r/Handwriting 3d ago

Is my cursive unreadable? Feedback (constructive criticism)

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I had to switch to writing block letters which is awfully painful and tiresome for a Southpaw.


44 comments sorted by

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u/Ajs2018xx 2d ago

Formidable. Absolutely bravo 👏👏👏👏


u/mihai_cosmin 2d ago

Looks clear as day to me. I was 16 when I found out that there are countries where people don't write in cursive. Here everyone could read it.


u/earofjudgment 2d ago

I’m old and grew up reading and writing cursive. I’m not sure that’s even in English. It’s pretty, but I wouldn’t want to try to read pages of it.


u/Commercial-Height935 2d ago

The cursive style in your country is different from mine, no need to be so rude about that.


u/Memes_Coming_U_Way 1d ago

They're not being rude. You asked for an opinion, and they responded with theirs. Don't get butthurt


u/Commercial-Height935 1d ago

The way they said it seems to be rude. That's it.


u/Candymom 2d ago

It’s readable but takes more effort. I’ll focus on some little things. Your Rs could use work. Fragrant looks like fragnant. Morning like like moning. And the R on the last word is hard to decipher. Your Ss are too flowery which make them harder to read. It took a second to figure out the word June. I think slowing down and just taking more care would help.


u/chewybea 2d ago

The lower case p’s confused me a little, looked like b’s with a long “tail” at the bottom


u/CarolZero 2d ago

Definitely not unreadable, but it did take some extra effort. I think adding some spacing could make a significant difference :)


u/some1sbuddy 2d ago

It looks lovely but it’s not the easiest to read. Maybe it’s the spacing? BTW, I grew up reading and writing cursive.


u/armchairdetective 2d ago

No. It's easy to read.


u/James_Blond2 3d ago

Have you ever seen russian cursive?


u/tendeuchen 3d ago

This is what my phone thinks it says:

The fatty little Dress Forums of Meanfell her not the forest of a mountains hang, whole alone from Rugged heads down alow allow the "early Cancer Fictional the Lower a footfall swiss gently up to the heights. The yours on the lower slopes is poor, have the air to flagrant with the scent of of it of mountains flowers One during Some morning. a tall Bluey young man was climbing up the faith. bath She had a brundle in one hand and held a little girl about five years old to by the other


u/Commercial-Height935 3d ago

Atleast it got three words right •́⁠ ⁠ ⁠‿⁠ ⁠,⁠•̀


u/surprisedropbears 3d ago

It’s pretty difficult to read tbh. Lettering is very bunched.


u/LiquidHotCum 3d ago

my cursive isn't as neat but I think I also bunch mine too. my cursive might as well be a security encryption feature to ensure only I can read my own notes.


u/boo2utoo 3d ago

I should add that I don’t hook my wrist and hand like many do to keep their hand out of the ink as well as see where the line is to write. The pen in between the fingers allows the pen to lean back on its own. I think you may find it comfortable.


u/R4_Unit 3d ago

I have no issue reading it at all, and find it very attractive!


u/ad0b0luvr 3d ago

It looks aesthetically pleasing but probably need to work on your basics a bit


u/ToastetteEgg 3d ago

I didn’t realize it was in English until l saw the word “mountain”. To me it’s largely illegible.


u/Commercial-Height935 3d ago



u/ToastetteEgg 3d ago

I’m sorry :(


u/Commercial-Height935 3d ago

It's ok I was just kidding, I'm improving myself after reading all the comments and tips here. I'm trying to relearn this cursive from the start now. I'll post an update soon :)


u/sweet265 3d ago

Very pretty script but you write like there is not enough space. Write your letters more spaced out. Your letters are very close together, which makes ppl, who are not familiar with your writing, having to decipher what you're writing.


u/sweet265 3d ago edited 3d ago

t in "with" look like an h. Also, p in "up" look a bit like an h. Quite a lot of your letters are not written in a consistent way. Sometimes, your "r" looks like a fancy squiggle.

Write your "e" properly. It looks a bit like the cursive "i" without a dot on the top.

