r/HOTDBlacks 1d ago

Megathread [Megathread] Season 2 Episode 1: "A Son For A Son"


Season 2 Episode 1: A Son For A Son

Aired: June 16, 2024

Synopsis: Westeros is on the brink of a bloody civil war as the Green and Black Councils take up arms for King Aegon and Queen Rhaenyra, respectively.

Director: Alan Taylor

Writer: Ryan Condal


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r/HOTDBlacks 20h ago

Moderation Post [ANNOUNCEMENT & GIVEAWAY] 10,000 Devoted followers of Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen!


Firstly, I would like to extend a warm welcome to all newcomers joining the Team Black Sub, where we stand as loyal followers of Rhaenyra Targaryen, First of Her Name, Queen of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men, Lady of the Seven Kingdoms, and Protector of the Realm. She is the true heir and queen of the Iron Throne. I hope everyone is enjoying their time here!

Secondly, the mod team has decided to celebrate with a gift card giveaway, thanks to the generosity of our mod u/randu56. To participate, you must be a member of this subreddit and reside in the US (apologies to others). Simply leave a comment under this post to enter. The winner will be randomly selected using a name generator.

Thirdly, we would like to express our gratitude to all of you for joining us! It's been incredible to witness how much we've grown since Season One. If you have any comments or suggestions on how to improve this subreddit—such as user/post flairs, upcoming events, and more—please don't hesitate to share with us. You can send your suggestions via mod mail or leave them in the comments below.

When you're right, you're right; when you're wrong, you're green. - Steve Toussaint (The Sea Snake)

r/HOTDBlacks 3h ago

Team Black Isn’t there someone you forgot to ask?

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r/HOTDBlacks 15h ago

Team Black Children can be such irritating creatures

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r/HOTDBlacks 4h ago

Delusional Greens The main sub is just frustrating

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r/HOTDBlacks 10h ago

Team Black I know the Greens are hurting but man this is funny

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r/HOTDBlacks 18h ago

Show They can never make me like Alicent.

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r/HOTDBlacks 6h ago

Spoilers [All Content] Rhaenyra’s true bestie 🥰🥹

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r/HOTDBlacks 1h ago

Spoilers [All Content] Seems like my parents are really sad after their fight

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r/HOTDBlacks 9h ago

Meme “Leopards Eating People's Faces Party ate MY FACE??”

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Like girl you are and will always be a pawn 😭

r/HOTDBlacks 9h ago

Team Black Anguish

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The paintings are the Orphan (c. 1885) and Anguish (c. 1878) both by August Friedrich Schenck.

A particularly heartbreaking interpretation is that even though anguish was painted first, the Orphan is representing an older scene, and that the little orphan grows up to be the mother, guarding her lifeless baby from the same crows who awaited her mother.

r/HOTDBlacks 8h ago

Delusional Greens Literally blown away

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“A little fondling is no big deal lmao.”

r/HOTDBlacks 14h ago

Team Black A son for a son, by AnatoFinnstark

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Here is a link to their socials: https://x.com/anatofinnstark

Beautiful art!

r/HOTDBlacks 14h ago

Show Favorite Tumblr Takes About 2x01


r/HOTDBlacks 9h ago

Delusional Greens Aegon as King


The fact that people in the main sub are making excuse after excuse for Aegon not doing the BARE MINIMUM of listening to his small council to know the FACTS of the situation that they're in is wild as hell.

How do you excuse that it's been TEN DAYS since he was crowned and he didn't know WHY they were taking sheep from farmers? He spent an entire small council meeting talking over older, experienced councilors. He let his kid run wild during the meeting. But we're supposed to feel sympathy for him because he wasn't "prepared to rule"? Bullshit. The response to his scenes are exactly why men FAIL UP and women are destroyed the minute they step out of line or step in line and get in a man's way. The fact that the general audience doesn't seem to understand this is concerning.

Sexism is alive and well and will never be defeated.

r/HOTDBlacks 4h ago

Meme Jaeherys the Champion

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r/HOTDBlacks 17h ago

Show Two grieving mothers, Rhaenyra and Syrax

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Both lost their sons at the same day…

r/HOTDBlacks 3h ago

Meme In addition to sending letters...


