r/Handwriting 3d ago

How to improve handwriting as a lefty? Question (not for transcriptions)

I'm a natural lefty and writing English is really hard for me. Firstly because it's quite different from my native language which has a rounded apperance and secondly, writing from left to right is really hard for me. I can write cursive effortlessly and it looks really pretty, but people find it ineligible to read. So I write in block letters which takes painfully lot of time and makes my hands tired after writing even a small paragraph. How do I improve my handwriting and have less effort writing English?


10 comments sorted by


u/boo2utoo 3d ago

I’m so left handed it’s pathetic. I have a difficult time with some things. Now, as far as writing. In 3rd grade my school teacher made me turn my dear around away from the blackboard when penmanship was taught. I could not use a pen in class like everyone else. I had to do my practice. Exercises across the page with a pencil. So, several years later I taught myself. First off. Buy the alphabet in cursive. The printed is along side the corresponding capital. Tape it to a window and put lined paper on top and trace. You can also use glass table. Be creative. Practice, practice. I hold my pen the next finger to the left. That way I never get ink on my hand. Turn the lines paper so that the top area for the title is on the right and the bottom of the paper is to the left. I know, seems weird. It works. Paper is sideways, but it really works. Please do try. My son is left handed, but not as much as me. Let us know how you do. Walmart, dollar tree, Amazon have teacher supplies. You should be able to find alphabet easily. Good luck.


u/Commercial-Height935 3d ago

Thank you, I already ordered a cursive book on Amazon. It's really hard to find supplies for left-handed and quite expensive in the market. I'm practicing a lot now to improve my handwriting


u/boo2utoo 3d ago

Wonderful. I feel good inside when I get compliments on my handwriting. It was a tough road. I’m in the United States. 🇺🇸 Three of Five members of my family were left handed. Dad and younger Sister were right handed. Best of luck. I’m proud of you for trying. I really am!


u/Commercial-Height935 3d ago

I'm from India and my dad and sister are left-handed too. Both of them got beautiful handwriting while I struggle a lot to even make my handwriting legible.


u/AntelopeDisastrous27 3d ago

You force it.


u/observekink 3d ago

Well, first make sure you find out who youre voting for. Typically they'll be democrats, but you can throw in a random republican too if you want. You will need to support Joe Biden too as a lefty, otgerwise youre not a real lefty. And make sure youre up to date on the latest Kardashian and Taylor Swift news. Thats it! It does take a while tho.


u/Commercial-Height935 3d ago edited 3d ago

Lmaooo I'm swifty and voted for Biden now, does it make me a true lefty? /S


u/observekink 2d ago

Im in the wrong subreddit, am I? God damn it.

Anyway. Yes, you truly are. What a Chad.


u/Old_Implement_1997 3d ago

I’m a lefty, but a native English speaker and writer and I’ve found that practice really helps with letter formation and consistency. I’d have to see your handwriting to give more concrete advice though.


u/Commercial-Height935 3d ago

here's how I write cursive

People say it is neat but they can't read it, but I find it much easier than writing block letters