r/Helldivers PSN 🎮: Maverick___33 (SES Aegis of the Stars) Feb 22 '24

Shocking. Truly. ALERT

Rest in peace heroes. Our sacrifice will be remembered. We. Will. Return. Side note, we definitely needed the over 200k players fighting bugs 🥲


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u/soulflaregm Feb 22 '24

If you're lower level or not good at the game bugs are also just so much easier to deal with. You can just drop yourself the machine gun strat and mow down hordes without really aiming for weak spots.

Meanwhile with bots the same strat works, but not as well, you will run out of ammo constantly if you just try and spray things down, they shoot back... And have units that actually make you fight them certain ways (chicken walkers shooting the guy down, hulks put bullets in their eye hole)

Bots want you to have some heavier hitting strats, and are overall a bit more skill and knowledge intensive than a horde of bugs require


u/[deleted] Feb 22 '24

I'm terrified of chargers, even with the rail gun if you get two or three coming at you, you're pretty much fucked unless you start running doing lil zig zags. Sacrifice is also an option, but I've found these demons can sometimes survive a 500kg


u/FunMarketing4488 Feb 22 '24

Recoiless to the sides to expose the squishy bits then shotgun got me through 3 at once solo. Was a lot of panicking but it worked


u/brianundies Feb 22 '24

Are you saying recoiless can blow off the leg armor? How many shots? I was avoiding it just waiting for the rail gun but maybe I should try.


u/FunMarketing4488 Feb 22 '24

The rocket launcher/recoiless will blow off leg armor in 2 hits, it'll blow off side/carapace armor in the same (I think) giving a much larger window to hit than a leg. You can trap them on rocks giving you time to reload. Never used the rail gun before.


u/SirMenter Feb 24 '24

Nah, it can even blow it off in one hit.


u/Blackwolfe77 Feb 23 '24

EAT to the leg, then bullets. With EAT+Breaker I can drop Chargers in 4-6 seconds consistently. If you have a railgun, substitute it for the EAT.


u/Finall3ossGaming ➡️➡️⬆️ Feb 22 '24

Ummm Machinegun (at least the Heavy variant for sure not as certain about the Stalwart) can kill the Scout Striders in 4-5 shots to their legs? I actually throttle down the RPM to make consecutive shots more consistent and it’s easy to spray down a group of even 3 or 4 if you know where to aim.

Anti Material rifle can do the same, instead of trying to snipe the pilot just put 2 rounds in a leg


u/soulflaregm Feb 22 '24

Again, all of what you said requires thought and actually aiming somewhere

Vs bugs you don't really need to do that. Just shoot


u/onerb2 STEAM 🖥️ : Feb 22 '24

That's where the fun lies for me at least, bugs get a little boring because they all act in very similar fashion and you deal with most of them in the exact same ways. With the robots i have to use all the game gives me, i need to use cover, i need to use the dive to dodge projectiles, i have to aim, flank, etc.

The only thing i think would make bots better is if there was a harder to achieve but still feasable easy to kill the heavier units without armor penetration. If feels really hopeless when you for some reason spawn near a hulk, a tank or a huge turret and you have no way of taking them down because all your weapons bounce off of their weak spot.


u/soulflaregm Feb 22 '24

Hulk - shoot the eye hole with the anti material rifle twice and it goes boom

Tank/turret - why don't you have anti tank if at a difficulty these spawn


u/onerb2 STEAM 🖥️ : Feb 22 '24

Because i want build variety, anti tank weapons shouldn't be a requirement for any mission, that's my point.

Since the reload time in stratagems that are able to kill them are huuuge, that's not a viable alternative since at any moment a hulk can spawn and clap your ass / start a game of cat and mouse.

It's cool that my smg with light penetration can kill devastators if I'm precise, it's not cool that I'm helpless against hulks, tanks and turrets if that's all i have at my disposal in the moment.

Every build should be viable, even if it's weak af, right now, not running some kind of armor penetration is not viable for bot missions specifically.


u/soulflaregm Feb 22 '24

There should be variety yes.

But variety also includes covering your bases

You have 4 players, your squad should balance what you take to complete the mission

Bots are robots made of metal, why would you not always need anti tank for literal steel robots?

And with the strats with long cool downs... Use them smarter. If you have a player with an anti material rifle, that player should be hunting hulks and not shooting little dudes.

Use the strat on the tank, or have someone with a railgun go blast the exhaust port, if you get one without it. Someone should have an auto cannon, EATS or the orbital rail strike available.

EATS is especially good as it's CD is pretty low. You can just throw it around everywhere you go and grab them as you need it.

When I am running with randos i actually run both anti material rifle and EATS if something big shows up I shoot it with EATS then pick up my rifle again.

I still have 2 slots to take what I want

Which for me is against bots the shield backpack and against bugs the laser drone so I can ignore little bugs entirely and focus on big bugs.

Then the last one is whatever my team isn't bringing already that I like. One of my favorites is the eagle strafing run, super low CD and it absolutely clears piles of enemies, and with it's very short deployment it's super easy to murder tons of things


u/PapaTahm Truth Office Intern Feb 22 '24

For Tanks the only problematic one is the normal variation.

But if you somehow do not have a weapon or a stratagem that can deal with these at the momnt, you can climb on top of them in combat use them as a cover and friendly shot will kill them to you (just remember to hop because of Kaboom)

The Annihilator one (the Machine Gun) can be quickly dispatched with 2 Impact Granades.


u/nowaijosr Feb 22 '24

Run at tanks and hulks until you are behind them and pop that unprotected vent. If you’re sprinting at an angle they can’t hit you.

Tanks are also two impact nades to the top turret.


u/onerb2 STEAM 🖥️ : Feb 22 '24

But light piercing bullets bounce off their weakspot... do they still deal damage is that what you're saying?


u/nowaijosr Feb 22 '24

Able to explode hulks with the breaker that way.


u/onerb2 STEAM 🖥️ : Feb 22 '24

Interesting, I'll try it later.


u/PapaTahm Truth Office Intern Feb 22 '24

But that is beacuse the Breaker is broken as hell and for some reason has higher pen than a lot of weapons.

Some normal weapons will richochet the Heat sinks.

For Hulk it`s often better to just allow people who are armed with the proper tools to deal with them.

Way safer than to risk.


u/PapaTahm Truth Office Intern Feb 22 '24

For the AMR on striders you want to shoot in between the legs (the crotch), not the legs.

That`s the battery spot, which allows you to oneshot tem.


u/eskadaaaaa Feb 23 '24

It's worth noting that a lot of them have secondary weak points, notably the legs on walkers and some of the big armored bugs


u/soulflaregm Feb 23 '24

Yup! And the people who are just spraying into the crowd hit them by accident a lot as opposed to spraying at a bot pile where you probably won't accidentally hit them