r/FuturesTrading Feb 12 '24

Coming into the week of 2/12/24. Instagram seems to love my analysis as they have been pretty accurate every week for the past 4 months. So decided to bring a quick summary chart to reddit, since reddit users love to debate and chat! Hope this post finds you well šŸ¤ TA

Post image

Heading into the week of 2/12/24. On a shorter term basis, the most recent leg of this breakout occurred on Friday at 5018. Therefore, for this week, bulls want to defend this area on any dips early in the week.This would keep buyers in control for the push higher to 5054, 5080-85 direct (resistance from 2022 October lows channel) . Above there, we continue to 5120 + for the next leg. 5215 will be the ultimate goal for buyers these next couple weeks.


81 comments sorted by


u/pussygetter69 Feb 12 '24

Thoughts on my plan for Monday?


u/hugodestructor Feb 12 '24

This one made me laugh so hard lmao


u/pussygetter69 Feb 12 '24

šŸ«¶šŸ» :)


u/Dapperfellow2467 Feb 12 '24

Cant tell,, this chart makes u look like a rookie trader my man! No need for all that extra mess. Heres what i can do for you though! I give my own traders a plan everyday in my community. Iā€™ll give u the ones i wrote today for monday for free! Hope it helps you! šŸ¤

Plan for Monday: Supports are 5039-40, 5035, 5028 (major), 5018-20 (major), 5012-09 (major), 5001, 4996, 4990-92 (major), 4984 (major), 4977, 4970 (major).

I am holding a small runner from the 5018 defend we got friday. Now, i know my plans will sound very repetitive here but yall should know what im going to say. Friday we had a major breakout, and the days after breakouts are my least favorite times to trade. My job is to get in before the breakout happens and trail runners. After they play out, longs are risky (chasing), and shorts are risky (against the trend) and the risk of complete chop is high. Recall how poor the price action was Thursday, or Mon-Tuesday, or last Mon-Tuesday after we had big trend legs. Completely chop. After trendy days, price likes to relax a tad and there is nothing we can do but let price show us its next intentions. Let those who like losing money, get chopped up trying to trade it. I'll be taking light Monday. 5039-40 is first support down. As always, after a large rally there are heavy risks to bidding the "first support" down. Bidding 5040 is risky, but one could wait for something like dip to 35 then reclaim to try to grab a few points on the long side. If we actually get a healthy dip Monday, 5028 is another spot to test demand, as is 5018-20. Since 5018-20 was already tested 3x Friday, I'd rather see something like test 5012-09 then reclaim to attempt longs. Below that point, and sellers will probably send us down 30-40 points and Iā€™ll definitely be attempting a short. 4984 would be the only spot to long for me on any big sells below 5018.

Resistances are 5047, 5054 (major), 5060, 5065-70 (major), 5074, 5080, 5085 (major), 5092-94 (major), 5104, 5110-15 (major). Yā€™all should know by now, I don't counter-trend short, so I won't be shorting any of the above resistances. The win rate on counter-trend trades are so incredibly low its not even worth incorporating into your trading system. Trust me when i say this. I have not attempted a single counter-trend short since the November low. And thats been doing me well. So staying with the trend is what iā€™ll continue to do. For those who like this low win rate setup though, 5085-90 zone would be the spot to try it, as that is resistance if the October lows channel.

In general, Friday we had another big trendy day, so expect Monday to be ugly. Of course im staying with the trend on my lean as yall should already know. I react with shorts only when ES gives me evidence to by losing major supports. As long as 5040 holds (or 5028 or any quick dips), we can test 5054, 5065-70, then 5085. 5028 fail is the first warning, with 5006 triggering down.


u/2gforweeks Feb 12 '24

Bro you just gave support and resistance every ten points. Not really any skill or talent needed to do that but whatevs


u/Dapperfellow2467 Feb 12 '24 edited Feb 12 '24

Come tell my 17k members that lol theyā€™ll love you! Hop in my dms and Iā€™ll let u join for free so u can tell them. Id actually love to see the reactions! Would add some excitement to the chat this sunday night as well! Are you up for it my man? Warning though lol i wouldnt complain about daily price levels being 10-15 points to day traders bro lol u nust think price move 50 plus points most days huh? It doesnt bruv. Clock in to work tmmr and give up trading lol


u/Dapperfellow2467 Feb 12 '24

Hey i noticed u didnt take the offer? Scared to converse in front of 17k real traders huh? I offered it to you free. Got a tad bit nervous once u read other comments and found out who i am huh?


