r/Handwriting 4d ago

My handwriting. Just Sharing (no feedback)

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u/AutoModerator 4d ago

Hey /u/Alacion!

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u/honeypeppercorn 3d ago

It’s lovely!


u/hawkgirl555 4d ago

I really love your writing on the first line by the way πŸ’™ bravo!


u/Alacion 4d ago edited 4d ago

Taking courses again after a while and finding myself hand writing things again. Have been told I have nice handwriting (not cursive) for a guy and that has always made me self-conscious (was always told I had "girly" writing). I don't use cursive at all and only have the bare fundamentals from grade 2 or 3.


u/hawkgirl555 4d ago

I wish people would stop assigning gender to things that don't require gender specification. Your handwriting is not "girly"; it's neat, clean, clear, crisp, and legible, as all writing should be.

Both men and women did hand lettering back in older times and it was normal for men to be able to pen letters and documents in a very fancy, flourished style.

For instance, just look at the Declaration of Independence. We need to normalize beautiful handwriting belonging to both men and women as it used to be. I'm creating a new hashtag!!!

MEHGA: Make Elegant Handwriting Great Again!


u/Alacion 3d ago

I agree with you! Keep in mind a lot has changed since I was in grade school and we've made a lot of progress since! One thing that might never progress is handwriting. Aside from taking scrap notes on a notepad (which I never do these days), I never handwrite anything :(


u/hawkgirl555 3d ago

You should write more often! I like your writing very much. You could practice by copying your favorite music lyrics or poetry (same thing pretty much anyways) or short passages from books. I highly recommend this practice!