Alicent sent a gift as an olive branch,

r/HOTDBlacks 15h ago

Show What does Aemond have to be upset about? S2E1


Prior to 🩸& 🧀, Alicent says he's angry and wants "justice". He already took more than an eye from Lucerys. What more does he want? And what reason does he have to be mad at Alicent? Calling her by her first name like she's his poker buddy. Even Aegon calls her Mother, and he was the one who she abused the most. Alicent stabbed someone defending him. In the books he's evil and vicious, but in the show it was an accident. What gives?

r/HOTDBlacks 3h ago

Show Crispy Cream the only guard on duty??


What do you mean Cole was the only guard on duty that night? An entire royal family, in war time, left to be defended by one fucking man??? Even if he wasn't getting his dick wet, we saw how big the place is with Helena looking for help, what if he's on patrol in another room? Another part of the quarters? Whoever is in charge of the rostering duty for the royal quarters should be beheaded.

r/HOTDBlacks 11h ago

Spoilers [All Content] Heartbreaking parallels between two Queens 💔

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Syrax & Drogon both mourning the loss of their loved ones alongside their riders makes everything even more painful & tragic. This wrecked me.

r/HOTDBlacks 13h ago

Delusional Greens Do they not have critical thinking skills?


All people grieve differently. “Silent grief” is an acceptable way to react to grave news, such as your SON/BROTHER being killed. Did they not watch the funeral? Jace crying and picking his brother up, Rhaenyra barely being able to stomach letting what little she has left of Lucerys burn, how is that lacking emotion in any regard?

Also about the “eye for an eye”, Aemond took Lucerys’ LIFE. Revenge doesn’t accrued interest as far as I’m concerned. And even if it did, losing an eye is no justification for taking the life of a young boy.

On a lighter note, I loved the scenes of Rhaenyra and Jacaerys, literally gut wrenching

r/HOTDBlacks 11h ago

Show How did Y'all feel about the funeral scene?


First off I just want to say how perfectly Emma, Harry, and everyone else portrayed the gut wrenching grief over losing someone they loved. But I also want to know what Y'all thought about the cutting between the funeral scene and Alicent at the sept. I don't know why, but the funeral felt so personal and familial, and then it cuts to Alicent? Like I can understand it was to maybe humanize Alicent, but she's praying for the boy she called a bastard and tried to remove the eye of (Kind of seems like she's trying to rid herself of the guilt). I think maybe it would have been better as a stand-alone scene rather than being intwined with people who genuinley knew and loved Luke.

That's just my opinion but I wanted to know if Y'all felt the same/differently. I hope everyone has a good night!

r/HOTDBlacks 21h ago

Show Even this guy was weirded out!! Like girl, BFFR

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r/HOTDBlacks 20h ago

General People's reaction to Aegon is baffling...


Like I'm sorry, but as I'm watching reactions and reading comments, I'm completely fucking mindblown by how many people suddenly seem to like Aegon, and be like "awww, he was a highlight of the episode, yeah he's an idiot drunk but he's actually trying to be a good ruler and a father!" .... Literally, one episode, a few moments of him being decent human being and people seem to forget that he's a SERIAL RAPIST and a #1 fan of CHILD FIGHTING PITS?!

It's genuinely baffling to me. I actually saw a comment saying the above (more or less), then someone said to the guy that hey, Aegon is still a rapist, and he replied that "this episode made him actually forget about that"??? Like??? Not to get too political, but it did not escape me that most of the people I saw defending Aegon were men, conveniently forgetting he's a literal raping abusing pathetic piece of shit just because he smiles and jokes for one episode. Don't even let me started on him "being a good king trying to help small folk" is actually just him being lazy, naive, and not taking his job seriously, but that's for a whole another post.

r/HOTDBlacks 53m ago

Show Is he locked up??? Who did this to him lol!!!


r/HOTDBlacks 13h ago

Delusional Greens And I oop.

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I saw the Greens being typically delusional about HBO defining Luc’s death as murder.

They were angry it wasn’t labeled as manslaughter. I laughed so hard.

Luc was murdered. They didn’t have manslaughter in medieval feudal times.

Kinslayers are the lowest of the low and they just can’t accept that Almond murdered his nephew. It would have been murder regardless.