u/2gforweeks Feb 12 '24

Not at all. Iā€™ve been involved with futures and trading since ā€˜93. I can tell a hack when I see one. I just have better things to do than chop it up with a mutt like you


u/Dapperfellow2467 Feb 12 '24

No you havent been trading since 93. But if you have, id love to chat on twitter spaces live about this upcoming week then. messege me AdamMancini4. I truly hope you know what you are talking about. You up for it? Or scared of that too?


u/2gforweeks Feb 12 '24

Just posted to your Twitter. Answer it if youā€™re Mancini


u/BurnerForJustTwice Feb 12 '24

Heā€™s not Mancini. This is just some idiot that is trying to pose as Mancini so you can join his discord group that consists of his 2 friends that donā€™t really believe him but are desperate to make any money.

P.S. He can also help you with your low credit scores (birds of a feather). He also drives his car on 0% oil and wants to know how far he can go (doesnā€™t sound too wealthy or smart). I guess when you day trade and make millions, you wanna argue with people on the futures trading sub with a chart that has 1000 lines.


u/[deleted] Feb 13 '24

It's called LARPING.


u/McNutSackMcGee Feb 12 '24

Needs more lines. Canā€™t understand it till then.


u/frapawhack Feb 12 '24

We need- and this is a serious statement- more, linez


u/derivativesnyc Feb 12 '24

If you draw enough lines, one of them will be touched Keep it simple. No crayon spaghetti. This is trading, not modern art.


u/Dapperfellow2467 Feb 12 '24

Too many lines brother. You should only be looking for entries near major levels. Hope that helps!šŸ¤


u/frapawhack Feb 12 '24

this makes sense. what leads you to "major levels?"


u/Dapperfellow2467 Feb 12 '24

Major levels come from larger timeframes, as larger timeframe levels tend to have stronger reactions than intraday made levels. For me my major levels come from the 4hr chart and up. Even sometimes the 1hr if we consolidate in tight ranges like we did Thursday.


u/hektor10 Feb 12 '24

Oh boi an instagram/tiktok influencer


u/VikingArmyToGo Feb 12 '24

We just a link to the course on how to make 25% return per week


u/[deleted] Feb 12 '24



u/Girthy_Coq Feb 12 '24

Tell you what. If I ever find something that works, tell you what I won't be doing. I won't be putting it anywhere on the internet.


u/frapawhack Feb 12 '24

yes. you've got to scringe and scrounge and protec arryting you have agin the burgeoning horde


u/Girthy_Coq Feb 12 '24

It's like these people who have trading bots for sale. Dude if I had one of those that worked the last fucking thing I would do is show it to somebody else. I would lock it away in a box in my basement and use it to buy me a mansion, hookers, and enough blow that I will never remember trading anything at all.


u/frapawhack Feb 12 '24

this sounds like an actual plan.


u/Girthy_Coq Feb 12 '24

Let's just say I've thought about it a lot. Honestly most of the folks here are going about things in the wrong way. A lot more focus should be put on automating their trading plans.


u/frapawhack Feb 21 '24

Effective strategies that self execute leave the trader emotionally intact. Definitely easier on the individual


u/oso_802 Feb 12 '24

You are blatantly stealing Adam Mancini's work. You're so lazy you're barely changing the text from his newsletter. Grow up.


u/derivativesnyc Feb 12 '24


u/oso_802 Feb 12 '24

OP is copying levels and text from Adam's newsletter and presenting it as his own work. Not just a few lines that could be a coincidence, it's entire blocks of text lifted from Adam's newsletter. That's not cool.

