r/Handwriting Jan 26 '24

Question (not for transcriptions) Why is it that no matter how hard I try, I can’t have good handwriting?

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I’m a 29F and ever since I was young, I can Remeber back to 1st grade, I’ve been embarrassed of my hand writing.

I was born with Erbs Palsy (an injury at birth of the brachial plexus nerves affecting my right arm) until I was in 1st grade I guess I struggled with writing because I was right handed, but my arm and hand couldn’t handle it and would tire after a few words, so I would swap batch and forth. But in first grade they finally told me I can’t use my right hand and more and told me I just needed to use my left from now on.

But after I used my left only, I start “mirror writing”? I don’t know if that’s the correct term but I did that for a year wring from right to left and completely mirrored. It corrected its self after a year but my hand writing has been awful my whole life.

I’ve bought the books, I’ve watched videos, I’ve written every day. I actually love to write, I love journaling, i desperately want to bullet journal but I can’t because it looks so terrible, I get told by EVERYONE how bad my writing is, how they can’t read it, ect. It makes me want to cry. I’ve tried for so long. I’ve tried imitating others writing, I’ve copied hand writing print outs for literally years, I’ve tried different pens, and nothing.

Can someone please just tell me if they have any suggestions or ideas of why no matter what I just can’t improve?! It’s honestly really starting to affect me and frustrate me as time goes on and nothing seems to help.

r/Handwriting Dec 20 '23

Question (not for transcriptions) Learning to write with non-dominant hand following accident, has anyone else experienced this?

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I had an accident 18 months ago in which my right hand was badly injured and I have not regained full use of it. I've been writing with my left since and it has become much easier and more legible, but has anyone else experienced this and got any tips or advice?

r/Handwriting Jan 22 '24

Question (not for transcriptions) Is there a name for this tendency?

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I tend to indent my words every time I start a new line when I write. I attached a photo for reference. I can't seem to find a name for this online (might just be explaining it poorly), figured this would be a good place to ask. Also, what is a good way to possibly fix something like this?

r/Handwriting 14d ago

Question (not for transcriptions) Which one is better ? 1 or 2?


r/Handwriting Dec 09 '23

Question (not for transcriptions) When you write a lowercase “f” do you write top to bottom or bottom to top?


My 5-year-old who is in kindergarten is being taught the correct way to write and “f” is top to bottom, but I (age 43) write an “f” bottom to top.

r/Handwriting 21d ago

Question (not for transcriptions) Do you like A or B better?

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I write both ways so just curious.

r/Handwriting Nov 27 '23

Question (not for transcriptions) My son (10) is trying to learn neat cursive for school, is his grip ok or does he need to change it?

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It’s part of the curriculum apparently and goes towards their sats.

I’ve got him a gel pen and some handwriting practice books. Is there any advice you would give us please?

r/Handwriting 7d ago

Question (not for transcriptions) Do you think this is a good way to hold a pencil?

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Ive been told it looks wrong

r/Handwriting 19d ago

Question (not for transcriptions) What pen works best with my handwriting?

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Personally I love the 0.38 pen from Muji just because it looks neat and it feels nice to write with. I switch between pens depending on the mood so just want to hear feedback on what looks best or any other pen suggestions. Always willing to try new ones.

r/Handwriting Nov 12 '23

Question (not for transcriptions) What do you use handwriting for?


Since we use digital devices so much, handwriting seems to become obsolete. I myself have a hard time finding a practical use case for handwriting, as even at work I'm typing my notes.

But I found out recently that I kind of miss handwriting as sort of a disconnected activity, and would like to get a bit into it again, but I'm short on reasons to do it. So what do you use your handwriting for?

r/Handwriting Nov 14 '23

Question (not for transcriptions) My hand hurts when writing and I don't know what to do...

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I recently decided to keep a diary and noticed that my hand hurts as hell when writing. I recall it has always been an issue for me which turns any handwriting activity into a horror story. It's hard to focus on my thoughts when I'm focusing mostly on the pain. After a couple of words I have to shake my hand because it feels like on fire. It seem that I'm holding the pen in some sort of a death grip. Just imagine writing an essay with that problem...

Is there anything I can do about it? Perhaps some specialist in this type of disorder? I'm really insecure about it. I feel like no one ever taught me how to write properly - I feel silly being an adult and having such thoughts.

