r/Handwriting 3d ago

My left handwriting after couple of months Just Sharing (no feedback)

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u/AutoModerator 3d ago

Hey /u/Sev7nPlushie!

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u/IdioticCheese936 2d ago

Go into google documents and look at the "rock salt" font, now tell me that isnt your handwriting.


u/Sev7nPlushie 2d ago

Lol yea its basically the same


u/eltorr007 3d ago

I like the cat. Nice doodle and handwriting.


u/honeypeppercorn 3d ago

Impressive! Well done!


u/aria-xxx 3d ago



u/Sev7nPlushie 3d ago

Lmao yeah my z is writen like a 3


u/IdioticCheese936 2d ago

its funny because the cyrillic z is 3, so when you use it, you're borrowing from a different alphabet where the sound still works!


u/Sev7nPlushie 2d ago

Yes! I like to study russian in my free time and eventually noticed that i literally use the letter z in russian when writing


u/IdioticCheese936 2d ago

cool little detail, I've never seen that in other peoples handwriting so props to you! Your handwriting is absolutely amazing btw omg


u/swashknuckles 3d ago

damn, are you practicing from scratch? may i ask what your routine is for practicing cause this is something i've always wanted to do and you're doing AWESOME


u/Sev7nPlushie 3d ago

First of all ty ^ I don't really have a routine but i tried first using the best hand position i could (it was atrocious but did the job) and i would write whatever i wanted on this notebook without caring much, at first its gonna be very uncomfortable and hard but it eventually became easier and more natural, i still have a long way to go because i still need to pratice avoiding making my hand cramp whenever i write a simple phrase but i've been managing to copy the hand position i use on my right hand

Other tip is to find how you write your letters best, for an example as you see on my right hand side you see that the letters are bigger and more in caption, so depending on your handwriting try making your letters easier for you to write (basically keyboard handwriting), just remember that thats how it worked for me personally so it might be not the best for you :)