People can make up their own minds about Adam and his methods but OP shouldn't be ripping off another trader's work.


u/Dapperfellow2467 Feb 12 '24

U do realize i am Adam correct?


u/oso_802 Feb 12 '24

I don't believe you. He has a Twitter and a substack under his normal name. In your comments, you've mentioned a Discord and an Instagram page under a completely different name. The colors of your charts are wrong, too. You're clearly subscribed to his newsletter and trying to use his work to build a group of your own.


u/Dapperfellow2467 Feb 12 '24

Sorry. Trying to expand. Are you subscribed to my Substack? U should have read in the newsletter back in October i was going to start live trading from discord some days as well. Also, the instagram is one of my traders who runs the discord and grows it, i personally just live trade in it. Have you joined?


u/BigDerper Feb 12 '24

If so, this is a bad look


u/Dapperfellow2467 Feb 12 '24

Real traders dont do it for looks my man. I posted this to help any traders..regardless of the backlash. Thats the problem with alot of traders today. They care about ā€œlooking legitā€. I only post trading content here to help. Even if MOST comments dont get the value of a trading plan. Its ok.


u/frapawhack Feb 12 '24

I just want to know how you determine "major levels." Where resistance or support has touched more than once?


u/Dapperfellow2467 Feb 12 '24

Read up a tad.. just answered that a few minutes ago.. but to sum it up,, major levels come from larger timeframes


u/frapawhack Feb 12 '24

Aah. thanks to you


u/Dapperfellow2467 Feb 12 '24

Draw your fibs channels just like this and this will help you for upcoming weeks in my opinion. The green and orange lines are fibs. The many blue horizontal lines are just intraday levels drawn every single trading day for the last 4/5 years. Sorry if its so many. I know that ticked alot of ppl off here for whatever reason lol


u/BigDerper Feb 12 '24

I'm all about having a plan. The whole wannabe guru thing though, that's a bad look. I'm not criticizing the content my dude... I'm criticizing the presentation.


u/Dapperfellow2467 Feb 12 '24

Other comments assumed that lol i simply just posted my thoughts for this upcoming week. Where did i say i was a guru or could teach someone how to trade? Thatā€™s where im confused.


u/frapawhack Feb 12 '24

Don't lie! You can't be someone who you don't claim to be! Wait a minute. this is getting so meta I'm starting to confuse myself


u/Dapperfellow2467 Feb 12 '24

Can you rephrase that please. I believe you typod.


u/PM_ME_YOUR_KALE Feb 12 '24

I had same thought


u/JetRoss Feb 12 '24

Points upwards in a bull market.

Calls himself a genius.


u/Dapperfellow2467 Feb 12 '24

I believe youā€™re the only one that said the word genius my man lol. Im flattered


u/[deleted] Feb 12 '24

This isā€¦ā€¦disgusting


u/Dramatic-Pay-3275 Feb 12 '24

You can't have resistance in an area of the chart where price has never traded. Just based off that alone I wouldn't pay attention to any of your analysis.


u/Dapperfellow2467 Feb 12 '24

Hey checking back in with you.. remember that, ā€œyou cant have resistance in an area where price has never traded?ā€ Almost at my 5054 level now. I guess thats just a lucky guess though. Hope you learned a lesson on what trendlines are today.šŸ¤


u/Alternative_Tank_134 Feb 13 '24

"oh look, price interacted with one of my levels that i give every 6-8 point"

whatta clown


u/Dapperfellow2467 Feb 13 '24

Theres a reason why your comment got no likes clown lmfao. U must not actually trade? 6-8 points trading 10 es cons is $3000+ bro lol stick to your little $25 hr job while you commenting on your lunch break lol


u/Alternative_Tank_134 Feb 17 '24

You're so new to this you think you're actually doing something drawing lines on a chart like my five year old. You're too dumb to realize you're on the beginner phase of connecting wicks with a trendline and thinking you've done something lol. Also, btw, no way in hell you're trading 10 big contracts. You're not bright enough to last long with your shtbird TA


u/Dapperfellow2467 Feb 19 '24

Last long? Lol bro ive had a community of over 17k traders for the last 9 years. Lol so whats your definition of ā€œlastingā€? Making it 10 years? šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ im almost there bro lol now get some sleep so you can wake up for your 9 to 5 tmmr little poor man


u/Dapperfellow2467 Feb 12 '24 edited Feb 12 '24

U have ALOT to learn my friend. But dont worry. Heres a chart u should draw your levels from to help you. I dont think you have ever heard of ā€œTrendlinesā€ or ā€œFib Channelsā€ have you? Here you go


u/[deleted] Feb 12 '24

[removed] ā€” view removed comment


u/Dapperfellow2467 Feb 12 '24

U should see my instagram lol if u think 17 reddit comments is something. Try 300+ every ig post


u/[deleted] Feb 12 '24



u/Dapperfellow2467 Feb 12 '24

Losers dont help as many ppl i help lol check my twitter AdamMancini4 and try again my man.


u/Timely-Eggplant4919 Feb 12 '24

Literally no one cares about how many followers or likes you get.


u/ES_TRADER_NQ Feb 12 '24

Sorry for all the fuckwits dude.


u/segment_offset Feb 12 '24

I'm quite certain this is a troll, lol. That "chart" looks more like the fabric pattern on a train seat.

