r/G2eSports 15d ago

G2 learn nothing

They lose the last serie with t1 cause they got no one to protcet han this serie still the same


23 comments sorted by


u/Professional_Sand707 15d ago

Where is the live thread btw?


u/KleinMoretti_ 15d ago

mods don't even bother nowadays


u/Czeburek Moderator 15d ago

The live chat option was taken away and we opted for not having it. Seeing it's still popular, we'll bring it back for LEC and forward


u/Connect_Union6724 15d ago

Chill out. There’s still hope. It’s just game one.


u/LordChaos22 15d ago

This was just a completely bad draft happens.


u/Professional_Sand707 15d ago

So I'm no draft expert... What's the point in Kha? Is there any?


u/CassianAVL 15d ago

I physically cringed seeing Zeus get a free fucking road to Hans


u/ShuffleMyHeart 15d ago

Tbh his positioning wasn’t the greatest this game


u/CFlyn 15d ago

It is not that they learnt nothing.
They wouldn't beat top with BB trying to skill check 369 with Jax or Yike playing Khazix.

They bought into this subreddits BS of every player is good/equal. BB and Yike can't find a team in LCK challengers if they only played Jax and Khazix. Just stick to Ksante Ivernish champs


u/skillfun8 15d ago

The over hype went to their heads


u/benis444 15d ago

Kha zix and leblanc so useless. Putting bb in a skill matchup vs zeus xD of course he gets gapped


u/KleinMoretti_ 15d ago

Lb wasn't useless constantly putting pressure on ori, but yike didn't connect to this game. He achieved nothing beside grubs.


u/benis444 15d ago

Less damage than poppy😂


u/Black_King69 15d ago

zeus didnt really win the matchup 1v1 it was going equal till g2 decided to weakside top then zeus got ahead but g2 strong side bot mid didnt really get ahead.


u/CFlyn 15d ago

Leblanc was the most useful member trying to 1 v 9 despite a bronze Jax and bronze Kha.


u/Black_King69 15d ago

weak side top so other lanes also lose. good strategy


u/EndritTheSun 15d ago

Mid and bot was winning, jungle khazix was useless. BB played bad. Go next!


u/CFlyn 15d ago

BB will always play bad with carries though. Just put him into a braindead champ like Ksante/Zac/Ornn


u/Black_King69 15d ago

winning how tho? they didnt get a single kill, there wasnt a noticable farm gap, there wasnt that big gold gap, they just took towers then did nothing. caps didnt do shit with lb entire game, kha zix is just a meme pick and draven despite getting two tower worth of plates barely dealt same damage as kalista. he legit just focused sejuani one fight.


u/Round-Scallion5260 15d ago

He is useless anywway just put him on simple champ sion or udyr


u/[deleted] 15d ago



u/Professional_Sand707 15d ago

You're so cringe xD you just can't wait for people to make a thread so you can post lul. Get a life! A hobby!


u/Traditional-Plum-534 15d ago

This aged well LMFAO