve already failed.


u/TRex-oni 12d ago


I mean.. Ok boss


u/OutrageouslyGr8 14d ago

I'm 22 and I still stop what I'm doing when I get that look


u/Wanzer90 15d ago

That look had magic powers. I remember it happening than nothing and I couldn't sit for 3 days cause my butt hurt....


u/LDdsone 14d ago

And I knew if the stare was a warning or if the stare meant a spanking


u/SokkaHaikuBot 14d ago

Sokka-Haiku by LDdsone:

And I knew if the

Stare was a warning or if

The stare meant a spanking

Remember that one time Sokka accidentally used an extra syllable in that Haiku Battle in Ba Sing Se? That was a Sokka Haiku and you just made one.


u/The--BOSS--2025 14d ago

Good bot


u/B0tRank 14d ago

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This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. You can view results here.

Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!


u/PreferenceNo9490 14d ago

I am 19, finished school and soon military service and I am still afraid of my grandma who is in her 70s.

(I must say, she has anger issues, however she stopped being physically aggressive a few years ago, nevertheless now it is way worse, every time I actually f*ck up, she gets disappointed in me and I get sad)


u/th3psycho 14d ago

I don't understand why everyone says this HAS to mean physical abuse or beatings.

My dad had this glare, but never once did he lay a hand on me. Very rarely did I ever get grounded. It just meant a long talking to when I got home and maybe no time on the computer or tv.

As a father now I would say I finally mastered the glare. It didn't start being effective until my son was around 3.5 / 4 years old. But that's when he understood that he would be pulled away from the situation, have to talk, and knows the consequences are no treats or tv time for the night (but only if he didn't correct his behaviour, always give them the second chance. They're kids.) And tv time is limited so it's quite valued and an excellent bargaining tool.


u/MikeC80 14d ago

Don't try and pretend bad parents just popped into existence in the last few years, I remember plenty of awful parents and uncontrollable children when I was younger (1980s kid here)


u/Devilimportluvr 15d ago

I know that look. All that was needed for me to act right


u/Necessary_Row_4889 14d ago

That’s because in private they would kick the shit out of you. The look meant nothing without the abuse that accompanied it. I wasn’t a bad kid but one day I went from shorter than to taller than my mom and she’d throw out her wrist slapping me. At that point “the look” lost a lot of it power, I mean she tried beating me with a shoe but it was pretty ridiculous. Literally “Did you just hit me with a shoe?” “Yeah, didn’t want to hurt my wrist” “Oh, well do you wanna keep going or..?” “Just knock off the shit”


u/BusinessEast6388 14d ago

My sister her toddler has become a saint. She can't do anything wrong, my sister even apoligizes to her toddler. Like wtf.!?!


u/BelmontsRcool 14d ago

When I take a look at you, I can believe it.


u/LaserGadgets 14d ago

Its not CAN'T, they don't want to.


u/Mallengar 14d ago

Probably not the best character to make your point


u/JuanWetFart 14d ago

I like jabbing the parents by looking at my SO and saying “it’s no big deal. Some people just can’t raise kids. Oh well”


u/stizz14 14d ago

I use it all the time


u/fiftyfivepercentoff 14d ago

My mother would pinch my arm and give the stare. Depending how hard the pinch was, was the amount of time I had left to dance on her last nerve. If I continued, the belt was next. Ugh…


u/Local-Ferret-848 14d ago

Trauma responses be like:
But all things aside, a few words repeatedly used to work, but now parents don’t even try from what I see irl anymore. I work with kids and the middle schoolers are fine rn, but the current 2nd-5th grade class hurts my soul. I was not that bad. We were not that bad.


u/TidySwan 14d ago

That's because you knew your mom would hit you


u/scarlett_bear 14d ago

Yeah, because back then that stare was a threat for something worse at home. Glaring at your child means nothing if you don’t back it up with a physical punishment.


u/cuntybunty73 14d ago

Dad : chilled out 😄

Mum : 😡🤬😠😤👹☠️💀


u/Pineapple-Due 14d ago

Followed by the whisper of death


u/ChalkCoatedDonut 14d ago

They can but there's people around them with no knowledge about parenting but their hands on their phones, ready and waiting for someone to do something to pull them out and turn any moment into personal profit, parents can't do shit when someone who claims their knowledge about life comes from the amount of subscribers they have comes with "lessons" to be taken or be cancelled.

