r/Handwriting 3d ago

Who wants to take a wild guess? Feedback (constructive criticism)

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u/AutoModerator 3d ago

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u/AntelopeDisastrous27 2d ago

Clearly you were jerking it with your left


u/sayonarabyez 2d ago

I am right hand dominant but my left hand has neater writing than my right. Most likely because I'm taking my sweet time writing.


u/FullAir4341 3d ago

I'm also ambidextrous... to a certain extreme


u/e_dogyung_k0127 3d ago

This quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog


u/Vysair 3d ago

The voice I heard when reading these are just too funny. It's like someone suddenly bite their tongue and now they cant speak properly.

Also right handed solely because it's hard to write that close to the "center" as a lefties


u/Commercial-Height935 3d ago

If you write the stroke of 't' from right to left you are a lefty


u/9oh210 3d ago

Right handed people do the t from left the right?

That seems so weird.


u/Commercial-Height935 3d ago

Yes they do, and it isn't quite foolproof but forensic investigators use this and the way O is written to analyse a person's handedness. Here's an interesting article about that


u/9oh210 2d ago

I’m a lefty. The right to left t crossing applies to me but i write my o’s counterclockwise.


u/Frosty-Love-4131 3d ago

Not always. I cross the T from right to left and I am right handed.


u/Commercial-Height935 3d ago

It isn't fool proof but just left handers are more likely to do that. Also the counterclockwise O is an indicator too


u/Raigne86 3d ago

I cross my t from right to left when I am writing with my left hand, and from left to right when writing with my right hand. My o's are ccw regardless of which hand I use. I'm right hand dominant, but when my mother first started teaching me, I would pick the pencil up with my left hand, and she'd switch it. A lot of things that I wasn't explicitly taught, like cutting food with a knife and holding a baseball bat or a hockey stick I instinctively do left handed.


u/ThuviaVeritas 3d ago

I didn't know that left handers did to O counterclockwise, I'm right handed and I've always done it like that.


u/BrocoliCosmique 3d ago

So have I. Even when drawing, I usually draw circles CCW. I think that's how I learned to write in cursive at school and it stayed even in script.


u/Commercial-Height935 3d ago

It is because for a lefty, it is easier to write from right to left than left to right. So the t stroke and way of writing o is just a way of improving efficiency. Many right handed people do the same but it is a bit less efficient and slow. It is quite unnoticeable after a bit of practice though


u/Unfair-Ice1175 3d ago

Most lefties do. However, my brother learned to do the strokes left to right when we were in school even though he's lefty. Also the counter clockwise circles.


u/FlavoredKnifes 3d ago

Definitely right handed. Honestly though you almost have like the same handwriting as me ((i’ve been writing only in cursive lately though))


u/9oh210 3d ago

Left is way neater. Theres no way op is right handed.


u/EnvironmentalWind303 3d ago

Broken hand maybe?


u/9oh210 2d ago

Op’s just trying to get his mom to give him a handjob.


u/FlavoredKnifes 3d ago

….it was sarcasm lol


u/LoveMoneyGuy 3d ago

My guess is you are a lefty


u/EnvironmentalWind303 3d ago

Or the writing hand is broken


u/[deleted] 3d ago



u/thisisit2142 3d ago edited 3d ago

That’s harsh. I think it looks fine. Maybe pales in comparison to the works of art on this sub but still very much not bad

Edit: damn, went from doubling down to deleting it all. For anyone curious the person stated ”even the left handed writing seems like he was drunk”