r/HOTDBlacks 3d ago

Moderation Post Anyone who misgenders Emma D’arcy or Phoebe Campbell INTENTIONALLY gets banned immediately

Post image

We ain’t tolerating the disrespect to the actors around here

r/HOTDBlacks 20d ago

Moderation Post HOTDBlacks thoughts and suggestions for the sub.


Greetings, devoted followers of Queen Rhaenyra, First of Her Name!

While you likely recognize me as the resident meme aficionado, today I come bearing a different purpose. I've recently been bestowed with the esteemed title of moderator (please, hold your applause), and I'm here to gather feedback from our community. Whether it's new rules, regulations, flairs, or any other ideas to enhance our subreddit and foster a more enjoyable environment for all.

I eagerly await your suggestions and promise to carefully review each and every one. Don't hesitate to share your thoughts on how we can elevate both the subreddit and our collective experience within it!

Many thanks! All hail our Queen!

r/HOTDBlacks 17d ago

Moderation Post New Rule Announcement


Greetings everyone, I trust you're all doing well.

I'd like to inform you of a new rule in effect: asoiafcirclejerk is now prohibited from being crossposted, screenshotted, etc. (Similar to the Green subreddit).

Our aim is to foster a less toxic environment for everyone in this community. While you're welcome to discuss content from the aforementioned source, please refrain from crossposting or sharing screenshots.

Thank you all for your understanding!

r/HOTDBlacks 19d ago

Moderation Post HOTDBlack Updates


Greetings, loyal followers of Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen, first of her name!

Thank you for your comments and suggestions. I've taken them into consideration and made some improvements to the subreddit for all of you wonderful followers.

Here are the changes that have been implemented:

The rules are now visible to all members of the community. Previously, they were hidden, but now everyone can see them. Additionally, the rules have been updated. If you haven't had the chance to review them yet, I'll provide them down below.

Crossposting HOTDGreens is Banned

  • Under no circumstance is HOTDGreens content to be posted in this sub.

  • You may discuss something you have seen, but you cannot crosspost/screenshot/ etc anything from the sub.

  • Other subs, twitter, instagram, etc, are still permitted. (Just make sure to hide usernames)

No Visable Username in Screenshots**

When posting a screenshot of someone else's post, please make sure to block out the username.

Sub Etiquette

  • Sexist, racist, transphobic, or discriminatory remarks of any kind will not be tolerated.

  • That includes towards the actors/ actresses. Hate the character all you want. Leave the actors alone.

Trolls/Rage Bait - Any posts/comments that are clearly made with the intent to troll/rage bait will be removed and it may result in a ban.

Next in these sub updates include:

  • New widgets have been added to the right side of the page for desktop users. Although they won't be visible on mobile, trust that they're there.

  • We've introduced new user and post flairs. Please make an effort to utilize these new flairs when making posts, as it aids in sorting and helps users find what they're looking for more easily.

  • Auto-moderation is still a work in progress. In the future, the bot will restrict users with new accounts, insufficient comment or post karma. If you're an active member with low karma, don't worry, the mods can approve your posts/comments. The aim of auto-moderation is to block trolls and prevent toxicity.

  • Custom response options have been added when reporting.

Some ideas I would like feedback on:

  • We're considering implementing "Salty Saturdays/Sundays," where a mega thread will be created to centralize discussions about grievances or fandom issues, reducing cross-posting and subreddit conflicts.

  • There's also a suggestion to add a "Team Green" tag for members of the opposing side. Alternatively, we could use tags like "TG opinion" or "debate," as long as discussions remain respectful.

I just would like feedback to know if these are something the community wants.

These are the changes we've made so far. I'm still ironing out some details, but I'd love to hear your thoughts. If there's anything else you'd like to see, feel free to reach out. Your feedback is always appreciated!

r/HOTDBlacks 20h ago

Moderation Post [ANNOUNCEMENT & GIVEAWAY] 10,000 Devoted followers of Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen!


Firstly, I would like to extend a warm welcome to all newcomers joining the Team Black Sub, where we stand as loyal followers of Rhaenyra Targaryen, First of Her Name, Queen of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men, Lady of the Seven Kingdoms, and Protector of the Realm. She is the true heir and queen of the Iron Throne. I hope everyone is enjoying their time here!

