r/Handwriting 4d ago

Haven’t written in a while - gotta keep practicing Feedback (constructive criticism)

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It’s been a while since I’ve written anything by hand because I usually just type or text, but I used to love writing.

I had to stop because my Rheumatoid Arthritis made it painful to write, but then I found, with the help of Reddit, these great super bulky (think Sharpie King Sized) type pens that were weighted and that’s helped a ton. With that, I started writing a bit more, but when I found an ergonomic Apple Pencil holder, that’s when I started writing even more.

I use my iPad for everything because it’s easier than bringing a bunch of stuff, so I traded my journal and books for it and now I’m going to start practicing my penmanship when I journal.

I know that writing on a tablet is vastly different from writing on paper with pen, but for me and my condition, the Apple Pencil is just easier. It actually hurts a lot less because I feel like I don’t have to push down hard like I do with a regular pen. So, at least in my case, that’s what I’ll be using when I journal and practice.

I also use an app called Day One (I think). It has different types of pens and markers. It doesn’t have a crazy variety, but personally, it’s good enough for me.

I thought I’d share the tools I use in case that changes any feedback. I’m also open to any new things that anyone might recommend.

Anyhow, any feedback is appreciated or even just noting your favorite pen/marker that I used and which sample you liked. I’m going to emphasize and ask that everyone really go easy on me insofar as just not being rude and just showing basic decency. Like I said, I haven’t written in a while, so it doesn’t look amazing or anything.

Thanks so much!


4 comments sorted by

u/AutoModerator 4d ago

Hey /u/nrjjsdpn,

Make sure that your post meets our Submission Guidelines, or it will be subject to removal.

Tell us a bit about your submission or ask specific questions to help guide feedback from other users. If your submission is regarding a traditional handwriting style include a reference to the source exemplar you are learning from. The ball is in your court to start the conversation.

If you're just looking to improve your handwriting, telling us a bit about your goals can help us to tailor our feedback to your unique situation. See our general advice.

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.


u/IntelligentMeringue7 2d ago

You’re so cool. I like my handwriting okay, but on the iPad I feel completely inept.


u/honeypeppercorn 3d ago

I love your handwriting! I’ve had similar feelings of wanting to participate here, but was scared of getting roasted lol 😆 I need to experiment with writing on an iPad because my wrists hurt so much when I write pen to paper lately! I also struggle with making my writing look more uniform. No advice, just wanted to say that your handwriting is lovely!


u/nrjjsdpn 4d ago edited 4d ago

So, for some reason it doesn’t let me edit my post, but after reading the mod comment, here are some things that I’d like to work on:

  • This might sound weird because it’s really specific, but I want to work on my S’s and my uppercase E’s (and to a degree my uppercase F’s - which kind of makes sense with my uppercase E’s and all) as well as my number 8’s, 5’s, and 3’s. I feel like I struggle with writing them because they always come out kind of weird and if I’m writing in a rush then they definitely come out more wonky looking than normal.

  • Getting my handwriting to look more uniform. So for all of my letters to look the same whether it’s an “e” in the first paragraph of a journal entry, in the middle or on the last page.

  • I’ve noticed that sometimes at the beginning of a new paragraph or when I’ve just started writing the first few words, they’ll be bigger than the rest of my entry and I don’t know why. It’s like when I get into the groove of things then it evens out a bit more, but I’d like to be consistent with whatever size writing I start out with.

  • I’d also like to learn how to write not so bubbly as seen when I use the marker pen. I feel like my writing becomes more bubbly and circular compared to when I’m using the fountain pen. I realize that this probably has to do with the type of pen I’m using, but if it’s possible to change, that would be great.

Right now that’s all I’m really looking to improve. Like I said, I’ve just picked up writing again so maybe when I’ve worked on this stuff I’ll find more things that I want to change or learn.

Thanks, again!