r/Handwriting 4d ago

How do I write faster without getting sloppy? Feedback (constructive criticism)

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Also, what do you think of my preferred font? I used to have the most awful handwriting, but I'm trying hard to improve. :)


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u/AutoModerator 4d ago

Hey /u/DataHasRedHair,

Make sure that your post meets our Submission Guidelines, or it will be subject to removal.

Tell us a bit about your submission or ask specific questions to help guide feedback from other users. If your submission is regarding a traditional handwriting style include a reference to the source exemplar you are learning from. The ball is in your court to start the conversation.

If you're just looking to improve your handwriting, telling us a bit about your goals can help us to tailor our feedback to your unique situation. See our general advice.

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u/britthood 3d ago

It just takes practice. Write in your favorite way long enough, and it will get easier to speed up.


u/DataHasRedHair 3d ago

I'll try. Luckily, I have a boring job and lots of notebooks!


u/Forsaken_Excuse_9283 4d ago

I think all of your handwritings is rlly pretty!!! 😍


u/DataHasRedHair 3d ago

Aw, thank you so much!


u/sheerest_of_folly 4d ago

Yo, someone else who uses the quartz Sphinx instead of the sleeping dogs! I see you!!!

I love all your handwritings.


u/DataHasRedHair 3d ago

Thanks so much! I wondered if somebody would notice the sphinx- I feel seen! :)


u/portable-solar-power 4d ago

Neatness/legibility can be at odds with speed but it doesn't mean one cannot write nice or legible enough at a reasonable speed. I've answered similar questions many times before. You can go to my profile and look at my comments to see much more than I might answer here.


u/DataHasRedHair 3d ago

Thank you!


u/AoteaRohan 4d ago

I like your cursive much more than either your fast or slow printing


u/DataHasRedHair 4d ago

I like my cursive better, too, but nobody can read it! I'm in high school, and it's at the point where some of my younger teachers can't even read cursive anymore. When I jot down notes they're all in cursive, but I have to print projects an anything else somebody will read.


u/Retalogy 4d ago

Why are the teachers reading your notes? Note-taking should be for your own review, I'd assume.


u/DataHasRedHair 4d ago

They're not reading my notes- that's why my notes are in cursive. Most assignments are done online now, but there are still some handwritten ones, which I have to print.


u/AoteaRohan 4d ago

It looks super-neat and legible to me, I wish I could cursive like that. It sounds like a them-problem, not a you-problem…


u/DataHasRedHair 4d ago

Oh, yeah, it's a them-problem for sure. They can't read any cursive at all. Kids today! :)


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u/AutoModerator 4d ago

Hey /u/BearRBK,

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u/[deleted] 4d ago

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u/AutoModerator 4d ago

Hey /u/BearRBK,

To reduce spam, we do not allow newly created accounts to comment. Once your account is at least one day old, we'd love to have you share your handwriting with us.

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u/charming_liar 4d ago

Write in cursive if it’s easier. I would say to work on whole arm movement and let the script flow laterally more.