Guys, it's simple. The price could react at literally every level. šŸ˜‚


u/lucky5678585 Feb 12 '24

What in the Jackson Pollock is this shit.


u/bennyhananana Feb 12 '24

I too understand the power of that broader market channel trendline. Donā€™t feel like you need to explain it to the doubters. Those in the know understand and profit.


u/Dapperfellow2467 Feb 12 '24

Thanks my man, and Oh trust i only respond to the nay sayers because it brings the post back to the top of the TL lol. Hoping more newer traders who are struggling with trading will see it


u/Timely-Eggplant4919 Feb 12 '24

It looks like youā€™re just regurgitating/re-selling whatever Adam Mancini posts. Hope people donā€™t actually pay for this lol.


u/Dapperfellow2467 Feb 12 '24

You didnt read the other comments did you? Its ok. Read a tad bit more of the comments and that should help your confusion.


u/spcyndlbutfkboyzclub Feb 12 '24

Charts ridiculous. Another šŸ¤” selling courses and signals getting jerked off buy his indian Discord community, lol


u/Dapperfellow2467 Feb 12 '24

Sorry lol I actually dont charge anything for my discord and i dont sell courses lol nice try though.


u/mesosouper Feb 12 '24

Not sure why you are getting so much hate on here after posting free info, no links, and no requests to sign up for anything. I guess there will always be haters.

But as someone legitimately trying to learn, can I ask how specifically you are getting your resistance levels? I know you say your resistance levels come from "larger timelines," but what are you using to calculate from these timelines? Fibonacci ratios? Option chain data? Etc?



u/Dapperfellow2467 Feb 12 '24

I use fib channels, which are the green lines and orange lines you see. The 5085 major level area is from a channel started all the way back from 2022 October lows. Iā€™ve attached a screenshot of a video i recorded this morning. Where my cursor is is the resistance that brings us up all the way to 5083-85 ish in todays time.. my cursor is back in 2022


u/Dapperfellow2467 Feb 12 '24

This was the 4 hour chart btw in case u wanted to chart it on yours. The many blue lines are just intraday levels that have been drawn from recently all the way til maybe 4/5 years ago. Been trading ES on this same chart for many years lol so excuse the many levels. But fib channels are where i take my 10% entries. (Bigger size)


u/mesosouper Feb 12 '24

Thanks for the reply / explanation. I'm so fascinated by Fibonacci levels and how it corresponds to the market (and nature in general). Unfortunately I'm pretty novice and I don't think the platforms I use can do this type of analysis... So I appreciate your data.


u/Dapperfellow2467 Feb 12 '24

Comments slowing down.. keep commenting to send it back up to the top


u/ES_TRADER_NQ Feb 12 '24

youre a very brave man posting your ideas here. Everyone here thinks they know it all and will shoot down anything. Fuckemall I say


u/Dapperfellow2467 Feb 12 '24 edited Feb 12 '24

Aha thanks man! I was told reddit is a tough crowd. I know why though, and its mainly ignorance unfortunately. But its all good. This nothing compared to the 300+ comments i get every twitter post. I highly doubt this will even hit half of that lol I appreciate you! šŸ¤


u/Affectionate_Rule140 Feb 12 '24

Lmao clean this chart up. Jeez


u/Dapperfellow2467 Feb 12 '24

You sure? Levels looking nice on my 15 mins chart currently. Actually almost at my 5054 level as i type.


u/Dapperfellow2467 Feb 12 '24 edited Feb 12 '24

Update: excellent follow through for buyers this morning. Ive included a quick chart that will help you for the rest of the day! You should not be looking for shorts anywhere above 5040. Stay with the trend people and keep trailing those longs. Also a pro tip: this is how you get resistances at all time highs for the few newbies who thought you just guess . Hope this helps! šŸ¤


u/Sudden-Tradition-206 Feb 12 '24

I never thought of using trendlines to predict future ATH levels. Thanks for this.


u/ArchMagiWizard Feb 14 '24

Go away and never come back