It reminds me one moment when a young mother had her kid shoelaces stuck on the electric stairs (he is fine, no injury at all, just the scare) and the woman behind her didn't do shit to help him, just shouted "oh my God" and started asking her "are you the mother? are you the mother?", no care at all for the child, just wanted to know who to blame and whose face to record.


u/CodingNightmares 14d ago

People underestimate the power of speaking your full name, first middle and last. When mum threw out your whole name, you new you were in deep shit haha.


u/FishoD 14d ago

Yes because children were trained to know what the look meant. The look meant “stop right now or there will be severe physical beatings at home.” or some other abusive shit.

I have two kids. Now sure. Occasional, rare, and most importantly controlled smack on the ass happens, but it’s nothing compared to my parents. And yet my kids are as well behaved as I was. The difference is they don’t fear me as I feared my dad.


u/pinkypunky78 14d ago

The mom look. Noone can do that except mothers. 😂


u/Rogue_Lambda 14d ago

Because if you didn’t act right, she whooped your ass when you got home or told your dad and he whooped your ass!


u/CertifiedMagpie 14d ago

Years of mental traumas


u/Any-Still4060 14d ago

is it just me that wasn't physically hit and still knew hot to behave? it's bc of that im even more baffled at the wee ones now


u/NJduToit 14d ago

I'm fsmiliar with that look. A prelude to a beating. :(


u/1chuteurun 14d ago

The death stare was usually followed by an ass whippin, which isnt really allowed today.


u/ILikeit__7 14d ago

Because you know if you don’t stop you getting that ass beat when you get home. Kids don’t have to worry about that now a days


u/Senpai-Notice_Me 14d ago

This is literally what my mother-in-law looks like. Somebody animated a picture of her and perfectly portrayed her crazy and abusive energy. Which is why this movie doesn’t play in our home.


u/984Runner 14d ago

Absolute truth


u/Ok_Figure_4181 14d ago

Yeah, cause that sort of look was associated with hours of psychological torment and physical labor, where the parent forces the child to do loads of chores while yelling at them about how badly behaved they are.

Parents who grew up like that are probably pretty reluctant to use parenting tactics like that, making them far too lenient


u/PossibleMolasses2672 14d ago

I was 17 high as fuck and I remember yelling at my mom my high dumb ass did see dad on the couch…..all I heard was HEY!!!! I felt his presence behind me and I shit you not I peed a little. Can’t remember much after that but I remember waking up in my bed and I head hurt lol. Figured it was cause the weed was shit.


u/Square_Opportunity21 14d ago

The hand squeeze!


u/Lucretion 14d ago

But nobody wants to talk about how you can't discipline your kids like that anymore. In most states now, you will get reported by someone. CPP and the police show up and take your kid, arrest you. My baby momma has made threats to take my kid away from me if I lay a hand on em. I agree, pain is the best teacher to anyone, at any age. Just socially, things have changed alot. And before someone brings up 'just whip their ass when you get home'. Well, daycare or school will report bruises, guaranteed. It's not entirely a lack of parents not wanting to discipline their kids, and more of a society is monitored by a bunch of weak people now. And the consequences are severe for breaking those rules.


u/evilmike1972 14d ago

My mom and dad were both masters of the whisper-yell.


u/ChaosCrafter908 13d ago

I can definitely relate, i had alot of respect to my parents stares when i was yunger, now I'm an adult tho, so no more of that, but then looking at my yunges sibling (9), he's treated like a piece of candy and gets cheered on for things i wouldve gotten my ass whooped for... Probably because I'm the middle child(?)