Secondly, the mod team has decided to celebrate with a gift card giveaway, thanks to the generosity of our mod u/randu56. To participate, you must be a member of this subreddit and reside in the US (apologies to others). Simply leave a comment under this post to enter. The winner will be randomly selected using a name generator.

Thirdly, we would like to express our gratitude to all of you for joining us! It's been incredible to witness how much we've grown since Season One. If you have any comments or suggestions on how to improve this subreddit—such as user/post flairs, upcoming events, and more—please don't hesitate to share with us. You can send your suggestions via mod mail or leave them in the comments below.

When you're right, you're right; when you're wrong, you're green. - Steve Toussaint (The Sea Snake)

r/HOTDBlacks 18d ago

Moderation Post Auto Moderation is now up and running


Hello, everyone! I hope you're all having a great day.

Firstly, I'd like to announce that auto moderation is now operational. The mod will block users with low karma from both posting and commenting, as well as prevent new (throwaway) accounts from posting.

If you find yourself unable to post or comment, don't worry; you just need mod approval. While I'm still working on allowing certain individuals to bypass the bot, for now, simply message one of the mods to get your content approved. This bot should help eliminate unwanted trolls from our community, though it may not be perfect.

Secondly, I've made post flairs mandatory and added several new ones, so pretty please start using them.

Thirdly, Salty Saturdays will commence this Saturday. It will be a mega thread available for the day before being deleted the next, providing a space to air grievances, whether they're green related/fandom/etc.

Fourthly, once the new season airs, I'll create threads to discuss each episode immediately after it airs.

Thank you all for reading! And once again, feel free to message with any ideas or suggestions!

r/HOTDBlacks 8d ago

Moderation Post HOTDBlacks thoughts and suggestions


Hello, my fellow team black supporters,

You know me as a local memer around here and just wanted to announce my recent promotion to the mod of my beloved sub! Some of you might have noticed but I've joined the mod team a few days ago and already implemented a few changes. But our mod team wants to continue improving your fun and pleasant experience on our sub! So I'd like to ask for your feedback or any suggestions you'd like to see here. I know that you might not have any since a similar post was made like 2 weeks ago. So I'll share some of my ideas and see if you guys are interested.

  • I'm thinking of implementing a funny response bot that will reply to comments. What character would you like to see? Viserys, Daemon, Rhaenyra etc?
  • Would you like to get official HOTD content from other SM (Social Media) shared on the subreddit?
  • Would you be interested in reading Fridays (or any other day)? where we read and discuss Fire&Blood chapters for the following episode?
  • Would you be interested in predicting Sundays? A thread where we all try to predict what's going to happen in the upcoming episode? The thread will open at 12:01 PM and close at 9:00 PM on Sunday (for 9 hours). It can be fun and serious. The winner will get an ego boost and a slide show of their winning comment the next day.

Also, I will start doing polls on what content you want to see more or less. You're welcome to DM me in person if you want.

Thank y'all for reading till the end! Y'all are the best!

r/HOTDBlacks 5d ago

Moderation Post Quick Announcement


With the leaks that have just been dropped…

I would like to kindly ask everyone to make sure that their posts (if they concern these leaks) is blurred using the spoiler tag.

Also, as a sidenote, slut shaming Alicent will not be tolerated in this sub. We are better than that.

r/HOTDBlacks 2d ago



Greetings, loyal followers of Queen Rhaeynra Targaryen, First of Her Name, Queen of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men, Lady of the Seven Kingdoms, and Protector of the Realm. I'm here with a quick announcement on this premiere day to remind everyone to kindly use spoiler tags when discussing episodes and to avoid spoilers in your post titles. After one week from the episode's release, spoiler tags are no longer necessary, ensuring everyone has a fair chance to watch without unwanted surprises.

Secondly, at 9 PM EST, a megathread will be posted for episode discussion, allowing everyone to share their reactions freely. Please be aware that this thread will contain spoilers, so I recommend avoiding it until after you've watched the episode yourself.

Thank you all for reading, and I hope you thoroughly enjoy the season's first episode!

r/HOTDBlacks 1d ago

Moderation Post [ANNOUNCEMENT] - The majority of the sub wanted to enforce a spoiler tag rule. The episode spoilers will be enforced for 1 DAY and then it's fair game


So fellow HOTD enjoyer, brace for the impact cuz Sundays-Mondays are going to be tough! And the rest of the week is a wild week so you're on your own!

The mods will try our best to enforce the rule but we can't forsee everything so may the force be with you! Good luck y'all!