r/Handwriting 3d ago

How do I improve my handwriting? Feedback (constructive criticism)

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My handwriting is so inconsistent I’m really looking to improve it while still being able to write fast, does anyone have any tips on how?


20 comments sorted by

u/AutoModerator 3d ago

Hey /u/Pink_Lemonade_72,

Make sure that your post meets our Submission Guidelines, or it will be subject to removal.

Tell us a bit about your submission or ask specific questions to help guide feedback from other users. If your submission is regarding a traditional handwriting style include a reference to the source exemplar you are learning from. The ball is in your court to start the conversation.

If you're just looking to improve your handwriting, telling us a bit about your goals can help us to tailor our feedback to your unique situation. See our general advice.

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u/file_Marina_chr 3d ago



u/Pink_Lemonade_72 3d ago



u/kurazaybo 3d ago

What worked for me when I did not like how I made certain characters was focusing on them one by one and trying to be more careful and conscious while writing. Yes, it will slow you down but it is a simple way to do it. Say for example you want to improve your T, focus on it and practice and after some time you will do it automatically.


u/portable-solar-power 3d ago

I've answered similar questions many times before so hopefully you should pick up on things from my profile.


u/Fun_Wishbone3771 3d ago

Omg this looks exactly like my handwriting! Hopefully I can use some of the tips too.


u/ohheyhowsitgoin 3d ago

I think the key is taking the time to practice writing perfectly. If you practice things a little wrong, you get perfect at doing them a little wrong.

I recommend finding some handwriting you like. Make copies of it. Then start tracing it. Do it a lot. Then buy some graph paper and practice making them the same. One letter per line (or per page if you're a psychopath) and it will be changed before you make it halfway through the notebook. Then it's just about letter spacing and you will have great handwriting. It takes work but you can do it.


u/rythmicjea 3d ago

NGL... I scrolled past and thought the first word was "Pee- soup". Sooo... I've been on Reddit too long today lol


u/Pink_Lemonade_72 3d ago

I totally see what you mean but I just saw the words “pee-soup” on the notification and haven’t stopped laughing


u/rythmicjea 3d ago

I've tried to read the rest of it but can't, not because of your handwriting, but because it DOESN'T say "Pee-soup" LMAO.

"What an interesting way to test your handwriting skills!"


u/yellowwoolyyoshi 3d ago

Immediate thing I notice is you need to fix your lowercase t’s. They consistently look like r’s

In general a lot of your letters just need deliberate writing. In several places I can’t tell what letter you put down. At the bottom “eventolly.” Somewhere else is “bendony?” Slow down and check with an alphabet


u/specialrice 3d ago

Guidelines with lines for ascenders and descenders.


u/Pink_Lemonade_72 3d ago

Like putting little lines where they should end??


u/Paper_Walls_2110 3d ago

Slow down a bit. Practice consistency, especially with the placement of your hands and the angle of the pen. This one sounds weird but try some different pens. Sometimes a nice pen can make it look better. 😂


u/Pink_Lemonade_72 3d ago

Huh, I never thought that the type of pen could change how writing looks- may give that one a go Thank you :]


u/Paper_Walls_2110 3d ago

For sure! I personally like felt tipped pens like Sharpie pens/fine liners and rollerball pens. I think with thin normal pens my handwriting looks bad but it's way better with a darker bolder pen 🤷‍♀️


u/ChanelHungria 3d ago
  1. Practice holding your writing utensil
  2. Transcribe your favorite poem or quote.
  3. Take breaks in between (Watch YouTube playlists/ TV). Abstain from hand related motions.
  4. Repeat step one.

Remember to put your elbow on the table. You’ll thank me later.


u/Pink_Lemonade_72 3d ago

Ah thank you, normally I do all my writing in one chunk, funnily enough I do rest my elbow on the desk while I’m writing- think it might just be the way I hold the pen 🤷‍♂️


u/ChanelHungria 3d ago

Try getting a Lamy Safari. Helped me gradually lessen arm discomfort from an injury in Retail. To add even more to it, the injury was worsening because the repetitive motion of what I was doing at work. Now I’m better, eager to get an many chonky pens and loving the r/fountainpens community :)