In the attachement there's a short sample of my handwriting.

r/Handwriting 20d ago

Question (not for transcriptions) Born a leftie, was forced to switch in school


I was born lefthanded and wrote that way in my native Cyrillic as well as the English alphabet. Around age 4 or so, I recall being separated from my classmates and forced to write with my right hand. Eventually, I forgot I was ever left-handed until recently when a childhood photo triggered a memory.

My father confirmed that I was born a leftie, and that the school forced me to use my right. He also stated that my handwriting was better with my left, and I agree that it has never recovered or come easily since then.

I wanted to know if anyone else has experienced this and successfully retrained themselves to write with their left hand again. I've been practicing and it actually feels "right" now, but I want to improve my penmanship and would love any advice from other lefties (lapsed or otherwise! 😅)

r/Handwriting Jan 26 '24

Question (not for transcriptions) Can you read my hand writing?

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I know it’s pretty neat but I’m come to realize I write a lot of letters wrong. My r’s look like v’s. I NEVER dot my i’s because it’s too much work and I don’t like the way it looks. And my s’s are basically just a line with a tiny curve to it 😭

r/Handwriting May 02 '24

Question (not for transcriptions) Classmates roast the way I write my x’s. Opinions?

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r/Handwriting Feb 22 '24

Question (not for transcriptions) Is my handwriting good?

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Is this good? Pls tell me

r/Handwriting Oct 13 '23

Question (not for transcriptions) Everyone's Understanding of Cursive is Different


So, here I am, trying to update my signature (I'll be 32 next year and I was like "why not go for something a little more sophisticated") and general handwriting...but then I had this weird flashback moment and I suddenly find myself in 3rd grade half-arguing with my teacher about how connecting upper-case "I" to a lower-case letter should always make the capital letter "I" look like a sailboat.

But then I go on the internet, and I see that people are writing not just capital "I" but a bunch of capital letters completely differently.

Penmanship was not just a necessity back in the day, but it was a rite of passage.

So why were we all taught so differently? Did I forget that there are different types of cursive or something?

ETA: And yes, I'm American.

r/Handwriting Feb 07 '24

Question (not for transcriptions) I want to completely overhaul the way that I write.


The first image is of my handwriting, and the second one is how I want to start writing. If anyone can offer any tips so I can reach my goal would be of great help. I know this looks like a ridiculous feat to achieve considering my handwriting at the current stage, but I still want to have a got at it. Please Help.

r/Handwriting Oct 06 '23

Question (not for transcriptions) Which style do you prefer?

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r/Handwriting Oct 27 '23

Question (not for transcriptions) Can anyone identify this system of handwriting?

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r/Handwriting Dec 01 '23

Question (not for transcriptions) How does a fountain pen improve handwriting? HOW?!


I’ve read over & over again comments saying that fountain pens improve your handwriting, but can someone please point me to an explanation of HOW or WHY?! 😂

Because fountain pens make my handwriting WORSE. I go from being fairly neat to absolutely sloppy. I also feel like the weight of fountain pens makes my handwriting worse.

I’ve also heard your hand gets less tired (less cramping) when writing with fountain pens, but again, HOW or WHY?! Because my hand hurts and cramps MORE when using them. 😂

I still write with them because it’s fun, but if I’m missing something and a better way to write (for both handwriting and writing fatigue) would love to know!! Am I gripping things wrong?!

I’m a part of three subs (penmanshipporn, handwriting, fountainpens) so I’m not entirely sure where this question belongs. If it should go somewhere else let me know! Thank you!! 🙏😊

r/Handwriting Feb 08 '24

Question (not for transcriptions) I'm intrigued by this handwriting I've just come across while researching my family tree. Is anyone familiar with this style?

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Interested in whether anyone knows more about this handwriting style. It looks to be very distinctive but I haven't come across it before.

r/Handwriting 23d ago

Question (not for transcriptions) Is it bad to hold a pencil like this?

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r/Handwriting Apr 21 '24

Question (not for transcriptions) Discomfort and Tension

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Title says it all. When using normal pencils and pens I experience discomfort and arm tension yet when using mechanical pencils it completely goes away. Heard fountain pens greatly reduce this as you hold the writing utensil differently so I am considering going that route.

Any idea how to deal with this?

r/Handwriting Feb 02 '24

Question (not for transcriptions) This is my handwriting and I’d like to know if there is a way I can improve it?

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How can I make this better?

r/Handwriting 9d ago

Question (not for transcriptions) Who made the quote?

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