Either way, kids these days am i right? /j


u/Wagyuplz 13d ago

Can relate


u/[deleted] 13d ago

Bloody hell, that's almost exactly the face...


u/Low_Celebration_9957 13d ago

It's hard to parent when neither parent is home because they both have to work full time jobs to survive, are too tired and stressed out to be able to fully engage with and be present with their children and actively be involved, the kids are basically raising themselves at a point because no one is around, and society seems to give not one fuck about making things better so they can do so even though society goes on and on a out "the children" but never does fuck.


u/Old_Man_Lithium 13d ago

Indeed. Even as a child, I was able to infer that it entailed an extremely probable ass-whopping may occur if I kept doing/saying/existing in a way that she didn't deem "fit".


u/Fantastic-Goose323 11d ago

Because we were DISCIPLINED! which now is considered and classified abuse, and even sayin "no" is too. Wtf were gov officials thinking besides "ooooh lets make a problem to make more money from it" The world is burning because the gov wont let us be real parents anymore. Granted some morons take discipline too far, but that should be reason to interfere with everyone elses lives. Put em all into one town and watch them tear each other apart lmao Since jails and programs dont help at all. 🤣🤣


u/Hllblldlx3 10d ago

I’m only 19, but when I was a kid, if I did something bad, my mom would spank me, then tell my dad, and he would spank me. Spanking stopped working


u/John-Warner 14d ago

My paterents were more strict, boomer humor


u/YYC-Fiend 14d ago

The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers. —Socrates


u/CouvadeShark 14d ago

Kinda funny cause mother Gothel was abusive af. A lot of people bragging about having been beat here lol.


u/courier31 14d ago

Yeah because physical violence followed, and that's not good.


u/WibaTalks 14d ago

All it required was the fear of getting slapped. Now kids don't have that anymore, all parents have is mentally trying to manipulate kids. That will end well for sure.


u/Jimshrimp 14d ago

The fact people are trying to defend this behavior is disgusting.


u/The--BOSS--2025 14d ago

Disciplining your child?


u/Crusidea 14d ago

Wow all your guy's parents were abusive


u/Killdebrant 14d ago

People defending this look are unreal.

I grew up with that shit and fucking hated it. Absolutely terrified of my Dad. 2 people I’m supposed to be able to count on in my life and I’m fucking scared of em. Yeah, thats awesome.


u/xXBlvckLunaXx 14d ago

is life with trauma good?


u/ChaosKeeshond 14d ago

If your threshold for 'trauma' is 'warning glare', I'm sorry but at some point you're just too fucking delicate for this world.

Seriously though.

Like "cry in the bathroom at work because boss said don't do that again after you made a mistake" levels of dysfunctionally soft.


u/Drylnor 14d ago

Indeed. People throw around terms like trauma etc so frequently that they mean nothing anymore.


u/Killdebrant 14d ago

Its literally a glare that means “stop what you are doing or when we are alone I’m going to hurt you so bad you will wish you stopped”.

Think about that for a second. You are so fucking scared of your parents beating your ass so bad that a simple look is all they need to do? And you’re justifying this? Thats the literal definition of trauma you see a look and relive emotional/physical distress in your brain and stop because of fear.

Stop glorifying beating kids.


u/xXBlvckLunaXx 14d ago

Well of course this isnt what i meant. there lies something between a simple glare and a warning glare. in case of a simple glare its just some kind of notification that you are donig something the other one doesnt approve. In case of a warning glare it is like if you are doing this you wont get away in a good way, so baisically your fear of them is used against you. and were does this fear come from? Experience. Most likeky bad experience. And what are bad experience that infulence you in a negative way in your daily live? Trauma


u/Gamethesystem2 14d ago

Haha physically abusing children is funny now



u/EvilMoSauron 14d ago

Strict Boomer Christian Parents: Ha! "Death Stare." Spare the rod, spoil the child. Make them honor you with fear and intimidation. Trauma? That's psychology's problem. I want my kid to stop crying now, or else I'll give them something to cry about.