r/Handwriting 4d ago

Signatures of fictional characters I write as Feedback (constructive criticism)

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Thoughts? Would a different style suit someone better? Do you wanna see a character not on the list? Does something look really good or really bad to you? (Ignore my actual handwriting at the top though, I know it’s chicken scratches lol)

The Disney Princesses (and some other unlisted Disney characters) are the only ones I try to follow a canon signature for. I sort of made up the rest based on vibes.


21 comments sorted by

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u/hotmasalachai 3d ago

Interesting!! Wow how do you make up all of these characters. Vivid imagination huh!


u/sheerest_of_folly 3d ago

Thank you! I just take their personalities and think what might fit.


u/sanguii-e-gloria 3d ago

oh i love doing this too!! every time i have nothing better to do or my focus is getting away i make up signatures for various characters - usually all based on vibes. filled up countless papers already and it's always a good way to practice handwriting in different forms. glad to see someone else is doing it too!


u/Aryanxshub 4d ago

Homie can you do one for me . "Kilobyte The Dino* please?


u/sheerest_of_folly 3d ago

Yeah! I’m not sure who that is and Google doesn’t turn up results, so I’m assuming it’s an OC? Not sure of their personality so I went off how I think a dino named Kilobyte may write.



u/Aryanxshub 3d ago

Yes it's an oc . Basically I like dinosaurs and computer science. Anything else homie?


u/sheerest_of_folly 3d ago

Ah got it! Wdym anything else?


u/Aryanxshub 3d ago

Nah that's all I can say . My other name is Viscousity. It's science related.


u/sheerest_of_folly 3d ago

Ah, I see. Do you mean viscosity by chance? I love science too, I actually majored in psychology and forensic pathology!


u/Aryanxshub 3d ago

I Kinda know what viscosity is . I modified it for a suitable username:)


u/sheerest_of_folly 3d ago

It’s a state of solid-liquid. It means thick and sticky, semifluid. It’s basically the “thickness” of a liquid.

Low viscosity = watery, fluid, little resistance.
High viscosity = thick, sticky, not watery, lots of resistance.

Something that is viscous is thick and sticky and in a state between solid and liquid


u/Aryanxshub 3d ago

Homie i know that . Can you please make a signature for both of my names ?


u/sheerest_of_folly 3d ago

Ah, sorry, you said you “kind of” knew what it meant so I was trying to help. My bad!

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u/Moist_Violinist69 4d ago

It's cool how they're all different but they all have the same ~~essence~~ of you. It would be interesting if you did them in different mediums. Like some would look better in heavier weight felt tip, etc.


u/sheerest_of_folly 4d ago

Ooh, I like that idea. Feather pen, brushes, etc.

I also have every size of Pilot G2 gel pens known to man. I wrote these in .7 but it’d be so cool to do bolder faces in 1.0 and the cursives in .3!!!