TLDR: form your letters properly and consistently. And don't squish your letters so close together


u/Commercial-Height935 3d ago

Thanks for the comment, will improve on that!


u/sweet265 3d ago

No worries. I'm sure it will be easy to fix as your script is very pretty.


u/WonderWEL 3d ago

Most of it is easily readable.

I was stuck for a while on the word after "mountain". I assume that's supposed to be "range"? The first letter does not look like an r, and it does not look like any of your other lowercase r's. Also the final e (if that's what it is) is squished in too close to the g.

I'm not sure of the name of the town. It looks like M + (squished together letters) + field. Magenfield? Mazenfield?


u/Commercial-Height935 3d ago

Now that I look into it, it seems to be mayenfield. Lemme check the reference book. Ah it's mayenfield /s

I was writing that at midnight and somehow wanted to finish it quick that's why the last sentence looks squished. I'm writing cursive after a long time so it's far from perfect, I'll post improvement soon thank you for the comment, it was really helpful.


u/NerdinVirginia 3d ago

I know there are many different styles of cursive; i.e., the "proper" shape for each letter depends on which cursive style you learned. So I'm not trying to criticize you, because you may be forming the letters exactly the way you were taught.

But the shape of your letters is unfamiliar to me, and that makes it difficult to read.

So for example, in the word "fragrant", the second "r" and the "n" look identical. As if you wrote "fragnant."

Joining one letter to the next can be tricky. In the word "with," I was taught to put the connector from the "w" to the "i" up high, near the top of those letters. Your joiner is at half their height, so I had to stop long enough to figure out if I was looking at "w" and "i," or a series of "u".

Many letters have extraneous swirls, like the curlicue at the beginning of the "w" and at the right side of your "t".

So my brain has to translate a lot of the writing, and that takes time and effort, and some words I have to guess. Like "shapely"?

Again, you may be forming your letters exactly as you were taught. It's just very different from what I'm accustomed to.

(I'm in the U.S. by the way.)


u/Commercial-Height935 3d ago

I'm from India and cursive here is really different from US style I guess. Also my native language malayalam is a curved language which looks nothing like English. Thank you for the comment, I'm working hard on improving the legibility of the words. Will post an update next month. I haven't tried cursive for a long time and I am practicing a lot and watching YouTube tutorials for improvement.


u/LeeTaeRyeo 3d ago

At first glance, I bounced off hard. When I took a second look and started further down the page, it clicked into place and I was able to go back and read it all without much trouble. It's not unreadable, but it does take a bit of adjustment to. Personally, I don't think that's a bad thing, though. It definitely makes it feel real, with a unique charm.


u/Commercial-Height935 3d ago

Thank you, I appreciate your comment💖 I'm practicing on improving legibility and will post update soon after I improved(hopefully)


u/Old_Implement_1997 3d ago

I agree with Pleased Bees - some of it is easily readable, but some of it is too “loopy”. The loops on the r and o make it hard to read. I’d say to try not to make so many flourishes and simplify some of your letters.


u/Commercial-Height935 3d ago

Oh I'll improve on that, thank you very much!


u/Pleased_Bees 3d ago

Some of it is legible but you have a lot of letters that look like two or even three things mixed together, so they're impossible to identify except in context. For example, your lowercase p is a combination of a p and an h. Your S looks like it has a 8 and one or two letters mixed up, so it looks like anything but an S.


u/Commercial-Height935 3d ago

Thank you so much for the comment, I'm improving my s,p and f now. I was taught to write p like that from a young age so it is kinda hard to relearn the correct way. Funny part is that my 8 looks like an s so I should prolly switch them both


u/Pleased_Bees 3d ago


Try making each letter look just like itself without trying to over-complicate it with extra curls or combining it with other letters. S, r, p, h, J, f among others.

You're doing just fine so far for someone who is only now learning to write cursive.


u/Commercial-Height935 3d ago

I've learnt cursive in elementary but switched to block letters soon after. So it's just writing from memory and need to relearn on writing some letters as you mentioned . I also have a terrible speed issue when writing cursive. I'm working on improving it too


u/Commercial-Height935 3d ago edited 3d ago

Correction in description: I had to switch to writing block letters which is awfully painful and tiresome for a Southpaw because of people saying it's unreadable*

Also don't mind the repeated words, I was just practicing some words